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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering14 12:20:13 55.74 89.71 4201
  Run16 9:32:01 43.56 70.11 2135
  Bike4 5:13:05 6.34 10.21 233
  core9 4:22:00
  Total26 31:27:19 105.65 170.03 6569
averages - sleep:14

» now

Saturday Jun 30, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (hanny run) 15:00 [3]

Orienteering (sprint training) 14:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

Friday Jun 29, 2007 #

Run long 40:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

easy run with Simon and Morten from Heather's place to the war memorial and back. Morten struggling with testicular problems.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 20:00 [3] +250m
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

felt it was too wet to be bothered to pay $7 and go out and run a moderate course on red hill, so decided to wait until the weather was a bit more hospitable and have a run on black mountain

Orienteering intervals (black mountain) 22:17 [3] *** 4.39 km (5:05 / km) +136m 4:24 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Run 12:35 [3] 2.74 km (4:36 / km) +68m 4:05 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

back along the lake

Run warm up/down 10:00 [2]

Tuesday Jun 26, 2007 #

Orienteering (ANU) 17:13 [3] **** 3.87 km (4:27 / km) +128m 3:49 / km
ahr:158 max:184 shoes: Brooks Mach 7

returned to canberra

brought some new shoes off that charming salesboy at the runner's shop.

Really slow run around a course to try them out.

made up for it and did the last 700m in under 2:00

about -10 degrees out there I think

core (core) 35:00 [3]

Sunday Jun 24, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Blodslitet) 2:28:11 [2] **** 19.85 km (7:28 / km) +1175m 5:46 / km
ahr:148 max:184 shoes: VJ twisters

long and steep.
Daylesford = cold

Jim obviously realised his initial pre-race excuse was not going to cut it.

only one bandit this year.

walked most of the last loop. come to think of it, spent most of the second loop walking and talking with toph.

my loop speeds were: 5min/km, 6min/km, 9min/km

Saturday Jun 23, 2007 #

Run long 46:46 [3] 10.65 km (4:23 / km) +168m 4:04 / km
ahr:169 max:184 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

wanted to go for a long run; but didn't want to ruin myself before tomorrow (mainly I didn't want Jim to be able to use the pre race long run excuse)

Ocean Grove to Point Lonsdale and back;

didn't get all the way to the light house; fell about a km short; but as I'd already been running for 25min and I'd told my grandmother I'd be back in 40 minutes; I decided to turn around.

forgot about having to run into the wind on the way back.

the large amount of dogs on the beach got me to thinking about the absolute LACK OF DOGS IN CANBERRA. I think I've seen one whilst running so far this year, and that was when I got lost and ended up in the 'badlands' of Mount Pleasant.

Friday Jun 22, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 15:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

for some reason mortie wanted to run A BILLION warm up laps.

Run race (time trial) 10:24 [4]
ahr:185 max:196 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

was a bit disappointed in this time.

thought I'd use Mortie as a pace car and then sprint off on him in the last 2 laps.
either we went out too slow; or I should have made it the last three laps.
was aiming for under 10min. and was very energetic at the end.


Thursday Jun 21, 2007 #

Bike (instructing) 3:00:00 [1]

we run a session where we take the school groups on a mountain bike scatter-orienteering course.
they have to pick up 5 of the 8 checkpoints on the slopes of Mount Little Joe and Mount Bride. can usually get quite tough up the hills; unfortunately today's group was a little less navigationally inclined and spent much of the morning heading all over the shop; which was then complimented by over caution in the second half, which slowed us down substantially.

so looks like I am going for the most training on the shortest day.
have to justify yesterday's rest day and the dismal week so far.

Run warm up/down 5:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

waiting for the sattelites.

Run intervals (Mt. Little Joe) 37:30 [2] 6.73 km (5:34 / km) +343m 4:26 / km
ahr:160 max:188 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

had to go for a run today and seeing as this is SUPPOSED to be an intense week I decided I should take advantage of the hills.

today's training could only be described as a destroyer of the quadriceps.

had a few things against me, like the 3 layers of clothing that seemed like a good idea at the start.

out along the river and along the pipeline trail from the yarra to yankee Jim's. unfortunately this is the wrong direction to run it in.

Britannia Creek Pipeline

ran back along the rail trail and the river.

took it a bit too easy to consider this a WORTHWHILE SESSION.

I can't believe I haven't ran the full length of this track before.

Wednesday Jun 20, 2007 #

(rest day)


Tuesday Jun 19, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 13:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Run intervals (the drain) 21:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

terrain intervals.
felt good despite the weather.
didn't get sore at all.

core (core) 21:00 [3]

Monday Jun 18, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 10:13 [3]
ahr:169 max:172 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

only had 20 minutes, so I decided to make it worth it;

hurtled down Dee road across the scary bridge and out along the rail trail.

Run hills 9:20 [4] 1.39 km (6:43 / km) +144m 4:25 / km
ahr:178 max:187 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

straight up the little joe firebreak and then down the pipeline trail (up and down and up and down) toward the yarra.

killer hill intervals; will be going back for some mtb instructing on thursday so will try and get a more impressive hill run in...

Run warm up/down 9:43 [3] 2.06 km (4:43 / km) +83m 3:56 / km
ahr:175 max:186

warm down back along the river

Sunday Jun 17, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (black mountain) 45:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

went for a slow jog along the power lines then over the saddle to csiro then back up to the dam and down the goat track to b+g.

warmest morning for a while. few hot air ballooners about.

(rest day)

drove back to hoppers

Saturday Jun 16, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Mulligan's Flat) 33:29 [3] *** 7.12 km (4:42 / km) +216m 4:05 / km
ahr:181 max:190 slept:14.0 shoes: VJ twisters

lots of sleep.

pretty speedy times today. made a few mistakes though.
Brits can't handle spur/gully

Friday Jun 15, 2007 #

(rest day)

had a big rest day today.
'franners' called off the midday session.
went to bed at 6pm.

Thursday Jun 14, 2007 #

Orienteering (Honeysuckle Creek) 1:04:42 [3] **** 7.18 km (9:01 / km) +544m 6:32 / km
ahr:155 max:180 shoes: VJ twisters

putting out tags for martin and the brits.

we got out of the car and it was snowing.
don't think that's what the internationals were expecting.

Wednesday Jun 13, 2007 #

Orienteering (Campbell Park) 28:00 [3] ***
shoes: VJ twisters

Orienteering warm up/down (campbell park) 25:00 [3] ***
shoes: VJ twisters

picking up checkpoints

Run warm up/down 15:00 [3]

running to and back from the night-O

Orienteering (black mountain) 53:32 [3] *** 7.21 km (7:25 / km) +345m 5:59 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

night O

core (core) 18:00 [3]

Tuesday Jun 12, 2007 #

Run tempo (Black Mountain) 26:20 [3] 6.07 km (4:20 / km) +177m 3:47 / km
ahr:177 max:191 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

over the main saddle and around to Aranda

Run warm up/down 13:49 [2] 2.95 km (4:41 / km) +76m 4:09 / km
ahr:180 max:185 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

back around the lake

Run intervals (ANU) 11:30 [4]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

30 second intervals on ANU

first interval session for ages....

felt really good. will have to do more in future.

Monday Jun 11, 2007 #

Bike (black mountain) 33:05 [3] 10.21 km (3:14 / km) +233m 2:55 / km
ahr:138 max:171 (rest day)

my rest day before starting the next few weeks of intensity training.

was hoping to make this session a little longer but could see my musicology tutor a few 100m in front of me and it took a while to catch up on the hills.

core (core) 32:00 [3]

Sunday Jun 10, 2007 #

Orienteering (glendale) 1:40:00 [3] ****
shoes: VJ twisters

drove down to Glendale for some training.

so many walkers out there... a bit spooky as well.

so many kangaroos in the paddock

core (core) 34:00 [3]

Saturday Jun 9, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 22:46 [3] 4.99 km (4:34 / km) +72m 4:15 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

will fill in the details later.

Orienteering intervals 10:26 [3] *** 2.45 km (4:15 / km) +75m 3:42 / km
ahr:174 max:186

ran out to commonwealth park for some night sprint intervals action.
was getting bored of anu map.
Queens birthday weekend:
upcoming floriade (millions of new fenced off garden beds)
people letting off fireworks in the parks...

ran back.

Run warm up/down 13:00 [3] 2.94 km (4:25 / km) +51m 4:04 / km
ahr:172 max:187

Friday Jun 8, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (dryandra st.) 12:56 [3] 2.72 km (4:45 / km) +77m 4:10 / km
ahr:159 max:173 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Orienteering (Bruce Ridge) 27:13 [3] *** 4.86 km (5:36 / km) +184m 4:43 / km
ahr:169 max:183 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

an old course

Run warm up/down (Dryandra st.) 18:11 [3] 3.82 km (4:46 / km) +58m 4:25 / km
ahr:168 max:174 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Thursday Jun 7, 2007 #

Bike warm up/down (ride) 40:00 [2]

stopped via o'connor shops on the way home.
which led to an intense backpack full of gradually warming meat race against time.

core (core) 24:00 [3]

Wednesday Jun 6, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 10:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

morning warm up run. hanny style.

core (core) 28:00 [3]

Orienteering (mt. painter) 35:41 [3] *** 5.44 km (6:34 / km) +306m 5:07 / km
ahr:172 max:188 shoes: VJ twisters

Orienteering (NightO) 51:41 [3] *** 7.82 km (6:37 / km) +299m 5:33 / km
ahr:167 max:193 shoes: VJ twisters

night-O training at Bruce Ridge.
my first nightO!
pretty dismal (but fun).
went out first, had a lot of trouble spotting the flags, will have to invest in a head mounted spotlight (Aldi doesn't cut it).
didn't push it at all, but rolled both ankles in some tussocks. finished last.

was pretty enjoyable, will definately have to do it again.

I think Grant is disappointed.

Tuesday Jun 5, 2007 #

Run long (black mountain 8 loop) 48:00 [3] ** 10.38 km (4:37 / km) +340m 3:58 / km
ahr:164 max:184 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

a bit slow, was nice and warm though thanks to birthday present.

a few people out early.

Orienteering intervals (night intervals) 17:02 [3] *** 3.52 km (4:50 / km) +83m 4:20 / km
ahr:164 max:180 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

night intervals on anu between checkpoints, took it pretty easy

Monday Jun 4, 2007 #

core (core) 38:00 [3]
(rest day)

Sunday Jun 3, 2007 #

Orienteering long (Campbell Park) 1:02:45 [4] *** 10.21 km (6:09 / km) +541m 4:52 / km
ahr:176 max:192 shoes: VJ twisters

made a few mistakes, Kerryn got me by 7-8mins, and Grant by about 6.5min.

ran too fast and made silly little mistakes. Scotty caught me. I dropped him a few times but kept on making small mistakes due to lack of concentration.
won the route choice challenge and finally got rid of him at the 2nd last.

core (core) 32:00 [3]

watched 'bra boys'
the documentary on surf gangs and Maroubra.

was amazingly cheesy. even has Russell Crowe as a narrator.

I liked it how they didn't spell check or proof read the subtitles.

what's a Phsycahtriast?

Saturday Jun 2, 2007 #

Bike warm up/down 1:00:00 [3]

Orienteering race (Majura West) 29:01 [3] *** 5.79 km (5:01 / km) +169m 4:22 / km
ahr:174 max:189 shoes: VJ twisters

Friday Jun 1, 2007 #

Run long 59:58 [3] 12.67 km (4:44 / km) +228m 4:21 / km
ahr:164 max:182 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

South Shore.
not very enthusiastic. too cold.

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