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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering16 11:51:12 55.81 89.82 3034
  Run6 4:12:49 18.11 29.14 770
  Bike5 3:00:00
  core5 2:14:00
  Total20 21:18:01 73.92 118.96 3804

» now

Wednesday May 30, 2007 #

Orienteering (Goorooyaroo) 33:00 [3] **
shoes: VJ twisters

don't know what to say about this one.

the act has spies that read this log.

Tuesday May 29, 2007 #

Run long 1:08:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

my watch ran out of batteries so I don't know what the distance was.
Haig park to Ainslie to Rmembrance park and back through commonwealth park and around the museum.

this morning's smell from Sullivan's Creek: rotten oregano.

core (core) 24:00 [3]

Orienteering intervals (anu) 6:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

the plan was to run intervals on saturday's course in reverse.
unfortuantely as soon as I ran out the door, the heaven's opened up and within 30 secs there was flash flooding. about an inch of water running down the forestry school stairs, and fellowes road was a creek.
the horizontal rain was blinding me, so I decided to turn around once I got to Sullivan's Creek.

there's one for the meteorology enthusiasts.

Monday May 28, 2007 #

Bike 30:00 [3]

went for a roll around. probably need to wear gloves from now on.

Tonight's smell from Sullivan's Creek: Old grass clippings on a compost heap.

core (core) 28:00 [3]

watched the 2nd half of the first one.

Sunday May 27, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Sunset Mountain) 1:26:00 [2] ***
shoes: VJ twisters

really unmotivated, and felt like going for a long slow run.
the forest was very pretty

jogged through the first 3 then walked one then jogged another 3. then skipped about 9 checkpoints and caught Julian, jogged through a few more, then walked one, then jogged the last few.
no mistakes. just nice and slow.

core (core) 28:00 [3]

took a break from study and watched the lord of the rings.

Saturday May 26, 2007 #

Orienteering race (ACT sprint champs (ANU)) 17:58 [3] **** 4.12 km (4:22 / km) +131m 3:46 / km
ahr:181 max:194 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

course around ANU.
ran M21E
lots of embarassing mistakes, Shep following me.
went for the 'look where the control is on the map, and then put it away and run to that building' approach.
didn't pay off, Grant didn't catch the 2 minutes on me; but still beat me by over a minute.
Beat Hanny by a few seconds, will have to train up.
I assume Julian won.

Thursday May 24, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Bloomfield) 16:00 [4] *** 4.0 km (4:00 / km)
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Sprint at Bloomfield Sanitarium.
sprint race. had no energy. Simon caught the 2 minutes on me by the 3rd last.
didn't get heckled.
didn't get mistook for an escapee.

Wednesday May 23, 2007 #

Orienteering long (Gumble Creek) 1:17:00 [4] **** 13.0 km (5:55 / km) +500m 4:58 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

First time I've actually ran a race here.
took the crazy paddock option but didn't bail down the hill in the right direction, cost me a minute. then lots of small ones at the end.
Kept Nick (2 minutes) in sight though.

First time I've seen a snake out on a course.
A Red-belly on the way to the last checkpoint.

Always feel like I've got a lot left in the tank after these races.
maybe I will have to work on exhausting myself on long courses over the next few weeks....

Run warm up/down 19:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

morning warm up round the lake with simon

Tuesday May 22, 2007 #

Orienteering intervals (Gumble Pinnacles) 7:13 [3] **** 1.25 km (5:46 / km) +40m 4:59 / km
ahr:173 max:183 shoes: VJ twisters

Middle distance intervals on the good part of the map. Excellent program by Jim.
Felt great. won 4 out of 4. but Simon and Louis beat me back on the final leg.

Orienteering warm up/down 11:40 [1] 0.28 km (41:40 / km) +38m 24:49 / km
ahr:110 max:182

Orienteering intervals 7:04 [4] **** 1.58 km (4:28 / km) +49m 3:52 / km
ahr:178 max:195

Orienteering 11:36 [3] 0.23 km (49:22 / km) +30m 30:08 / km
ahr:120 max:194 shoes: VJ twisters

Orienteering intervals 6:47 [4] **** 1.08 km (6:17 / km) +49m 5:07 / km
ahr:178 max:195

Orienteering 4:29 [3] 0.12 km (38:39 / km) +22m 19:50 / km
ahr:137 max:194

Orienteering intervals 12:33 [4] **** 2.13 km (5:54 / km) +74m 5:01 / km
ahr:183 max:191

Monday May 21, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 19:00 [2]

Hanny warm up session round the lake in the morning.

followed by a day of sight-seeing, and televising in Dubbo.

Sunday May 20, 2007 #

Orienteering long (Seldom Seen) 1:26:00 [4] **** 10.0 km (8:36 / km) +400m 7:10 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

Didn't have the same mindset as saturday and oversimplified. Lost about 4 minutes over the first 3 checkpoints. Found my head again after that and ran smoothly until I found Nick, where we progressed to form a train that ran blindly through the next few controls, up until the dodgy mapped bit where the railway ended.
clean from there till the spectator (where I took the reverse finish chute route choice), buzzed through the final loop then ran blindly down the hillside and lost a minute or too running back up the correct hill, where Nick had a slow motion downhill faceplant punching the 3rd last checkpoint.
pretty disappointing run.

made the team though.

Saturday May 19, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Gumble Pinnacles) 35:35 [4] **** 6.0 km (5:56 / km) +200m 5:05 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

Felt I had prepared well over the past two weeks for this race thanks to GB.
Went into the race concentrating well, aided by having visited the first two checkpoints two years earlier.
caught Tristan and Geoff Stacey at the 3rd, then made the mistake of blind running through the paddock to the wrong clump of trees and having to 90' to where Simon was punching the control.
Tried to keep up with Simon for the next three, but we eventually took different route choices across the hillside and he powered ahead. Clean through to the spectator.
Then did the usual over cautious slow down in the final loop and punched an extra control (Mortie's). Lost a bit of time. almost made a huge error as I entered the rock much to early and lost about a 1.5min. could have been worse.

was a bit surprised with 2nd place. but I can't complain.

Sunday May 13, 2007 #

Orienteering 25:00 [3] **** 5.89 km (4:15 / km) +180m 3:41 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

6km sprint on ANU, made a few errors. took it pretty easily.
gps says there was over 180m of climb. don't think I ran up that many stairs though.


I think I can add Matt Parton to the list of elites. he wasn't really training, but he was walking toward a sporting event.

Saturday May 12, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (glendale) 16:22 [3] *** 2.25 km (7:16 / km) +300m 4:22 / km
ahr:156 max:165 shoes: VJ twisters

Orienteering (Glendale) 20:21 [3] **** 3.36 km (6:03 / km) +203m 4:39 / km
ahr:178 max:191 shoes: VJ twisters

Training with the girls.

Orienteering (Glendale) 14:18 [3] **** 2.51 km (5:42 / km) +176m 4:13 / km
ahr:169 max:187 shoes: VJ twisters

had to bring in Naysmith's rule for this one. (10% descent)

Bike 30:00 [2]

Orienteering 13:28 [3] **** 3.12 km (4:19 / km) +69m 3:53 / km
ahr:169 max:181 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Another sprint course. ANU at night.

Friday May 11, 2007 #

Run long 1:12:38 [3] 15.93 km (4:34 / km) +300m 4:10 / km
ahr:169 max:192 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

around the shore; was intending to run to mount ainslie but got my canberra geography wrong and ended up in a place called Mount Pleasant.
Then it started to get dark so I had to run back; picked up the pace after civic.

core (core) 30:00 [3]

Orienteering 14:16 [3] **** 2.89 km (4:56 / km) +82m 4:19 / km
ahr:172 max:190 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

sprint course on ANU at night, took it a bit easy.

Thursday May 10, 2007 #

Bike 40:00 [3]

Wednesday May 9, 2007 #

Bike 30:00 [3]

to the event. got lost.
my plan was to ride toward Bruce Ridge and inevitably find the start location. ended up at the top end and had to ask a competitor which way. nice bloke, even showed me on his map.

Orienteering race (Bruce Ridge) 34:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

took it really easily.
jogged around the steeper first section then loped over the ridge for the second half.
felt good to find some thicker forest, (this is the one behind canberra motor village) most enjoyable. was a bit tough for a moderate course.

Bike 20:00 [3]

the scenic route back down the hill to uni.


went to my new coach's "place where rich poof's live". got some tips. am feeling very enthusiastic / optimistic for the next few weeks.
must have been the coffee.


elite sightings whilst training so far:
Rob W (black mountain)
Kerryn R (running at uni)
Matt Crane (riding around the lake)
Jo Allison (riding to uni)
Andy Hogg (atleast an Andy Hogg shaped blur wearing a canberra cockatoos top running through the carpark under my window)
and the old guy that everyone says is really fast (black mountain

a few more to go.

core (core) 24:00 [3]

Tuesday May 8, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 10:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Add Jo Allison to my list of elites seen whilst training

Run intervals (200m on off) 8:00 [4] 2.0 km (4:00 / km) +70m 3:24 / km
ahr:169 max:186 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Run (slow) 39:49 [3] 8.96 km (4:27 / km) +100m 4:13 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Sullivan's Creek particularly stinky tonight.

Monday May 7, 2007 #


today was my recovery ride day, but felt dead after the weekend and the drive. went to my morning lectures and went shopping, decided to have a POWERNAP, but slept till dinner time.

Sunday May 6, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Creswick Diggings) 1:23:43 [3] **** 12.42 km (6:44 / km) +400m 5:48 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

was last starter, took it a bit easy got a bit flustered at 3 and lost a bit of time.
thought I ran well through the next few long legs, unfortunately the rest of the guys had bunched up here and pushed each other through.
took the hard man option through big bad green gully once we hti the gold mining again, would have paid off if I knew where I was on the other side, found 12 before 11 thanks to a train of elites.
took it slow through the detail after this.
made a stupid error somewhere later on where I didn't even see a track on the map and could have used it as a handrail into the circle. subsequently had a blow out. took the last few downhills pretty well.
bit disappointed to be 15min down here.
didn't pace very well, had way too much energy at the end, took the hills well, but was too cautious on the downhills because of ankles. think I should have pushed it more throught the forest when I had the opportunities. leason too be learnt...

Saturday May 5, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Monash Sprint) 19:49 [4] **** 4.58 km (4:20 / km) +30m 4:11 / km

first starter.
went out really slowly, was a bit flustered, I hadn't been given all the start instructions before I was told to go. didn't commit to a route then got disorientated coming into the first control and span around a bit, then did a 180 coming out. took a slow south route on 2. should have done the diagonal south over the yellow.
the rest was pretty uneventful, took the west route through 8 - 9. ran through the multistory carpark to 10 and took the south entry which was probably a bit slower. picked the little gap between the fences to 11.

was not satisfied with this run, definately didn't feel like a first place. was a long way behind the men.

Orienteering race (Petticoat Gully) 43:44 [3] ***** 6.4 km (6:50 / km) +200m 5:55 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Really slow into the first one, was walking when I entered the circle. took it fairly slowly to 2. ran over the saddle to 3, picked up Kieran and we both lost it, circled bit (see the routegadget).

was a bit wide to 4 but Kieran spiked so I didn't lose too much time.
spiked 5, way too wide on 6 and hit the track. stumbled into the circle.

clean through to 8 where I dropped in a bit wide. Tristan appeared just behind us here.
dropped them both on the route to 9, made a substantial lead through till about 15 where I got too cautious and slowed too much, Tristan made up a bout a minute on me through the last loop and finished about a minute behind me knocking me down to 4th.
pretty close race. top 4 within a minute.

bit disappointed. wasn't feeling too tired despite the 5km sprint in the morning, could have taken it a bit harder in the mining.

Wednesday May 2, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Yarralumla Bays) 23:38 [3] *** 4.86 km (4:52 / km) +161m 4:10 / km
ahr:187 max:197 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Local event at Yarralumla Bays.
Strode out on the streets. Respectable neighbourhood.

Bike warm up/down 30:00 [3]

rode round to the event and back. had to ride into civic to use the atm to get money to pay the outrageous entry fees.

Tuesday May 1, 2007 #


had to bail out of training today. too much work to do.
have rearranged my training this week re. ballarat.

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