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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 31 days ending Jul 31, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering12 7:27:11 19.11 30.75 1235
  Run13 6:13:44 14.4 23.17 713
  core9 3:22:00
  Bike7 3:15:00
  Total23 20:17:55 33.5 53.92 1948

» now

Tuesday Jul 31, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 10:00 [3]

Run hills 5:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

speed test;
wanted a feel for 800m pace in 400m laps.

took the first lap a little easy and did it in 60 flat;
then second lap I took hard but still only came out with 60 flat.

then the constant plover attacks got too much; and I couldn't feel my hands anymore it was that cold; plus I had to go to class.
so I decided that will have to do for this morning.

Run warm up/down 10:00 [3]

Run race 6:30 [3]

was eating dinner at the bar and they had new lollies in.
the challenge was set at 7min to the ATM in union court and back.
I won; was wearing jeans, vollies, and a hoodie though. was quite proud of this effort.

Monday Jul 30, 2007 #

core (core) 22:00 [3]
(rest day)

Sunday Jul 29, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (recovery) 20:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

still feeling tight, so went for a recovery run along the lake.

Friday Jul 27, 2007 #

(rest day)

took a complete rest day; and feeling very tight after 3 days of intervals.

Thursday Jul 26, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 5:00 [3]

core 13:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Run intervals 13:21 [4] 2.71 km (4:56 / km)
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

around north oval.
Hanny style, two sides hards, two sides soft.

Run warm up/down 12:24 [3] 2.64 km (4:42 / km) +53m 4:16 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Wednesday Jul 25, 2007 #

Bike 20:00 [3]

went for a short ride after uni because I was feeling a bit dead.
Mulligan's Flat was a bit too far to ride out for in the time that I had; so will do something tonight.

Orienteering intervals (ANU) 12:22 [3] *** 2.85 km (4:20 / km) +141m 3:29 / km
ahr:170 max:189 shoes: Brooks Mach 7

Run warm up/down 5:00 [3]

core (core) 25:00 [3]

Tuesday Jul 24, 2007 #

Run hills (Time trial) 8:44 [4] 1.85 km (4:43 / km) +118m 3:35 / km
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

My first time trial on the hill loop, hope to do one every fortnight.

up the single track (starting at the gate on black mountain dv/ clunies ross.
to the little substation? building on the bend in the road, then up and down the management track back to the gate at the top of frith rd.

Run warm up/down 15:00 [3]

core (core) 27:00 [3]

had planned to do some intervals after uni but I finished ensemble practice after 8pm, and was really hungry; so by the time I'd got back and had dinner it was about 10pm, and I wasn't feeling up for late night training.

Monday Jul 23, 2007 #

Bike (Bruce ridge) 50:00 [3]

early morning ride through the forest.

last time I do that without gloves.

legs felt amazing on the ride home, powered up the little hills on Dryandra st. was almost overtaking cars; must have been thanks to the amazing benefits of wearing compression garments such as the ones provided to us by 'skins'.

didn't see anyone else out there. very boring.
oh I forgot to add Shep to my list of training elites, running against traffic on the edge of Belconnen way. honked at him. bloody joggers.

...Even the cleaner asked me what happened to my hair this morning...

core (core) 26:00 [3]

Sunday Jul 22, 2007 #

Run long 53:09 [3] 10.83 km (4:54 / km) +376m 4:11 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

easy long run, went out to the Aranda forest via the pylon track.
explored some of the tracks then came back via bm / little bm saddle.
thought it would take a little longer. but I also thought it would be further...

coaching tip of the day: don't buy ankle tape from the uni chemist.

Saturday Jul 21, 2007 #

Bike warm up/down (Dryandra St) 15:00 [3]

to the event and back

Orienteering race (Bruce Ridge) 27:43 [3] *** 5.54 km (5:00 / km) +212m 4:12 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

was a bit too enthusiastic and twice ran a bit too far up the hill. but otherwise was a nice run.

small children accosted me in the carpark concerning the strange colouring of my hair.

Friday Jul 20, 2007 #

core (core) 32:00 [3]
(rest day)

Wednesday Jul 18, 2007 #


no sign of snow as of yet...

Bike warm up/down 50:00 [3]

finished class at 12pm and rode straight to the event; thought I'd take the bush option to the pinnacle (through 5 orienteering maps: ANU, Black Mountain, Aranda Bushlands, Mount Painter, The Pinnacle), but I didn't have any concept of the track system. so lots of turning back at impassable road works, and struggling back up massive hills. it was a bit devastating to ride uphill for a few 100m on the powerline track only to hit the top of a 10m cutting.

eventually got to the event at 12:58 (courses close at 1pm)

Orienteering race (The Pinnacle) 29:35 [3] *** 5.86 km (5:03 / km) +182m 4:22 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

turned out to be a pretty nice forest, headed out a bit enthusiastically and found #2 before #1, otherwise everything went well. bit of controversy about a control in a gully, the final control being on top of a mullock heap, and the state of my hair.

Bike warm up/down 20:00 [3]

rode back down William Hovell Dv and the Lake, a lot faster.

no sign of snow on the distant hills though. looks like the weatherman was wrong.

core (core) 15:00 [3]

did a short core session when I got back from my ride.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (recovery) 24:36 [2] 5.14 km (4:47 / km) +166m 4:07 / km
ahr:164 max:178 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

slow recovery run, had to get back in time for a seminar.

little black mountain loop and powerline track.

core (core) 22:00 [3]

wrote up new training program... to start thursday.

Monday Jul 16, 2007 #

Bike warm up/down (recovery) 30:00 [2]

back on the horsie. (no one stole my bike while I was away)

core (core) 20:00 [3]

Sunday Jul 15, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Australian Relay champs) 40:00 [3] ***
shoes: VJ twisters

Bryan went out made a big mistake but still came back in the lead (Mortie turned up about 15 minutes into the 1st leg; then Mortie went out and came back about 6 minutes further ahead: "you've gotta' take those hills if you wanna' win" .

I ran the first loop hard as I didn't know how far behind me Louis had started and I didn't want him catching me. then held it together over the big hills. took the last loop very easy after the spectator control.

rolled my ankles pretty badly...

Saturday Jul 14, 2007 #

Orienteering warm up/down (Australian Champs) 1:00:00 [3] ****
shoes: VJ twisters

took it easy through the first few checkpoints; then floored it a bit when I hit the flats and so Kieran on the cross over.
Headed out hard down the track on the big route choice leg, stupidly lifted up the side of the hill a few 100m before the control so I could cut round to the checkpoint. had to go to the toilet. thought I had lost a lot of time. next leg up the hill, demoralised from the long leg, and with the effects of last night catching up, I decided to take a breather at the top of the hill. as I was taking in the view a pack of the 5 guys who started before me ran through-

Friday Jul 13, 2007 #

Orienteering race (JWOC relays) 51:00 [3] ****
shoes: VJ twisters

Mortie handed me the map and told me to check the right hand route choice.
Perused his map as I headed up the start chute, took my map and went for the right hand track route, right around the big hill. At the same time the 3rd leg for the Finnish 2nd team (a german) headed over.
We came in at the same time. took it pretty cleanily through the rest of the first loop, lost a bit of time coming into control circles.
Ran through the first spectator control, Mortie telling me that Jenny had won.
clean but slow through the 2nd loop, took my gel heading up the hill (left hand track option) to the first route choice leg. could see Rhys about 100m in front once I got to the ridge, closed a little bit of distance on the track legs. almost caught him at the checkpoint before the spectator. came through at about the same time.

had no energy in the last loop and almost lost, was almost a full minute and a half behind by the time I finished.

Thursday Jul 12, 2007 #

Orienteering race (JWOC middle final) 28:00 [3] ****
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

much easier courses. spiked the first few checkpoints, and caught Andrew Peat at about the 4th.
could see 9? which I thought was 8? from about 300m away as I headed over the flat swampy section, realised and lost about 40 seconds backtracking, caught a pack of 3 americans.
floored it to the ridge, came over at the wrong angle and had to cover about 200m throught paddock to the knoll, caught by Danish guy, dropped the americans and Andrew.
Came into the spectator control but didn't see the chute (didn't read about it and it was about 180' in the wrong direction for exiting the control. must be concentrating too much.
ran through the last few with the Dane.
got disqualified.

Run warm up/down (hanny run) 15:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Bike warm up/down 5:00 [3]

Wednesday Jul 11, 2007 #

Orienteering race (JWOC middle qual) 31:29 [3] **** 3.5 km (9:00 / km)
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

decided I was going to run this steadily and cleanly and belt out at every safe opportunity, which worked well, except I lost 2 minutes at 6 and 2.5 at 13. I couldn't find the checkpoints in the circle.

at 13 I was standing on top of the highpoint but couldn't see the checkpoint beneath it because of a slight overhang.

made up a bit of time through the last few.

very frustrating.

Bike warm up/down 5:00 [3]

Run warm up/down (hanny run) 10:00 [3]

Monday Jul 9, 2007 #

Orienteering race (WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS) 1:40:02 [4] **** 13.0 km (7:42 / km) +700m 6:04 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

woke up at 6:15am. went for slow warm up. came back and had breakfast. breakfast not sitting well. had diarrhoea. blew my nose for 15minutes. about a litre of mucus came out.

caught the bus at 7:20am.

warmed up ok.
massive start chute; atleast 500m. saw the good route to the first checkpoint (track). took it easy through the first. caught someone. dropped them up a hill. came through the spectator; rest of the course slow but clean. pitiful up the hills. made an error in the last loop. couldn't find the checkpoint in the circle; spent a minute looking for it then decided to relocate; ended up in the same place; still couldn't find checkpoint, getting worried. then eventually saw it in the open. came back in second place (of two). I started 5th and was hoping to finish first; but a norwegian beat me back...

warmed down on the windtrainer.

good results from Louis (12th place through the first half of the course) and Simon and Vanessa.

Run warm up/down 10:00 [3]

Sunday Jul 8, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (hanny run) 15:00 [3]

Orienteering race (JWOC sprint) 17:00 [3] ***
shoes: Brooks Mach 7

didn't like the terrain. no navigational challenge, but still managed to make plenty of mistakes.

almost skipped a checkpoint and had to back track, over shot a few track junctions.

running out of the start and having to charge through the crowd was a bit of a shock, made you feel like you were heading the wrong way.

Saturday Jul 7, 2007 #

Event: JWOC 2007

Orienteering warm up/down (JWOC model) 20:00 [3] ****
shoes: VJ twisters

very nice terrain, not too much rock though; a nice easy on off stretch jog.

think we intimidated a few internationals with out terrain running and fence jumping.

Friday Jul 6, 2007 #

Run tempo (Govett's Leap) 30:00 [3]

no idea how long this session was.

ran out too Govett's Leap and back. nice view.

Monday Jul 2, 2007 #


we did something on this day, I just can't remember what.

Sunday Jul 1, 2007 #

Run warm up/down (hanny run) 15:00 [3]

Orienteering (Gumble Creek) 30:00 [3]

Run warm up/down 10:00 [3]

Run (Seldom Seen) 1:20:00 [3]

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