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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running13 8:22:01 48.28 77.7 755
  Orienteering9 7:07:26 42.77(10:00) 68.83(6:13) 101550 /136c36%
  mtb1 50:00 5.59(8:56) 9.0(5:33) 300
  Total18 16:19:27 96.64 155.53 207050 /136c36%
averages - sleep:8.4

» now

Thursday Jun 29, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Sprint Practice) 17:00 [3] ** 4.68 km (3:38 / km)
(sick) shoes: VJ Falcons

Cant remember time, but must have been around there somewhere. Long sprint, but was good practice and good fun. First section through the buildings was clean and fast. However mid course got slack and dropped pace, which is where I lost time. Picked up pace over last few controls tho. Couple mins down on Simonas.

Wednesday Jun 28, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Relay Practise) 30:00 [5] *** 6.3 km (4:46 / km)
(sick) shoes: VJ Falcons

First time in relay relevant terrain. Was fast and felt much more comfortable in it. Did a simulated mass start relay with nz, hk n ireland. Bit unsettled over first few, but got them eventually. Had a good patch where I could still get a glimpse of Simonas in the distance, but that didn't last for long. Drifted off route on a long leg which cost some time. Finished off well, even though feeling bloody tired.

Tuesday Jun 27, 2006 #


Rest day. Starting to feel better. Getting energy back, turning into just a head cold.

Monday Jun 26, 2006 #

Orienteering race (JWOC warm-up) 46:19 [4] **** 5.5 km (8:25 / km)
(sick) shoes: VJ Falcons

Decided I would give the warm up race my last attempt at getting some race pace practise in terrain, then rest up for the JWOC races. Wasn't at full running pace, but since 50% of the course was through green it didn't matter too much. Low conifidence through the first 3 or 4 controls, bad decision making and hesitant. Picked up confidence and built pace up until 12. Was a bit too confident and didn't take enough care on an easy control. Crossed a track 50m off and headed up the wrong spur. Rest of the course was fine, just physically tough for me. Got a lot out of the race tho.

Sunday Jun 25, 2006 #

Orienteering intervals 45:00 [1] **** 3.0 km (15:00 / km)
(sick) shoes: VJ Falcons

Short loops. Again tried to go out hard but didn't last long. Was able to retain a jog tho and got a bit of navigation practise out of it. Not feeling confident in the terrain tho.

Saturday Jun 24, 2006 #

Running (Map Walk/Line Course) 1:00:00 [3] **** 6.0 km (10:00 / km)
slept:10.0 (sick) shoes: VJ Falcons

Woke up from a bad nights sleep with the cold hitting me full on... just no energy and felt shit. Started a line course but only got a few kms around before the pace dropped to a walk. Terrain looked pretty tricky in places where visibility was low... and everything was green!

Friday Jun 23, 2006 #

Running 30:00 [3]
shoes: Nike Zoom

Arrived in Lithuania. Short run in the evening with the boys. Made our way from Fat Romas down a few roads and tracks to a training map next to Druskininkai. Didn't have a map but headed up into the forest. First thoughts.. 'awesome'... the forest was great to run through. Unfortunately really felt a cold coming on after the plane trip and knew I should turn back and stuff myself with pills. So took it easy back.

Sunday Jun 18, 2006 #

Running hills (Fartlek) 30:00 [4] 6.0 km (5:00 / km) +300m 4:00 / km
slept:10.0 shoes: Nike Zoom

Break from study, decided to just do a shorter session today. 4 x long hills (~1.5 min) 6 x medium hills (~30sec) and 10 x short hills (~15sec). Tried to keep the intensity high and kept the recovery jog back down relatively quick.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [2] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

Back along the tracks.

Saturday Jun 17, 2006 #

Running race (8km Time trial) 33:48 [4] 8.0 km (4:14 / km) +200m 3:45 / km
slept:6.5 shoes: Nike Zoom

Best I've felt for a very long time when running. Wasn't planning on making it a time trial run, but felt so good over the first km I decided to see what time I ended up with. Could have pushed harder, but just felt satisfied with how easy my legs felt. Makes up for the awful exam this morning!

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]
shoes: Nike Zoom

Friday Jun 16, 2006 #

Running intervals (Acton Trails) 20:00 [4] 5.5 km (3:38 / km) +40m 3:31 / km
slept:9.0 shoes: Nike Zoom

Meant to be 400 intervals but didn't get to the track so did 1 min intervals instead. 8 reps with 90 sec jog between. Half of them were slightly uphill and the other half downhill.

Running warm up/down (Acton Trails) 15:00 [1] 3.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

Warm up and cool down for intervals

Thursday Jun 15, 2006 #

Running tempo (Acton Trails) 38:00 [3] 9.0 km (4:13 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Nike Zoom

Pretty solid morning run to make up for the past couple of days. Feel good after the weekends racing. No real aches or pains.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]
shoes: Nike Zoom

Cool down after run and a bit of stretching

Running intervals (Monna Fartlek) 20:00 [4] 5.0 km (4:00 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

Around Howrah park. Felt pretty good actually, fast.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [1]
shoes: Nike Zoom

Warm up and cool down for fartlek

Wednesday Jun 14, 2006 #

slept:8.0 (rest day)

More study and another exam

Tuesday Jun 13, 2006 #

slept:7.0 (rest day)

Catching up on study and an exam

Monday Jun 12, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Tasmanian Middle Champs -) 31:11 [5] *** 5.0 km (6:14 / km)
spiked:12/14c slept:8.5 shoes: VJ Falcons

Similar approach to yesterdays event, even though it was half the distance I knew I wasn't going to be running much faster. Easy to the first one, and built the pace on the long second leg. 2 - 9 had some pretty tricky bits so took some time to make sure I was 100% sure about where I was going. Small mistake at 8 confusing two knolls, and lost time at 9 not keeping contact with the map far enough ahead, so stopped a knoll too early. After 11 I knew the rest wasn't too hard so tried to finish fast, a glimpse of nicko and lee on the way to 13 pushed me on. Was a bit tricky in the logged areas, knowing whether to go around or if there was a way to get through the crap.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [2]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Warm up to and at the start.

Sunday Jun 11, 2006 #

Orienteering race (TOS 6 - Pittwater) 1:03:50 [5] ***** 9.9 km (6:27 / km)
spiked:18/20c slept:8.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Much better race. Ran a solid pace, but slow enough to navigate. Didn't expect the first 1/4 of the course to be in green low visibility pine. Picked the safe option at the 1st, however just missed the second but relocated well, lost maybe min n half. Kept going strong into the dunes, saw muz n ev leaving 12, and had caught louis before the last couple of kms in the green pine again. We both wanted to get away from each other so the pace got pretty quick, but navigation still stayed intact.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Warm up to start and cool down with Louis

Saturday Jun 10, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Tasmanian Sprint Champs -) 26:18 [5] ***** 3.85 km (6:50 / km)
spiked:11/16c slept:10.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Pretty ordinary run all up. Wasn't all bad because I knew what I did wrong and the rest of the course I had really good pace and was reading detail alright. Rushed out to one, and even though I was only 10 meters away, paniced and tried to relocate. Lost over 3 mins there. Lost map contact after my attackpoint to control 5 in a very detailed area, couple minutes there. Had another good patch until 10 when I was too quick to exit 9 and it put me in the wrong line of dunes leading to 10. Another minute or two. Rest of the course was fine thought. I was trying to run faster than I could navigate.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Warm up to start and cool down with Toph

Thursday Jun 8, 2006 #

Running intervals (1km intervals) 25:00 [4] 6.0 km (4:10 / km)
slept:8.5 shoes: Nike Zoom

Along howrah bike track. Measured the distance on the o map of the area, so it should be within 10m of 1km I reckon. Really felt consistent and was running at a solid pace, even thought I never quite got into a comfortable rhythm, lots of little things were annoying me. Good improvements since last 1kms reps last year... 3:06, 3:04, 3:05, 3:06, 3:00. (2 min rest/jog after each).

Running warm up/down 20:00 [2] 4.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

Wednesday Jun 7, 2006 #

slept:6.5 (rest day)

Had way too many things to do today, realised how much revision I have to do before exams still. Unfortunately didn't get out for a run.

Tuesday Jun 6, 2006 #

Running race (3000m) 10:23 [4] 3.0 km (3:28 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Nike Zoom

Way too cold, tried starting slower and building pace near end, but got stuck in a slow crappy pace.

Running warm up/down 40:00 [2] 6.0 km (6:40 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

Trying to warm the muscles up before the 3000 in sub zero temperatures. Cool down to mums work.

mtb (Single Hill) 50:00 [2] 9.0 km (5:33 / km) +300m 4:46 / km
shoes: Giant Alias

Afternoon ride/run up Single Hill to the top with Timmy.

Running race (Single Hill Challenge #1) 5:51 [5] 1.2 km (4:52 / km) +100m 3:26 / km
shoes: Nike Zoom

Raced timmy on his bike down and up the spur of single hill. Thrashed his ass. 1:13 clear! Yeah. He can come back and challenge me again when he's done crying. I'm awesome.

Monday Jun 5, 2006 #

(rest day)

Busy day so moved session to Tuesday, had rest day today.

Sunday Jun 4, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Ridgeway Local) 32:48 [4] *** 4.3 km (7:38 / km) +265m 5:50 / km
spiked:9/10c slept:10.0 shoes: Silva K120

Pretty sore and tired after yesterday, so struggled up the hills a bit. Was wanting bit more of an easy run today, but it was a pretty full on course. Through a lot of crap bush and straight up hills. Happy though.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [2] 4.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Silva K120

Trying to get my legs moving.

Saturday Jun 3, 2006 #

Orienteering long 2:15:00 [3] ** 26.3 km (5:08 / km) +750m 4:30 / km
76c slept:9.0 shoes: Silva K120

Decided to make my long run interesting today and make use of 5 local maps that nearly join together.
Domain 6.8km 17c (bush/tracks) --> Bridge 1.5km --> Montagu Bay 8.4km 22c (bush/tracks/street) --> 1km roads --> Bellerive 4.6km 17c (street/park) --> Howrah 3km 20c (park) --> Waverly Park 2km (streets)
Cut off the bush loop on waverly park cause i just didn't have any energy left. Powerbar gel sure was nice half way through though, probably could have used another one closer to the end. Only sections involved real navigation, fair bit of it was running roads to get to the interesting parts of the maps.

Thursday Jun 1, 2006 #

Running race (Fiddlers) 18:59 [5] 5.0 km (3:48 / km) +115m 3:24 / km
ahr:177 slept:9.0 shoes: Nike Zoom

13 second pb and finally got under 19 minutes! Was quite surprised actually, because I didn't think my pace was as good as usual after the first km. It was pretty wet as well, the annoying light drizzle that floats around and gets in ur eyes. Finished with a fair bit of energy as well, so finally starting to feel faster.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [2] 4.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Nike Zoom

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