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Training Log Archive: rileydejong

In the 31 days ending Mar 31, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Volleyball9 9:45:00
  Running16 8:26:10 71.69(7:04) 115.37(4:23)
  Bush Orienteering2 2:07:24 11.2(11:23) 18.02(7:04)22 /29c75%
  Road Cycling1 31:47 8.83(3:36) 14.21(2:14)
  Strength1 15:00
  Total25 21:05:21 91.71 147.622 /29c75%

» now

Sunday Mar 30, 2014 #

5 PM

Running long 1:05:00 [4] 13.6 km (4:47 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Finally the sun came out of hiding so I could go for a long run.
Need to work on my endurance with day 2 of easter being 11km, so put in a big effort today on a relatively flat 13km run out to Cooby Dam from home.
Felt really good for the most part, just running at a comfortable pace. Mostly really flat, with only a steep climb at the start and at about 11km and then a steep downhill at the very end. Beautiful run and a great time to run just on sunset!

Saturday Mar 29, 2014 #

Running race (Parkrun) 19:40 [5] 5.1 km (3:51 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Park run at Queens Park.

Didn't feel fantastic today (probably too early!), but even so I was surprised to take as long as I did. Went out really hard on the first lap and faded through the middle of the second lap I think. Oh well, happy with 3rd for today.

Friday Mar 28, 2014 #

Running 29:41 [3] 7.6 km (3:54 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Finally stopped raining enough for me to go for a run, although I decided just to go for a road run as the bush was so muddy! Just a moderately paced run with plenty of hills. Was a bit sore for the first 2km, but after that felt really good!

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014 #

(rest day)

Had less than 5 hours sleep last night...up finishing a maths had a rest today. Anyway, it was pouring with rain so it wasn't ideal running conditions anyway! Nice to see I pulled up really well after yesterday's run!

Tuesday Mar 25, 2014 #

Running race (TGS Cross Country) 17:29 [5] 5.0 km (3:30 / km)

School Cross Country Championships.

Was really really happy with my run today, and ecstatic with a 3rd!!

Went out quite hard and controlled the pace of the front-runners for most of the first lap (3km). Did the first 3km in just over 9 minutes, so we were really flying even though it didn't feel like it!! Tired a bit across the next two kilometres, in which me and another runner fell back a bit from the leader. Honestly thought I had 2nd place in the bag, but another guy snuck up on me in the final hill and beat me in a sprint finish to the line. All in all very happy with a new PB across 5km, especially considering how heavy the track was after a bit of rain! Finished about 20secs down off the leader.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

An easy jog and some strides plus stretching. Took a while to really warm up so did a longer warm up than I would normally do.

Monday Mar 24, 2014 #

Running (Easy) 24:21 [3] 5.0 km (4:52 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Just a very easy run to loosen up after yesterday. Didn't want to stain anything before cross country tomorrow!

Sunday Mar 23, 2014 #

Bush Orienteering race 43:24 [5] *** 7.5 km (5:47 / km)
spiked:9/12c shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

BBB Event at Braeside (1:10000). Hard 1 course (6.4km).

Navigationally this was quite an easy course, but it was still an absolute pleasure to run! Had a lot of fun despite making about 1:30min mistake at #2, about 1:00min mistake at #7 and a negligible error at #8. Was picking good route choices, control flow was pretty good, but just seemed to lack energy after what was a pretty hellish and sleep-deprived week! Happy enough with third behind Simeon and Sam.

Thursday Mar 20, 2014 #

Running (Terrain) 24:25 [3] 5.5 km (4:26 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Wanted to go for a relatively hard run today, but just couldn't find any energy and struggled to maintain any sort of high speed. Felt a lot stronger in the terrain though which is a good I just need to work on endurance!

Wednesday Mar 19, 2014 #

Running hills 25:00 [4] 6.5 km (3:51 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Terrain hill intervals in Highfields Falls.

8x400m hills at tempo pace, recovery pace the long way back down on a 4 minute cycle.

Felt a lot stronger through the terrain this morning which was good!

Running warm up/down 10:00 [3] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Easy jog down and back up the hill to Highfields Falls plus some strides/stretching.

Tuesday Mar 18, 2014 #

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Strength 15:00 [3]

Short strength session after training. Volleyball specific legs training focusing on improving jump, but relevant to running as well! Quads = well and truly spent!!

Monday Mar 17, 2014 #

Running (Terrain) 20:43 [3] 5.1 km (4:04 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Not a fantastic run, still quite tired and lacked energy. Need to remind myself that plenty of sleep is important if I want to see any benefit out of my training, although it is often hard to convince myself of this with three assignments and two exams due this week!!!

Sunday Mar 16, 2014 #

Bush Orienteering race 1:24:00 [5] **** 10.52 km (7:59 / km)
spiked:13/17c shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Hard 1b at Woodlands (1:10000). It was an 8.8km multi-loop course with three major loops. Started off well, nailing the first few controls before making about a 4 minute error on number four (a long 1.5km leg) and then another huge error (~6minutes) on Number 10 after I got stuck in this huge patch of dark green and literally had to fight my way through before realising I was too far down the creek anyway!!! Otherwise the course was reasonably easy and my map reading/route choice was good, however I struggled a bit with the distance and the hot weather....need to do a lot of terrain running to build up my strength and power through the bush before Easter!!!

Saturday Mar 15, 2014 #

Volleyball (Game) 1:00:00 [3]

Beware the ides of march....!

Friday Mar 14, 2014 #

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Thursday Mar 13, 2014 #

Running 23:41 [4] 6.2 km (3:49 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Went looking for hills....and found plenty! Felt pretty good, a bit stiff for the first kilometre or so but worked it out once I warmed up. Focused on lengthening my stride length/maintaining speed downhill as well as pushing up the 4 major (very major!!!) hills.

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014 #

Running intervals (Terrain) 30:00 [4] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Really annoyed at how little I've been able to run this week, so forced myself to do a hard session today.

6x1km reps in a relatively flat terrain on a 5 minute cycle.

Felt good and probably would have done a few more if had more time. Averaging around 3:20/km

Running warm up/down 10:00 [3] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

Plus stretching as I felt a bit tight to start off with

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Pretty easy training with the firsts this arvo, mainly hitting! Really tired though after the last few days and lack energy

Tuesday Mar 11, 2014 #

Volleyball 2:00:00 [3]

Hard training this morning with lots of quad/jumping exercises! Pretty exhausted afterwards. Then a game in the evening.

Sunday Mar 9, 2014 #

Running long 47:00 [3] 10.66 km (4:25 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Just an easy long run to start the week. Felt good and enjoyed just cruising around. Really nice views along the escarpment too!

Saturday Mar 8, 2014 #

Running (Terrain) 30:00 [3] 5.5 km (5:27 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Slow slow slow!!!!!
I just couldn't find any energy this morning, probably as a result of the lack of sleep and how busy I have been this last week. It was frustrating to see how much I was struggling to maintain any reasonable speed through the terrain, especially on hills. Will need to work on my strength and power in the terrain over the next few weeks before Easter. Note to self: sleep is necessary to get any benefit out of training!!!!!
Looking forward to a better week of running next week, starting with a long run tomorrow!

Friday Mar 7, 2014 #

Road Cycling 31:47 [4] 14.21 km (2:14 / km)

Just didn't have the energy for a run today, so went for a high intensity ride instead. Beautiful time for it and felt good, keeping a high cadence.

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Thursday Mar 6, 2014 #

Running hills (Terrain) 30:00 [4] 7.0 km (4:17 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Hills training using the switchbacks up from Highfields Falls.
Started at the bottom of the falls, pushing hard up the switchbacks, before slowing to recovery pace, taking the long way through the bush to the bottom.
7x1km Loops (4 minute cycle - each took about 3:30).

Was great to finally be back in the bush, and a fantastic autumn morning for running!

Wednesday Mar 5, 2014 #

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Unfortunately was just to busy today to fit in a run. Will pump out a hard one tomorrow!

Tuesday Mar 4, 2014 #

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

So much jumping!!!!!!!
Quads = exhausted!
5 PM

Running 22:37 [3] 5.6 km (4:02 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Just a moderate pace/distance run to start off the week. Really tired after volleyball this morning, so I struggled to maintain any sort of speed. Was pretty stiff the whole way and my running form was awful! Tried to ensure I still maintained speed on the hills (two quite large ones!).

Monday Mar 3, 2014 #

(rest day)

Going to take it easy today, pulled up with a sore glute after yesterdays run, will get back into it tomorrow!

Sunday Mar 2, 2014 #

Running race (Peak2Park) 36:50 [5] 10.0 km (3:41 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Great Peak2Park Fun Run this morning.
Fantastic conditions and a nice (hilly in parts) course. Started strong and eased into the first few kilometres, but was quite tired after the long hill at the five kilometre mark. Slowed a little between 5 and 6 kilometres to give myself a bit of a rest before really pushing hard for the last 3 kiometres along the flat. Pretty happy with a 36, especially considering I have not been doing much endurance training lately and the lack of sleep I've had this week! Annoyed I couldn't be at the training today, it looks great!

Saturday Mar 1, 2014 #

Running race (Parkrun) 19:43 [5] 5.01 km (3:56 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

A wet and slippery Parkrun with a severely undersized field today.
After an easy week it was good to stretch the legs once again, and I was pleased to see that my week off has served to allow my legs to recover from the shinsplints which were starting to trouble me last week.
I was running by myself out the front for the entire race so found it difficult to keep my speed up at some points, but happy enough considering how sleep deprived I was! 1st for a change which was nice too!

Volleyball (Match) 45:00 [3]

A great game against ACGS. Everyone played really well, and recorded a well deserved win!

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