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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 30 days ending Sep 30, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running13 15:16:26 109.81(8:21) 176.72(5:11)
  VTT4 4:11:00 29.2 47.0
  Orienteering3 2:56:51 16.71 26.920 /23c86%
  Total20 22:24:17 155.73 250.6220 /23c86%
averages - sleep:6 weight:44.8kg

» now

Thursday Sep 29, 2011 #

6 AM

Running tempo 1:24:30 [4] 16.3 km (5:11 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

In Porto for work. Arrived late last night and stayed up working till 2am. Then up at 6am for a run through the city. Took a while to get going, then cranked it up to 4.30-4.40 pace for 6km. THen hit the hills back to the hotel and just cruised back home. Good run, warm morning. Slightly sore left inside lower shin - keep an eye on - esp with long run scheduled this weekend.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 1:00:00 [3]
slept:5.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy spin in the dark around the Bois. Ay-up lights working great. Should get another set for the handlebars. The ride felt fairly easy - must be getting fit!

Tuesday Sep 27, 2011 #

1 PM

Running intervals 56:00 [4] 11.0 km (5:05 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Fats-ish warmup with Jon then peeled off after 25 mins for 5 x 3min hard / 1 min easy. Forgot the Garmin, so don't really know what pace I was doing. But felt like 4.20-4.30 for most of it. Surprisingly hard, but stuck with it. Very warm day.

Monday Sep 26, 2011 #

(rest day)

Took it easy today. No cycling or anything!

Sunday Sep 25, 2011 #

8 AM

Running long 1:50:15 [3] 21.3 km (5:11 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Shorter long run this week due to being sick the last few days - decided discretion the best option with the race only 6 weeks away. So opted for a 20km run in Parc de St Cloud. Took it easy for first 14km trying to sit on around 5 min/km, a little slower up the hills into the Parc. Then sped up for the last 6km home trying to sit on 4.35-4.40/km, which I managed pretty successfully and even managed to keep a good pace up on the hills through Boulogne and the Bois de Boulogne. Felt good in the end - amazing how a 20km run feels relatively easy these days.

Saturday Sep 24, 2011 #

8 AM

Running 39:30 [3] 7.2 km (5:29 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Easy run to get back into it after the last few days. Felt okay - ran the last km hard to remind myself how it feels.

Friday Sep 23, 2011 #

(sick) (rest day)

Getting better quickly with a couple of early nights. Amazing what good sleep does for one.

Thursday Sep 22, 2011 #

(sick) (rest day)

Throat sore and quite hoarse. So best take a couple of days off.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 1:00:00 [2] 10.8 km (5:33 / km)
slept:4.0 (sick) shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Very easy run with Justin and Jeroen. Both these guys are doing the Amsterdam marathon and are in great shape. This was their easy mid-week run and they take it very seriously - certainly stuck religiously to around 5.30/km. Jeroen aiming for a 2.59 marathon, while Justin is shooting for 3.15, so this was a very very slow pace for them. Perfect for me as throat and chest feeling a bit congested.

Monday Sep 19, 2011 #

slept:8.5 weight:84.1kg (rest day)

Well-deserved rest day after a big weekend. Had a lovely blanquette de veau for lunch - yum!

Sunday Sep 18, 2011 #

12 PM

Orienteering warm up/down 15:00 [2] 2.5 km (6:00 / km)

Easy warm up for the race.
1 PM

Orienteering race 1:22:00 [4] *** 8.9 km (9:13 / km)
spiked:20/23c slept:7.5

IDF Club Relay Champs. Pretty forgettable day in the forest. Started in the mass start for teams who were running behind. Thought this was a bit much as only the first team had finished by then - the courses were clearly too long. Thought this would be a fun race to do with the mass start, but managed to stuff up the first one and then the 8th and so was running on my own the rest of the way. Lost a couple of minutes on 1, another 6 mins on 8, then a massive 10+ mins on 19. The last of these was a real bingo control - a cliff on the side of a steep hill in the green. Very frustrating all round. But struggled on to finish for the sake of teh team. Legs felt surprisingly good after yesterday's run and managed to run all the way and up most of the hills.

Saturday Sep 17, 2011 #

7 AM

Running long 2:31:00 [3] 30.22 km (5:00 / km)
slept:5.5 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Too late a night again. But still got out for the weekly long run. This was a bit of a struggle and the km passed very slowly for the first 15km. After the obligatory shuffling first 2 km, managed to hold at around 4.50 for most of the run, with a couple of km over 5/km gong up slight inclines (ave de la Grande Armee for example). Felt okay from 15-25km and was clicking off teh km along Champs Elysee and along the Seine. But then fell apart over last three km and just got slower and slower (5.09, 16, 33). Clocked up to 30km and then decided to stop running and walk the last km home up rue du Ranelagh. Goodness knows how i am going to do another 12km inNew York. I hope the sense of occasion will help things along.

Friday Sep 16, 2011 #

7 AM

Running 30:53 [2] 5.5 km (5:37 / km)
slept:5.5 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Easy morning run in the Bois afetr a late return last night from Copenhagen. Felt okay after first 10 mins of shuffling, just slow. Looking forward to the long run tomorrow.

Thursday Sep 15, 2011 #

(rest day)

In Copenhagen

Wednesday Sep 14, 2011 #

12 PM

Running tempo 50:33 [4] 10.5 km (4:49 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

getting back into bad sleeping habits. Need to fix that.

Good solid run with Justin that was pretty quick at times. Hammies feel pretty tight and so lots more stretching required.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2011 #

6 AM

Running 46:45 [3] 8.3 km (5:38 / km)
slept:4.5 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

working till 1.30am then up at 6am for an overdue run. Nice way to start the day and felt surprisingly good. Just took it easy in the dark in the Bois.

Monday Sep 12, 2011 #


Work just keeps getting in the way of training. Had intended to do a long-ish run today but just couldn't fit it in at lunchtime and didn't get home till 7.30 and then had to work inthe evening. Will go for a short one tomorrow morning.

Sunday Sep 11, 2011 #


In London. Had intended to do a longish run today, but childcare arrangemenst didn't quite work out. So took F to eth pool instead and then met with DG for Eurostar ride home to Paris.

Saturday Sep 10, 2011 #

1 PM

Orienteering race (City of London Race) 1:09:51 [5] **** 15.5 km (4:30 / km)

Good race and really enjoyed it. Decided to do the long Open Men's race this year as really wanted to see how I would go on teh lionger course after doing teh vets race the last three eyars. Prob should have stayed on eth vets course :-) as this was and felt like a long run! Was pretty tired teh whole race and had a real flat spot in teh middle wher ei felt like I was about to have another heart episode and slowed down quite a bit. However, picked up towards the end. Navigationally, lost time at a few controls, esp teh third control in the Barbican where I was on the wrong level and had to backtrack and go down a level (2 mins). Also had a couple of instances of missing small entrances to a cemetry and a building (20 secs each) and 4 cases of not seing the control despite being within 10m of the flag (5-10 secs each). I could probably taken 4-5 mins off my time, but overall pretty pleased with it. Came 43rd out of 200+ so not bad for an old bloke. Will definitely be back next year, this time to do teh Vets race (prob would have come top 5 in Vets based on km rates and course difficulty).

Orienteering warm up/down 10:00 [2]

Not much time for a warmup, but that is prob okay as facing a long day on teh road :-)

Wednesday Sep 7, 2011 #

6 AM

Running 1:21:00 [3] 14.8 km (5:28 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Tough run in Mayschoff (near Bonn). Up early in the dark and headed up into teh hills and vineyards surrounding this pretty town. Had a very good 1:20,000 tourist map that showed conyours and tracks in good detail and so was able to do a very nice run around the area. The forest was superb, if a bit steep. Clean forest floor and open forest - gorgeous. I am sure that someone would have already done an O map of this area. Tried to do some 1km intervals, but it was too hilly to be consistent in pace, so focused on effort up and down teh hills. Did 6 x 1km "efforts" with varying pace. Right groin a bit sore, but not limiting. Need to manage this over the next few weeks. Nice way to start the day.

Tuesday Sep 6, 2011 #

7 AM

VTT 37:00 [3]
slept:7.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Woke up late so only managed a short VTT ride in the Bois this morning. A bit cool and cloudy, and also dark! If i was to cycle at 6am, i will be needing my lights. Tried to keep teh cadence going quite high and the speed good. Linked up a nice set of single tracks for the ride.

Monday Sep 5, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 35:00 [3] 7.5 km (4:40 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Solid run with Justin. Bit faster than i meant to go, but felt comfortable enough. Slightly sore right groin - didn't slow me down but feels tight and a bit tender to touch.

Sunday Sep 4, 2011 #

3 PM

VTT long 1:49:00 [3] 32.0 km (3:24 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Nice long VTT ride in the Bois and Parc de St Cloud. Wet ride and so got to try out my mud skills - pretty scary corners at times as the rear wheel gets all slippy and slidy. Very very dirty and muddy by the time I got home and spent 40 mins cleaning up the bike. A little while ago I bought a nice mechanics stand that helps hugely with fixing and cleaning the bike. Looks very professional too! Legs felt surprisingly good after yesterday's long run, although didn't push too hard on the hills and was just content to pedal smoothly and maintain momentum.

Saturday Sep 3, 2011 #

7 AM

Running long 2:19:00 [3] 27.0 km (5:09 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Long run in Bois and Parc de St Cloud. Felt okay for most of this. Started out at steady pace around Longchamp, then into the hills of St Cloud. Explored a few new tracks and discovered what looks like some good VTT single track sections, which I will come back to tomorrow I hope. Back around the Longchamp and threw in a few km at a faster pace (4.40-4.30) and then started to struggle for last 3km. Seem to have survived okay. Pretty warm out there, even for early in the morning (23 deg at 9am), and lost quite a bit of weight on the run - weight was 83.3kg at end (down from last weigh-in of 86.2kg!) so definitely need to drink a looot of water.

Friday Sep 2, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 32:00 [3] 6.3 km (5:05 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Easy run with Jon - first one for a while with him. Warm muggy day - looks like we are getting a late burst of summer now we are all back in the office!

Thursday Sep 1, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 45:00 [3] 15.0 km (3:00 / km)
weight:5.5kg shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy ride around teh Bois. Getting dark in teh morning - summer is definitely on the way out ...

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