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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running13 15:40:02 113.77(8:16) 183.1(5:08)
  VTT4 3:26:00 14.29 23.0
  Orienteering1 1:20:54 3.36 5.4
  Total18 20:26:56 131.42 211.5
averages - sleep:6.3 weight:84.5kg

» now

Monday Oct 31, 2011 #

(sick) (rest day)

At work, but trying to take it really easy. Stuffing all sorts of pills down me to try and hurry this cold up. Sleep and fluids the key.

Sunday Oct 30, 2011 #

slept:8.0 (sick) (rest day)

Buggar. Have succumbed to the cold that Lisa and Freya have ha dthe last week. Not too bad as yet, but i have a tight chest and feeling tired and run down. Not surprising after the last week I have had at work. So, just rest and plenty of fluids for teh next few days.

Saturday Oct 29, 2011 #

10 AM

Running 37:00 [3] 6.0 km (6:10 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Good quick run in the Bois. Feeling a but heavy, but moving well enough.

Friday Oct 28, 2011 #

7 AM

Running 30:00 [2] 5.0 km (6:00 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Managed to get out for a quick run this morning. Been a tough week.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2011 #

slept:4.0 (rest day)

T-13. Another insane day at work, starting with a late night in the office and not getting to bed till 2am. Followed by an 8am high level breakfast meeting (at least breakfast was actually served), a full day of our Global Forum on Water, cocktail reception, and now back in the office until goodness knows when. Would like a decent night's sleep though. And some food would be good :-)

Monday Oct 24, 2011 #

slept:7.5 weight:84.5kg (rest day)

T-14. Rest day today. Verybusy work week coming up with multiple meetings and limited time to train.

Sunday Oct 23, 2011 #

8 AM

Running long 1:40:46 [3] 20.3 km (4:58 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Good long run. Doing 20km feels very easy now and cruised along for the most part. Didn't push things at all, but found myself running at or faster than marathon pace for much of the run. Actually had to slow myself up the last few km and just jogged home. Looking good (touch wood). Two weeks today to NYC!

Saturday Oct 22, 2011 #

4 PM

VTT 40:00 [3]
slept:8.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy ride in the Bois to turn the legs over. Wore tights for the first time since summer. Our late burst of summery weather is definitely over!

Friday Oct 21, 2011 #

6 AM

Running warm up/down 18:00 [2] 3.4 km (5:18 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy run to start with

Running tempo 43:06 [3] 9.1 km (4:44 / km)
shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Tempo run at marathon pace. Felt pretty easy. Left calf okay but a bit tight and worrying. Stretch, ice, massage.

Running warm up/down 7:00 [2] 1.0 km (7:00 / km)
shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy to finish up

Thursday Oct 20, 2011 #

slept:5.0 (rest day)

taking the rest days seriously, but not the rest part. Work very busy and not gettng enough sleep. Must, must, must get my act together and get some decent sleep thenext few weeks.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2011 #

12 PM

Running 32:00 [3] 6.0 km (5:20 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy run to test the calf. Took it very gently as have not had much sleep recently due to work pressure. everything seems to be working okay.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 #

slept:5.0 (rest day)

Rest day #2! Meetings from 9am till 7pm, solid except for 20 mins for a quick lunch.

Monday Oct 17, 2011 #

(rest day)

Take it easy after the weekend and also rest up my left calf. Start of the taper coincides with an insanely busy couple fo weeks at work. No travel, but lots of meetings culminating in a Global Forum event on Water I am organising (with 200 attendees), plus a Working Party meeting the following two days. Logistical details are driving me crazy!

Sunday Oct 16, 2011 #

3 PM

VTT 1:05:00 [3] 23.0 km (2:50 / km)
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy VTT ride up into Parc de St Cloud. Glorious day for it - 16 deg, sunny and still. Bit crowded so had to be careful and look out for pedestrians and dogs. Good to be out and enjoyed this ride. Felt quite easy overall.

Saturday Oct 15, 2011 #

6 AM

Running long 2:53:15 [3] 34.4 km (5:02 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Last long run before NY! Decided to do a HTFU run and went around Hippodrome Longchamp 7 times. Good mental training if a little boring. First hour and a half was in the dark, not many people out there. Then a few other runners started to filter down to the Hippodrome, with one guy coming past at 24km at a pace just a bit faster than me so I hung onto him for 4km, which was good training. Left calf started to tighten up over last few km and is now a bit tight and sore. No real damage I think, just feels like the large bulk of the muscle has been kind of swollen. Ice pack and stretching should see it right over the next few days.

All in all, a good run and confidence-building. If all goes to plan, I am sure that I will be able to get to 32-34km at around 4.50/km. Then I hope the occasion and the crowds pull me through the last 8-10km.

Thursday Oct 13, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 30:00 [3] 5.6 km (5:21 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy lunchtime jog around teh Bois. Just took it steady and didn't try and push the pace at all. Getting prepared for last long run on Sat morning.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2011 #

6 AM

Running intervals 1:25:00 [4] 16.0 km (5:19 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Woke up early this morning at 5.30 (!) and so decided to head out for themid-week long run. After a slow first few km, started to crank it up an dthen, from 7km, did 7 x 1km with 2 min slow jog between each. Reps were done about 10-20 secs/km faster than anticipated marathon pace, getting progressively faster (4.41, 39, 32, 30, 34, 24, 21). All felt very good and the intervals were comfortably fast. Very dark the whole run and finished in the dark.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 1:01:00 [3]
slept:5.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

early morning ride - all ion teh dark now even to te end. Lights work fantastically, but still a bit boring to wander round teh Bois in teh dark. See some strange sights though. Felt pretty easy.

Monday Oct 10, 2011 #


T-27! getting closer and starting to think focus on the last stages of training and the taper. Broad plan is for this week to be my last big (for me) week of training, with a 16km run on Wednesday and the last long run of 32-34km on Sat or Sun (depending on scoial schedule). then plan to back off teh training with long runs of 20km and 15km the following weekends before flying over to NY the Friday just before the race.
2 PM

Running (Easy) 28:55 [2] 5.2 km (5:34 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Very easy run to try and get teh jetlag and travel out of teh legs. Also took the opportunity to try out my racing shoes and some new socks. racing shoes were great, socks were rubbish. So need to find the best pair for teh big day. T-27 and counting!

Sunday Oct 9, 2011 #

(rest day)

Travel from Seoul back to Paris. Long flight but fairly comfortable in business class - upper deck of a 747. Sweet :-)

Saturday Oct 8, 2011 #

9 AM

Running long (Seoul) 1:50:00 [4] 22.8 km (4:49 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Long run in Seoul. Started out slowly and explored the Olympic Park which houses the indoor arenas. Bumped into quite a large fun run and jogged along with that for a while causing quite a bit of a stir among the kids. Then worked my way back to the Han River and started to stretch out. From 6km started at around 4.50/km for a few km. Did a progression run for last half started to increase pace at 15km for next 6km (4.44, 4.36, 4.32, 4.28, 4.26, 4.21) then jogged back to hotel. Good run all up, but very polluted air.

Friday Oct 7, 2011 #

7 AM

Running (Seoul) 36:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:09 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

In Seoul. Easy morning run - felt pretty tired depsite a good night's sleep . Not surprising given this was actually 1am Paris time. Jogged around the busy streets near the hotel and then made it down to teh Han River for a short stretch. Will have to do my long run along the river on Sunday morning. Quite polluted air.

Thursday Oct 6, 2011 #

(rest day)

Travalled to Korea. Had planned a run on arrival but got buttonholed by Korean hosts and taken out to dinner.

Wednesday Oct 5, 2011 #

(rest day)

Busy day at work trying to get everything done - didn't really manage.

Tuesday Oct 4, 2011 #

6 AM

Running tempo 45:00 [3] 9.2 km (4:53 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Surprisingly good run for the early morning. Took a couple of km to warmup then started to run at marathon pace (5min/km) for a couple of km. Then cranked it up to 4.45, 4.40, 4.44, 4.20 for last half of run. Dark the whole way!

Sunday Oct 2, 2011 #

12 PM

Orienteering race 1:05:54 [4] **** 5.4 km (12:12 / km)

Regionale at Nemours. Stuffed up the first control (1 1/2 mins), then the 5th quite badly (5 mins), then dropped a minute on three controls towards the middle of the course. Just didn't quite get into the O today and my head wasn't working properly. Running felt surprisingly good after yesterday's long run. Bumped my upper left shin on a rock towards the end and that is a bit swollen now, but should be okay.

Orienteering warm up/down 15:00 [2]

Easy jogging to warm up and down.

Saturday Oct 1, 2011 #

8 AM

Running long 2:44:00 [3] 32.1 km (5:07 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Whew, that felt like a long way! Had a bit of tummy trouble to start with and had to change route to ensure that I had some forest to use in case it turned bad. Went okay though after the initial stop. Felt like it took forever to get up to 15km but after that the km clicked by regularly. Went around 16th, through Boulogn, big lap of Parc de St Cloud (quite hilly), then a couple of laps of Hippodrome Longchamp before coming back home through Boulogne and up Ave Mozart. Took it fairly easy up to about 13km (at the top of St Cloud) and then tried to keep the pace a bit higher for the rest of the run. From 13km, km splits were 4.52, 54, 39, 45, 52, 52, 52, 51, 5.01, 4.54, 56, 55, 55, 57, 58, 5.01, 5.05, 5.03. Last km was a struggle up ave Mozart at 5.25, inc a stop for bread. All in all, a good run. Felt better at the end than the previous 30km run, though still pretty sore. Weighed in at 81.9 after the run, a drop of around 3kg over the course of the run. Warm day - 23 deg at the end.
5 PM

VTT 40:00 [2]
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy ride to running store to buy new running shoes.

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