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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running20 15:27:10 116.9 188.14 2800
  Touch5 3:20:00
  mtb2 1:40:00 17.4(5:45) 28.0(3:34) 280
  Orienteering1 37:35 4.18(8:59) 6.73(5:35) 30020 /20c100%
  Total25 21:04:45 138.48 222.87 338020 /20c100%
averages - sleep:8.8

» now

Saturday Jun 30, 2007 #

Running 34:00 [2] 7.0 km (4:51 / km) +100m 4:32 / km
ahr:144 max:166 slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Easy run to test out the left and right hip... certainly isn't getting any worse.. and wasn't really that uncomfortable, just very tight. Didn't wanna push the pace tho... will see how it goes orienteering tomorrow.

Friday Jun 29, 2007 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Game against Ports... one we should have won by heaps but only managed 9-4. Started with 4 players which didn't help, and had a fill in guy who wasn't really our best asset. Our defence was the big let down... but good news we played our best tactical touch without relying on the boys to run around the other team.
Surprisingly my legs felt alright while playing touch... didn't seem to aggrevate them at all.
3 - Jess for receiving a pretty decent boot from a guy diving for a try. She still managed to get the touch tho... I woulda been pretty pissed off at the retards inept diving style if I were her.
2 - Lucy for running the game out with a corked thigh...
1 - Damo for reaching new a new height of laziness.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]

Cool down around the ovals after the game with Emma... just making sure that the legs hold up ok.

Thursday Jun 28, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 58:00 [2] 9.9 km (5:52 / km) +200m 5:19 / km
slept:9.0 (injured) shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Winter tour around Battery Point and Sandy Bay set by Patty... wasn't going to run but thought I would start with the others and test the leg on a short jog. It was surprisingly good at an easy pace with a fairly conservative running style, so kept going. Could still tell it was there, but it didn't get painful... so don't think I aggrevated it or anything. The real big decisions are about playing touch tomorrow, the one cross country race I've been looking forward to all year on Saturday and then going up to Launnie to train on Sunday. It always has to happen at the worst times...

Wednesday Jun 27, 2007 #

(injured) (rest day)

See what a days rest does.. still pretty sore

Tuesday Jun 26, 2007 #

Running 35:00 [2] 6.6 km (5:18 / km)
ahr:142 max:164 (injured) shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Another night run... warming up and recoveries between tara dr 400s. Felt a bit of a niggle in the right hip area about 500m into warming up which felt vaguely familiar. Stretched it out a big and it didn't really annoy me until 15mins in... then just got worse n worse so stopped. Feeling even worse after cooling down. Had a similar thing back in my soccer days... but I can't really remember the details that well..

Running hills (Tara Dr 400s) 6:00 [4] 1.6 km (3:45 / km) +80m 3:00 / km
ahr:168 max:179 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Monday Jun 25, 2007 #

Running 46:00 [3] 10.44 km (4:24 / km) +200m 4:01 / km
ahr:155 max:175 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Thought it would be a struggle after the weekend and still feeling a bit dicey, but felt awesome. Much nicer running at night with a decent head torch and warmer clothes...

Sunday Jun 24, 2007 #

(rest day)

Sick as a dog... didn't get out of bed all day.

Saturday Jun 23, 2007 #

(rest day)

Last exam... finally

Friday Jun 22, 2007 #

Touch 40:00 [4]

Against the second team on the ladder, easybeats. No real fast guys but played the game well. Shocking first half, with the guys letting everyone down. Played much better in the second half thanks mainly to Emma and Louis who lifted his game big time... probably close the best on field he was. Actually started playing some of the best team touch we have played... much faster, direct, and actually passing! Won 10-1 in the end. Good fun game.
3 - Louis for actually learning how to play the game! (and the only guy who actually listened to the half time instructions)
2 - Emma, good effort in the second half with a cold.
1 - Me. I thought I was pretty damn marvelous. ;)
(Nobody did anything stupid this week)

Thursday Jun 21, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 1:00:00 [3] 10.99 km (5:28 / km) +250m 4:54 / km
ahr:149 max:183 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Pretty enjoyable tour round Taroona set by Nicko. Got to test of the brand new headtorch (bargain.. 50% off, only $40 and way better than Patty's disco one). Was extremely muddy after last night's (what sounded like) torrential downpour... so there were a few funny moments running up the grassy slopes. Then I had the pleasure of not having a finish point marked on my map, so I ran another 800m to the next one and wondered where everyone was, so had to run back again looking for them.. cheers Nicko.
Had to be one of the coldest nights running yet, 3 degrees at the mercury on the way home...

Wednesday Jun 20, 2007 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.1 km (4:27 / km) +200m 4:03 / km
ahr:155 max:172 slept:9.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Got out before dark to go for a run in the wet. Fairly solid run with 4 x 2 min efforts in the middle. Was mostly on wet muddy tracks which was tough. Chest didn't really feel all that comfortable for most of it tho...

Running 8:00 [4] 2.15 km (3:43 / km)
ahr:167 max:174 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Efforts... talk about consistency..

545m, 156/164 bpm
542m, 166/171 bpm
544m, 167/171 bpm
468m, 170/174 bpm

Last one was a bit of a killer up hill...

Tuesday Jun 19, 2007 #

Running 2:36 [5] 0.8 km (3:15 / km) +40m 2:36 / km
ahr:168 max:179 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

2 Tara Dr 400s during the run...

Running 22:00 [3] 4.5 km (4:53 / km)
ahr:139 max:156 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Didn't have time to do much else today... only just managed to squeeze this in before dinna... still two more exams to go :(

Sunday Jun 17, 2007 #

Running 23:00 [2] 4.17 km (5:31 / km)
ahr:132 max:146 slept:9.5 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Easy morning run with Emma round Bellerive.

mtb 25:00 [3] 8.2 km (3:03 / km) +80m 2:54 / km
ahr:137 max:163 shoes: Giant Alias

Planned to ride for longer, but kept going until I couldn't feel my hands and then couldn't change gears or brake... they are still stinging now... winter sucks...

Saturday Jun 16, 2007 #

Running intervals 13:10 [5] 4.0 km (3:18 / km)
ahr:170 max:182 slept:9.0 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Usual 4 x 1km intervals along the bike track at Howrah. Tried doing the 1kms by the distance function on my watch... it was pretty consistent, but I think its undermeasuring since it cuts some of the corners... however it's much closer than the way I've been doing it in the past, so will keep doing it this way. Haven't done much speed work recently, so was good to get some done. Legs were sore, nearly cramping, after touch last night though... so was a struggle to get the speed up.

3:14, 169/179
3:19, 171/181
3:21, 169/180
3:16, 171/182

Running 32:00 [1] 4.9 km (6:32 / km)
ahr:141 max:153 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

3 min recoveries between intervals, and 10 min warm up and cool down.

Friday Jun 15, 2007 #

Touch 40:00 [4]

Against the second team Panthers... toughest game yet which was good. Still got a lot of improving to do. Won 11-2, but that doesn't really reflect how tough the game was. Had the annoying little shit ref again... after a pathetic penalty against me from the ref, I calmly and politely explained to him what had actually occured and what I thought... which wasn't receieved very well, and he gave another 10m penalty against me. Nobody really did anything amazing so don't think I can award any points... oh no wait I can... 3 points to the ref for being a dick.

Thursday Jun 14, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 50:00 [3] 9.5 km (5:16 / km) +200m 4:46 / km
ahr:153 max:188 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Tour around Kingston set by Jess... had quite a few cool little areas... few killer climbs as well. Pace seemed to be much quicker, but think we had longer breaks this time as well. Louis and Patrick, both of which had the advantage of headtorches, were well off their game... taking wrong turns left right and centre. Was absolutely freezing by the end, so the hot chips were good.

Wednesday Jun 13, 2007 #

Running long 1:21:00 [3] 15.79 km (5:08 / km) +600m 4:19 / km
ahr:148 max:170 slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Attempted a long run while waiting for Emma to finish her exam. From uni up to Tolmans via olinda grove... tried to get through ham common but couldn't, so went back around a bush bashed for a while till I found a track... ran up through the tracks on the ridgeway map that I don't run on often then attempted to scale the enbankment at the bottom of one of the dams which turned out to be more of a climb than run. Then it started pouring, which added to me abso-f**kin-lutely freezing my ass off in running shorts and tshirt. So skipped the loop around waterworks on the way back down and just finished early. Lacking a bit of motivation at the moment, but hopefully will get back into it after these exams are over.

Tuesday Jun 12, 2007 #

Running 32:00 [2] 6.6 km (4:51 / km)
ahr:128 max:150 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Should have and probably could have done more... but felt tired and shit after exam... tomorrow...

Monday Jun 11, 2007 #

Running 40:00 [2] 8.4 km (4:46 / km) +100m 4:30 / km
ahr:132 max:152 slept:7.5 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Another busy day studying... got an easy session in before dinner.

Sunday Jun 10, 2007 #

(rest day)

Slept in so didn't have time to train around all the study... probably a good thing since my knee has been niggling a bit.

Saturday Jun 9, 2007 #

mtb 1:15:00 [3] 19.8 km (3:47 / km) +200m 3:36 / km
ahr:133 max:174 slept:10.0 shoes: Giant Alias

Ride around the tracks at home with Timmy. First ride in a very long time and it showed... managed to get a pretty good loop without too much road riding with some nice sections of track. Was bloody cold tho... couldn't feel my feet or hands by the end.

Friday Jun 8, 2007 #

Touch race 40:00 [4]

Against some team with a weird name... went into it hoping to get our pecentage back on track to reach 1000 by the end of the season... didn't do too bad a job of it, winning 16-0 (just another 104 trys to go, if we don't concede another that is). Had a slow start, but when the star player was subbed on 5 mins into the game we got our energy back.
Points would have to be...
3 - Jess for managing to slip over on her arse with enough speed to bounce three or four times across the field.
2 - Louis somehow managing to get a try after conceding 10m of ground and cornering himself.
1 - For Lucy's effort in a sprint down the wing only to be ankle tapped 2m from the line. That sucks...

Thursday Jun 7, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 55:30 [3] 10.15 km (5:28 / km) +200m 4:59 / km
ahr:144 max:177 slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Good fun tour round Lutana and New Town set by Luke. Really sucked not to have a headtorch this week... especially when the people with them couldn't read their maps... Fast pace this week which was good, and quite a few good sprint finishes... especially liked my come from 50m behind to outsprint an overconfident Louis in the last 100m.

Wednesday Jun 6, 2007 #

Running long 1:18:00 [3] 16.8 km (4:39 / km) +150m 4:27 / km
ahr:151 max:167 slept:9.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Long run from home in the morning. 100m down the road and I had a stitch... so knew it wasn't gonna be the nicest run. Found a new track around the back of Single Hill to Seven Mile Beach... right knee started hurting along the beach and was getting bored so turned around. Then to top it off my watch stopped working as well... have had better runs.

Tuesday Jun 5, 2007 #

Running intervals (Tara Dr Ints) 22:01 [5] 5.85 km (3:46 / km) +180m 3:16 / km
ahr:163 max:181 slept:9.0 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Was meant to do 3 x 10 min efforts... but got home late and decided to do something a bit shorter and hilly. 3 x Tara Dr loops which I haven't done for a while... The loop is just under 2km, with a relatively steep climb at the start and end of about 60m. Was hard to run confidently in the dark even with a headtorch, and had some troubles with cars trying to run me down when they were turning into their driveways... Legs felt much better today, felt as though they had a lot left in them. Coulda been running in the racers that did it... I love 'em.

7:19, 161/178 bpm
7:30, 160/176 bpm
7:14, 166/181 bpm

Running warm up/down 22:00 [2] 3.8 km (5:47 / km)
ahr:135 max:181 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Short warm up, longer cool down and 3 min recoveries between reps. Had another mini heart jump again a couple of mins after the last rep... was looking at my watch as it happened... weird...

Monday Jun 4, 2007 #

Running tempo (Tranmere Time Trial) 1:01:53 [4] 16.0 km (3:52 / km) +120m 3:44 / km
ahr:166 max:175 slept:8.5 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Really didn't feel like doing this today, and knew I wasn't gonna be able to push myself to a good time, but didn't expect to be 6 minutes off my best time! Never got into a comfortable pace, and the negative attitude towards it didn't make me run any faster either. Still feeling really flat and slow.. hopefully after a couple of easy weeks during exams I'll feel a bit better.
Splits at the ~ half way out point, and at the turnaround.... so roughly 4km splits.

14:35, 15:47, 15:51, 15:38.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1] 1.5 km (6:40 / km)
ahr:127 max:141 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Running 25:00 [1] 4.8 km (5:12 / km)
ahr:125 max:140 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Recovery session... really just a excuse for a break from study... stretched well after to try n get some life back into my legs.

Sunday Jun 3, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Local - Knocklofty) 37:35 [4] ** 6.73 km (5:35 / km) +300m 4:34 / km
ahr:168 max:183 spiked:20/20c slept:9.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Much more interesting course at Knocklofty than usual, actually went into some areas I hadn't been before... half of it had street running tho. Legs really weren't into it today, couldn't push hard enough... still good solid run tho. Patty must have picked some stupid route choices to get 400m longer than me! :)

Running 10:00 [1] 1.7 km (5:53 / km)
ahr:134 max:146 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Warm up and cool down after with Louis.

Saturday Jun 2, 2007 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.1 km (4:27 / km) +180m 4:05 / km
ahr:161 max:179 slept:10.5 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Old loop that I haven't done for a while around home. A good fast run that turned into a stumble in the dark. Legs felt good at the start, but last 5-10 mins they were heavy. Still are a bit sore from touch last night.
Peak heart rate and speed came when I was again chased by a dog in the dark... nearly broke 30km/h... yes, I was scared.

Friday Jun 1, 2007 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Against Stringrays who are second on the ladder.. they were down to only guys and one girl. Played pretty pathetic, and the rest of the team weren't much better on a whole. Emma picked the way through the boys on the other team to score a good try which most of us couldn't do this week. Got pretty pissed off with one of the little refs... think he was trying to suck up to the other team. Oh yeh, and won 11-4.

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