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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running23 17:10:15 109.27 175.85 3910
  Orienteering7 7:25:55 42.82 68.92 212093 /129c72%
  Touch1 40:00
  Total24 25:16:10 152.09 244.77 603093 /129c72%
averages - sleep:7.9

» now

Thursday May 31, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 1:05:00 [3] 12.7 km (5:07 / km) +200m 4:45 / km
ahr:139 max:179 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Tour around Howrah and Tranmere set by Emma. Turned out to be a lot longer than expected... and pretty good. Quiet one this week with no Patrick or Andrewartha boys (slackers)... was good fun.

Wednesday May 30, 2007 #

Orienteering 28:38 [3] *** 4.38 km (6:32 / km)
ahr:158 max:172 spiked:15/19c shoes: VJ Falcons

Short course through the more technical dunes... wasn't flowing really well for most of it, but managed to hit most of them pretty well, only a few mistakes around the control circles.

Running long 1:14:00 [3] 12.15 km (6:05 / km)
ahr:138 max:159 slept:8.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Long run down at Pittwater with Louis, Grace and Matt. Ran from the car park down to the good dunes near the end to do some orienteering training. Run back along the beach was a struggle, started to feel real hungry and light headed. My eye is still recovering from being stabbed by a stick at the end of the race on the weekend.

Tuesday May 29, 2007 #

Running 36:00 [3] 7.7 km (4:41 / km) +140m 4:17 / km
ahr:146 max:169 slept:6.5 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Felt tired and low on energy today... so skipped Fiddlers and just went on an easy recovery run around Tara Dr in the dark. Took the ipod for a change... reminised by listening to one of the Pearl Jam concerts I went to last year... World Wide Suicide is surprisingly good to run to...

Monday May 28, 2007 #

Running intervals 20:00 [4] 5.18 km (3:52 / km) +100m 3:31 / km
ahr:165 max:175 slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

4 x 5 min efforts at bout 80% pace on the bike paths around Bellerive and Lindisfarne foreshore, with 5 min recoveries in between. Tried to keep the recoveries at a normal long run pace though. Was a bit hesitant about pushing really hard after yesterday.

1.32 km, 163/170 bpm
1.28 km, 165/170 bpm
1.28 km, 163/171 bpm
1.30 km, 168/175 bpm

Running 20:00 [3] 4.22 km (4:44 / km)
ahr:150 max:169 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

4 x 5 min recoveries

Running 23:00 [2] 4.4 km (5:14 / km)
ahr:140 max:152 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

13 min warm up, 10 min cool down.

Sunday May 27, 2007 #

Orienteering race (TOS 5 - Stags Head) 1:13:13 [4] *** 11.6 km (6:19 / km) +300m 5:35 / km
ahr:184 max:217 spiked:15/20c slept:8.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Pretty average run in the end... Started pretty well up to 11. Lost 1-2 mins at 2 but other than that only a few small mistakes. Bad route choice to 12, then lost 2 mins near the control anyway... misread a spur and a line of rock, still not totally sure what it was. Then had another heart rate jump coming out of the control which I was conscious of... so eased off a bit to try and let it drop back down to normal... but after a control of two it still was above 200. Didn't push hard for the rest of the course cause it was worrying me a bit. Still managed to lose time on 16 and 17 tho. Pretty disappointing since I was in the mood and it was a pretty decent course.

Running 15:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Warm up and cool down... took a few hours for my chest to feel normal again.

Saturday May 26, 2007 #

Running 32:00 [2] 6.2 km (5:10 / km) +100m 4:47 / km
ahr:139 max:158 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Felt pretty seedy and wrecked from a 21st last night, but had to do something... couldn't have another day off. Dragged myself around for as long as possible..

Friday May 25, 2007 #

(rest day)

Touch was cancelled.. and the rest of the day was pretty busy... disappointed

Thursday May 24, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 1:05:00 [3] 11.5 km (5:39 / km) +200m 5:12 / km
ahr:138 max:174 slept:10.0 shoes: Brooks Trance 6

Set by Patrick around Rosny and Warrane. Map was a bit hard to read but had some good areas... especially liked the school area. Stops between legs are getting even shorted which is good... but no nicko or lee there so the pace wasn't competitive.

Wednesday May 23, 2007 #

Running long 1:38:00 [3] 16.6 km (5:54 / km) +900m 4:39 / km
ahr:139 max:167 slept:8.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Fairly easy long run with Louis from the waterworks up to fern tree, along pipeline, silver falls, tolmans, ridgeway and back down to waterworks. Good to have company for a change, but I think the talking was distracting us from pushing a bit harder. Nice run though.

Tuesday May 22, 2007 #

Running hills 10:34 [5] 2.42 km (4:22 / km) +150m 3:20 / km
ahr:161 max:176 slept:8.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Hill intervals at Lambert Park. Sussed out all the tracks running through there to try and find a good route to do some longer hill intervals... found a pretty decent combination that has a bit of everything... even a creek crossing. Didn't warm up enough so never really got right into it, always felt a bit slow.

300m, 1:06, 148/167 bpm
550m, 2:27, 158/173 bpm
550m, 2:26, 161/176 bpm
550m, 2:25, 164/176 bpm
480m, 2:10, 159/172 bpm

Running 34:00 [2] 6.0 km (5:40 / km)
ahr:140 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Short warm up, recoveries and slightly longer cool down afterwards. Was on a strict time limit to get a coffee before the place closed.

Monday May 21, 2007 #

Running 36:00 [3] 8.15 km (4:25 / km) +120m 4:07 / km
ahr:146 max:169 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Discovered my headtorch still had some batteries left, so went out on a recovery run in the dark. Knee has pulled up much better than I thought, just a bit tight and sore. Right hip got a bit sore running downhill like last week's tour... otherwise felt good.

Sunday May 20, 2007 #

Orienteering (NOL 12) 1:18:32 [4] **** 10.71 km (7:20 / km) +400m 6:11 / km
ahr:171 max:185 spiked:14/21c slept:8.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Long at Seldom Seen... second time round the map was probably even more shit. Started slow n steady but go them all cleanly up to 5 (except 4). Hesitated early on 6 cause there was a lot of rock before the control that didn't seem to appear on the map... then was very scrappy through to 13... with a bigger error on 12. Finished off slow but alright. Average race.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Saturday May 19, 2007 #

Orienteering race (NOL 11) 32:45 [5] **** 6.54 km (5:00 / km) +150m 4:30 / km
ahr:178 max:188 spiked:19/22c slept:9.0 shoes: VJ Falcons

Middle distance at Gumble. Had the joy of starting first both days since I entered late... but had no problems with that, didn't have to worry about others around me. Fairly clean race, but nothing blistering. Got all the technical controls reasonably cleanly and steady. Had a bad patch from 7 through to 10, and banging my knee on a rock to 9 didn't improve things. Hurt like hell but loosened up after a couple hundred meters. Was hoping to hold off Matt Crane but he flew past me at 17... no way was I gonna try n keep up with him.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Friday May 18, 2007 #

(rest day)

Long day sitting in airports and buses...

Thursday May 17, 2007 #

Running (Winter Tour) 41:00 [3] 6.8 km (6:02 / km) +140m 5:28 / km
ahr:144 max:182 slept:8.5 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Fairly short and easy tour around Nutgrove Beach. I missed a good stack from Patrick with his disco headlight... and Louis started to head up the wrong road when he was one of the only ones who had a headtorch and could actually see his map.

Wednesday May 16, 2007 #

Running tempo (Monna Fartlek) 20:00 [4] 5.15 km (3:53 / km) +80m 3:36 / km
ahr:166 max:174 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Around the trails at home... felt alright once I got going.

Running 25:00 [2] 5.1 km (4:54 / km) +100m 4:28 / km
ahr:150 max:168 slept:8.5 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

10 min warm up and 15 cool down after monna. Lathargic during warm up and just felt fairly flat and slow during the cool down.

Tuesday May 15, 2007 #

(rest day)

Busy day... too dark to bother.

Monday May 14, 2007 #

Running hills (Rosny) 9:00 [5] 2.61 km (3:27 / km) +210m 2:28 / km
ahr:158 max:223 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

6 x 1 min hills, 6 x 30 sec hills with Louis at Rosny. Felt really good on all of them.
Another heartrate jump, this time during the third 1 min rep... reaching quite a scary pace. Rest of the session went fine though.

Running 38:00 [2] 6.6 km (5:45 / km)
ahr:131 max:150 slept:7.5 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

10 min warm up, 10 min cool down, plus recoveries.

Sunday May 13, 2007 #

Orienteering race (Local - Risdon Brook) 37:15 [4] 6.02 km (6:11 / km) +250m 5:07 / km
ahr:164 max:178 shoes: VJ Falcons

Local at Risdon Brook Dam. Was a good course set by Patty, in the rock on the eastern side of the dam. Maybe lost 30 sec on 9 standing on the wrong rock, and slightly off on a couple of others but pretty smooth and clean. Legs were dead tho, just didn't wanna move at all.

Orienteering 25:00 [1]
ahr:116 max:146 shoes: VJ Falcons

Warm up/cool down, collecting a few controls afterwards.

Saturday May 12, 2007 #

Running race (XC) 10:41 [5] 3.2 km (3:20 / km) +40m 3:09 / km
ahr:181 max:188 slept:8.5 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Cross country - Government House. Basically a road race along the domain road above the Botanical Gardens. Reasonable pace to the turn, and had a fair bit left on the way back but didn't use it. Need to get used to pushing harder sometimes and controlling my pace a bit more. Good fun though. Probably should remember next time to empty the system the morning of the race as well.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [1] 2.5 km (8:00 / km)
ahr:128 max:145 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Warm up and cool down. Mainly running back and forth between the car and the start.

Running (Acton Trails) 39:00 [3] 8.5 km (4:35 / km) +130m 4:16 / km
ahr:149 max:165 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Evening run from home around the trails.. been a pretty ordinary training week so hopefully next week will be a bit more structured.

Friday May 11, 2007 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Won 18-1.... got a bit embarrassing by the end. Not as much fun playing against crap teams... think the new guys need a loss to pop their newly inflated heads and get them to start playing properly. Votes for the game were...
3 - Damo for asking whether it would be nice to say sorry for beating them by so much.
2 - Our fill-in player for managing to play an entire half with only being in the play once.
1 - Nicko... for not turning up.

Running 15:00 [1]

Special recovery training

Thursday May 10, 2007 #

(rest day)

Had to miss tour for a 3 hour long tut on how to brush my teeth before an interview.... turning into not such a good training week.

Wednesday May 9, 2007 #

Running intervals (Tara Dr 400s) 6:00 [5] 1.6 km (3:45 / km) +80m 3:00 / km
ahr:162 max:174 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Back to running 400m intervals up Tara Drive in the dark. Was no light at all tonight, and got pretty annoyed at cars with full beam.. so only did half of the session.

Running warm up/down 24:00 [1] 4.84 km (4:58 / km)
ahr:133 max:155 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Warm up and 2:30 recovery jog between intervals. Not much of a cool down.

Tuesday May 8, 2007 #

Running long 1:28:00 [3] 16.53 km (5:19 / km) +800m 4:17 / km
ahr:148 max:166 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Run from uni up to waterworks, zig-zagged up to fern tree on the tracks then back around Tolman's hill, through Olinda grove and to uni again. Thought it would take me longer... but didn't turn out to be as far as I thought. Was bloody steep tho. Coming down the track at Olinda grove in the dark wasn't nice either... felt pretty good, but maybe a bit dehydrated.

Monday May 7, 2007 #

(rest day)

Yet another delayed flight home. Left Bendigo at 6am and got home at 2:30.

Sunday May 6, 2007 #

Orienteering race (WOC trial long (NOL10)) 1:55:17 [4] ***** 18.37 km (6:17 / km) +750m 5:13 / km
ahr:161 max:183 spiked:13/26c shoes: VJ Falcons

Was in the worst frame of mind at the start, thinking running it was pointless after how crap I felt at Easter doing it. First 3 controls were pretty poor, and again had to take piss after the 1st. Headed off right to 4, but changed my mind after a couple hundred of meters and went left instead. Started to enjoy it a bit more from then on. Found myself in a pack with AJ and liggo at 6, and tagged along with AJ to 7 before realising that I certainly wasn't going to try and keep up with him. Drank lots at 8 and headed slightly right to 9. Saw Liggo again at 10, but we went different ways to 13 and he must have got a bit of time on me. Was scrappy through the technical stuff but not making any big mistakes (apart from maybe 16 when I neglected to read my map...). Liggo popped up infront on me again at 21 and gave me something to chase over the last bit of the course. Managed to catch up by 23 but then lost 5 mins there searching around in the green and lost him again. Wasn't until Simon arrived that I managed to find it. Would have surpassed my relatively low expectations if I hadn't spent so much time at 23. Still haven't got the endurance for longs yet, and was extra sloppy with navigation thinking 'what difference is another 15-30 secs at every other control over 2 hours?'...

Running warm up/down 1:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons


Saturday May 5, 2007 #

Orienteering race (WOC trial sprint (NOL8)) 18:08 [5] 4.7 km (3:51 / km)
ahr:186 max:192 slept:6.5 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Didn't get off to a good start by having trouble trying to find the start triangle... could find 3, but then kept losing the line on the way back to 2 and 1. Eventually got there tho and started off ok to the 1st and 2nd. Was starting to settle into a good pace and relax, but didn't read the detail at 3 enough and went a long way around, then nearly did the same at 4 and had to correct myself. Never felt comfortable for the rest of it. Took a bad routechoice to 9, around to the right of the building... because i thought the path with thick black lines around it between two building on the left routechoice was impassable... surprised with result, but wasn't happy with the run. Felt good speed wise, but was rushing too much I think.

Running warm up/down 25:00 [1]
shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Orienteering race (WOC trial middle (NOL9)) 37:07 [5] ***** 6.6 km (5:37 / km) +270m 4:40 / km
ahr:180 max:191 spiked:17/21c shoes: VJ Falcons

Was focused at the start, and started at a steady pace to get the first few technical ones cleanly. Got into the map well over the first few controls with only a few hesitations. First trouble came at control 12 and 13, dropped concentration a bit. Was running on compass to 12 but got confused going through the pits on the hill top and convinced myself I'd drifted a long way right. I had, but not by much. Then stopped a gully too early on 13 to punch a different control, but realised pretty quickly. Thought I took the last loop pretty well, up until 19 where lost contact completely in the last 30m or so and lost a minute. Relocated and was heading towards the control when I saw robbie. Reasonably happy with it, apart from my finish.

Running warm up/down 15:00 [1]
shoes: VJ Falcons

Thursday May 3, 2007 #

Running 57:00 [3] 8.4 km (6:47 / km) +300m 5:45 / km
ahr:143 max:184 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Winter Tour. Bloody awesomely set one in Sandy Bay. Took it pretty easy and laughed at nicko getting lost for 10 minutes on a street map.... To be fair to him it was a street junction... they are the tough ones to pick.

Tuesday May 1, 2007 #

Running 33:00 [3] 6.8 km (4:51 / km) +120m 4:28 / km
ahr:142 max:169 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Felt better today but still had an easy session. Around home, mainly on roads in the dark. Did a few 2 minute efforts as well. Legs were still a bit heavy.

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