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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 30 days ending Apr 30, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling10 15:40:28 591.42(1:35) 951.8(59) 1325
  Running18 8:48:29 63.01(8:23) 101.4(5:13)
  MTB3 4:12:44 48.78(5:11) 78.5(3:13) 939
  Orienteering4 4:00:28 19.32(12:27) 31.1(7:44) 14715 /19c78%
  Total35 32:42:09 722.53(2:43) 1162.8(1:41) 241115 /19c78%

» now

Sunday Apr 30, 2017 #

9 AM

Orienteering warm up/down 19:02 [3] 2.8 km (6:48 / km)

10 AM

Orienteering race (Ile de France Champs) 57:20 [5] *** 7.8 km (7:21 / km)

Bit of a disappointing race - 5th overall, some 7 mins down on the winner and 2 mins off third place. Had backed off the training the last few days in the hope of freshening up a bit for the race, but felt pretty heavy and slow out in the forest, and really struggled the last few km.

Got off to a reasonable start and felt okay through the first few controls. Made a slight error at #4 (20s) when didn't spot the pit straight away and then a bigger error at #5 (45s) when I went too far down the hill and had to climb back up to the control. Didier was just behind me then having started 2 minutes behind. I led him to #6 but then we both stuffed it up (60s). We were together for the next few controls but then he ran away from me up a hill and I was on my own. Had a tough run to #11 and then stopped short of a pit on a vague green hillside. Philippe caught me there (he started 6 mins behind me) and we searched for this control and then #12 (something very didgy about the mapping there - a ditch in green forest that seemed way too far east. We took separate route choices to #13 and I beat him there, which was very gratifying. But he responded by speeding away on the track run to the next control and that was it - didn't see him again until the finish (he wound up beating me by 7 minutes to take the win on the day from Didier (who beat me by 4 mins)). The last few km were very tough and was really only jogging on the tracks and through the forest. Took a few spills as well as legs were tired and had trouble lifting the feet.

Overall, not quite what I was hoping for. But probably in line with my relative fitness and lack of racing in the forest - these other guys have been racing a lot recently and are in great shape. I probably need mroe long runs and harder intervals/tempo runs. Doing the parkrun a few times would also help, I'm sure.

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 #

9 AM

Running 29:20 [3] 5.7 km (5:09 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Beautiful morning for an easy jog. Headed down to the parkrun to watch the finish and see Andrew take the win and Doug run yet another blinder (he is really on form these days - he credits his form to the 10km of weight he has dropped the last year coupled with the long runs. Jogged back home with Doug.

Friday Apr 28, 2017 #

(rest day)

It has been a busy week and this will be a busy day at the office, so gave myself a day off training :-).

Thursday Apr 27, 2017 #

7 AM

Running 31:20 [3] 6.2 km (5:03 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Absolutely gorgeous morning - bright sun, still, crisp (4 degrees) - perfect for a run. Which was good because I have a busy day at work and will not have the opportunity to squeeze in a run at lunchtime. Felt a bit tired and sluggish, but moved along okay. Just really nice to be in teh forest on such a morning. Could easily have stayed out for a while. Or, even better, spent a few hours on the bike. Hopefully the weather will hold for the weekend ...

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:18:21 [3] 34.8 km (2:15 / km)

A cold but clear morning for a pre-dawn ride. Sun just coming up as I was finishing. Decent enough ride without setting things on fire. Bit of a late night and so not enough sleep (around 4 hours), so will be very tired this afternoon.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017 #

1 PM

Running intervals 44:24 [3] 8.6 km (5:10 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Lunchtime interval session. Had been feeling quite good after the big weekend of training and was looking forward to a good interval session. However, felt pretty sluggish and tired from the first interval and the times declined progressively across the 6 x 3minH/1minE (4.10, 15, 17, 24, 29, 19). A bit of a climb on the 5th one was a good excuse and I did manage to go a little faster on the last one when within sight of home. But overall a disappointing session. Will take it a bit easier the rest of the week in hte hope of freshening up for Sunday's race.

Sunday Apr 23, 2017 #

8 AM

Orienteering 1:23:30 [3] **** 10.5 km (7:57 / km)
shoes: Inov 8 O shoes

Down in Fontainebleau for another terrain training run. Nice to get another training run in the forest as the Ile-de-France LD championships are next Sunday and I need as much time on a map as possible beforehand. Out early this morning as had a few things to do later in the morning. Glorious sunny still morning, but very cold - 1 degree when I started and began the run with a fleece. Feeling quite stiff and tired after yesterday's exercise and so had a longer than usual track run to warm up before diving into the forest. Forest was in superb shape and really enjoyed scrambling up and down the boulders and cliffs and through the heather. Never really very fast until the last couple of km when I was heading back home through easier forest. Made a bit of a strategic error by dumping the fleece early on near a prominent rock, thinking I would pick it up on the way back. But then didn't really plan the rest of the course properly and so had to run quite a bit out of the way to collect the bloody thing. But that did guarantee a final good climb at the end of the run and a pleasant run downhill back to the car (if a bit longer than hoped for). Great day out.
4 PM

Cycling 1:04:55 [3] 31.5 km (2:04 / km)

Finished up the weekend's training with a few laps of Longchamp, focusing on spinning the morning's hard run out of the legs. Quite a few Sunday afternoon cyclists at Longchamp, making life a bit interesting at times with their dangerous and unskilled manouevres. But survived without any major scares. Towards the end I jumped in with a passing faster group for a lap and a half. Felt pretty strong but decided not to push it and headed home.

Saturday Apr 22, 2017 #

8 AM

Running 33:26 [3] 6.4 km (5:13 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Late night finishing up some work and so feeling pretty tired and crappy this morning. But things picked up when I bumped into Raphael from the apartment above as I was stretching outside the front door. We are about the same pace and so we started out together on our respective runs. He was planning on a longer 14km run but i was feeling tired and had a time constraint to get back (to get F ready for her tennis lesson). Nice to jog and chat for a change. Have hurt my back a bit yesterday at work and feeling quite stiff and sore. Need to do a lot more stretching.
3 PM

MTB 1:44:38 [3] 33.1 km (3:10 / km) +414m 2:59 / km

Out to Parc de St Cloud for an afternoon spin on the mtb. Bit of a grey day but a pleasant 16 degrees. Not many people out and about this afternoon, which made for a nice stress-free ride. Did a few loops in the Parc, heading up the usual series of hills as well as a number of long grinds. I have the vision of the looming Engadine Bike Giro in my mind, which has an opening prologue of 15km/800m climb followed by two days of 75km/2000m climb each day. Very hard to train for such a race in Paris - it will be a painful experience :-). Anyway, good ride today.

Friday Apr 21, 2017 #

12 PM

Cycling 1:09:00 [3] 35.1 km (1:58 / km)

Had a gap in the work schedule and decided to take advantage of a lovely sunny (but cool) day to do a few laps of Longchamp. Started off at a steady pace and then jumped on to a passing peleton, which was working just a little bit harder than me. Found myself at the front driving this group for a efw laps. Every time I peeled off the group slowed down and the leading rider was quite erratic in his speed. So I jumped on the front again for the last couple of laps. The last lap was much faster as some quick guy came steaming past adn I jumped on to his wheel, taking a couple of my group with me. Unfortunately it was time to go after just one lap of this pace. Good session and back to work to a full email inbox ....

Thursday Apr 20, 2017 #

1 PM

Running 30:05 [3] 5.3 km (5:41 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Didn't have much time today but managed to squeeze in a short run including three hill "sprints" up ave Lamballe in an effort to be efficient in terms of time spent vs specific training benefit. Didn't really run too fast, with times of 1.21, 1.23 and 1.17, but a good effort. Nice sunny day for it, if a bit cool and windy.

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017 #

5 AM

Cycling 1:27:47 [3] 35.6 km (2:28 / km)

Ugh. Early morning start despite a late night to bed. Legs felt terrible and struggled on the ride this morning. No power there so focused on spinning up the hills and on the flats. Gorgeous morning though and stopped to take a couple of photos of the pre-dawn skyline of La Defense and reflections on the Seine on the way home.

Tuesday Apr 18, 2017 #

1 PM

Running intervals 37:49 [4] 7.1 km (5:20 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Feeling very tired and heavy in the legs after yesterday's terrain run, but decided to go out anyway. Took a bit of a risk with a slight soreness in the left knee but seemed to work out okay. Did 5 x 3 min H / 1 min E. The quality of the intervals was not great in terms of speed (4.12, 18, 20, 15, 29 (uphill)) but good in terms of effort! Inadvertently left myself with a long jog back to the office, which seemed to take forever.

Monday Apr 17, 2017 #

9 AM

Orienteering 1:20:36 [3] **** 10.0 km (8:04 / km) +147m 7:30 / km
shoes: Inov 8 O shoes

Down to Fontainebleau for my first terrain run for a while, since before I damaged my calf. Took it easy for the most part, focusing on navigating and running smoothly through the tough terrain (lots of knee-high heather). Cool and cloudy and lovely in the forest. Tried to run strong up the hills. Left knee a little sore towards the end and was glad to stop. Quite a few people in the carpark gearing up for a holiday Monday walk and picnic, but it started to drizzle as I left the carpark so not sure they will be really enjoying themselves for long....

Sunday Apr 16, 2017 #

3 PM

Cycling 2:24:34 [3] 62.7 km (2:18 / km) +517m 2:13 / km

Having been up half the night with a touch of food poisoning, I didn't expect to be out training today. But was feeling much better after lunch and decided to head out for an easy spin in the countryside. Out to Versailles and then to Magny-les-Hameaux. Head wind on the way out meant a lovely tailwind on the way home. Quite an up and down ride and didn't push it on the hills, but just tried to keep it steady and then keep up a good pace on the flats. This seemed to work okay, but unfortunately my bike computer ran out of juice after an hour so was just guessing from then (the Strava app on my phone logged the ride quite nicely but of course I couldn't see it while riding. Cool (13 deg) and cloudy but a nice ride, helped by very light traffic due to the Easter weekend.

Friday Apr 14, 2017 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:18:08 [3] 34.3 km (2:17 / km) +285m 2:11 / km

Late night but still managed to rouse myself for a morning ride. Quite a tired effort on a grey morning. But good to be out there and to knock off a ride before my day off (Good Friday is, bizarrely, not a public holiday in France, so have taken a day's leave to spend with F, who is on school hols).

Thursday Apr 13, 2017 #

1 PM

Running tempo 24:59 [3] 5.2 km (4:48 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

A short quick run between meetings. Cooler day, but still lovely for running. Did one of my standard courses that is a very nice little circuit. Strava tells me it is the fastest pace for this particular loop out of 11 times, so must be gettng fitter. Not quite a constant pace because I stopped twice to have a quick chat with colleagues I bumped into out in the woods, and once for a major traffic crossing. These were welcome breaks! Good run.

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017 #

12 PM

Cycling 1:20:57 [3] 40.7 km (1:59 / km)

Just achieved a major milestone on a huge project so pressure was off for the day, so took advantage and headed down to Longchamp for a hard ride in the sun. Slightly windy and cool-ish so still needed long sleeves, but was able to get some sun on my very white legs! Was cruising around waiting for a peleton to catch up to me, and was passed by a young woman tapping out a nice rhythm. So latched on and went with her for a couple of laps. Perfect pace for me - fast enough to be working hard but not so hard that I was struggling. Then a large peleton caught us both and the pace was on! I slotted in to the middle of the group and it was very fast (averaging over 40km/hr). It was quite disciplined in terms of peeling off the front after short turns. I did my bit and then pulled off to slide gently down to the tail of the group, but I mis-judged and slackened off too much, so that the group just took off and there was no way for me to chase and get back on to the back. Didn't even last a lap with this group! So watched them disappear very quickly Had a bit of a breather and then dropped in behind a triathlete who was down on the tri-bars but doing a more reasonable pace. Glad to call it a day though after a few more laps. Good solid ride though.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017 #

12 PM

Running warm up/down 11:24 [2] 2.1 km (5:26 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Warm up - felt pretty good. It wasn't to last :-)
1 PM

Running 20:00 [4] 4.1 km (4:53 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

First go at a Mona set for quite a long time. Started out fine but then I never really managed to hold a decent pace during the slower parts of the session. So was quite a way from my previous best of 4.3km. Wasn't helped by the fact that the last few minutes was grinding up a climb from Longchamp. Need to choose my course a little better for this type of session!
2 PM

Running 10:52 [3] 1.7 km (6:24 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Easy jog back to work. Legs feeling crunched.

Sunday Apr 9, 2017 #

8 AM

Running 51:43 [3] 10.0 km (5:10 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Pre-Paris Marathon run, checking out the set-up at some of the aid stations from 34-38km. With eth top temperature expected to be 24 deg, and with the last group starting hteir race at around 10.30am, the organisers have elected to set up what looks like a major field hospital and casualty station just after 34km. Four huge marquees, a fleet of some 15 ambulances, and lots of Red Cross personnel - looks like are expecting plenty of business. Teh aid stations are impressive with truckloads of bottled water and bananas and stuff ready to dispense. All very impressive, but am glad I am not doing it :-). Beautiful morning and cruised around. Left knee a bit tender after yesterday's efforts, but otherwise okay - feel like I am getting fitter.
5 PM

MTB 1:17:41 [3] 23.8 km (3:16 / km) +251m 3:06 / km

Inspired by watching the drama and suffering of the Paris-Roubaix race, headed out for a late afternoon mtb ride in Parc de St Cloud. Glorious spring day, the likes of which one rarely gets here in Paris. Quite a lot of people out enjoying the sunshine but riding was okay once off the beaten track a little. Legs a bit tired, but pushed hard up the hills and cruised down. Lovely ride.

Saturday Apr 8, 2017 #

8 AM

Running warm up/down 13:00 [3] 2.3 km (5:39 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Warm up for Parkrun
9 AM

Running (parkrun) 23:53 [3] 5.0 km (4:47 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

First Parkrun for a while, but had to get back into the faster running at some stage. Huge turn out due to the Paris Marathon tomorrow. Only 5 locals and around 80 tourists. Took it pretty easy and ran with a couple of visitors from the UK who had cycled over on a tandem in preparation for the marathon. No great issues on the run, except for logging a PW in the process.

The winner did 15.53, which is flying on this relatively hilly course. He went on to do 2.25 in the marathon the next day. First time I have been lapped on the Parkrun course!
10 AM

Running warm up/down 9:45 [3] 1.8 km (5:25 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Warm down.
4 PM

Cycling 2:15:29 [3] 592.0 km (14 / km) +523m 14 / km

Absolutely stunning spring afternoon - sunny, low-20s, not a breath of wind. Too good to not go out for a ride. headed out past Versailles and back through Guyancourt. Relatively constant hills and felt pretty good. Didn't really want the ride to end ....

Thursday Apr 6, 2017 #

7 PM

Running 36:08 [3] 7.1 km (5:05 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Easy evening run. Feeling tired, heavy and slow, but a nice evening to be out.

Wednesday Apr 5, 2017 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:20:38 [3] 34.0 km (2:22 / km)

Up early for a morning spin. Grey and dark and cool, so full winter outfit and lights. Felt pretty uninspired and flat, but cranked out a decent ride anyway. Left knee a bit sore and will get it checked out at the physio today.

Tuesday Apr 4, 2017 #

8 PM

Running intervals 35:55 [3] 6.7 km (5:22 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Had a work lunch so planned to head out for a post-work run. While that meant a very late outing, the weather was lovely and very spring-like. Decided it was time to get back onto the swing o fthe weekly interval session and so did 6 x 2 min H / 1 min E. Pace not great and felt very heavy and slow. But put in a good effort.

Sunday Apr 2, 2017 #

10 AM

Running 47:51 [3] 9.0 km (5:19 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Headed out for a morning run with Freya shadowing me on the bike, or rather, me tryng to keep up with Freya. We stopped at the little lake in the Bois so that she could do 1 lap running as part of her preparation for next Saturday's 2.2km kids race put on by the Paris Marathon team. This will be the 5th year that she has done the race and she really enjoys it. Unfortunately it will be the last year as she is now at the end of the 8-10 year old category (although judging by the field in last year's 8-10 year old race, there is a need to check birth certificates - some mighty big and well-developed 10 year olds were running :-)).

Thoroughly enjoyed the run, mostly for the company as legs were feeling pretty crunched from yesterday's double training. Good conversations with Freya including one gem that I think she might have made up on her own - "Evolution happened because apes got bored". Lovely day for it and Bois absolutely packed with runners - have never seen so many there before. Included a few very large (50+) packs clearly doing the last few km of the Paris Marathon.
6 PM

MTB 1:10:25 [3] 21.6 km (3:16 / km) +274m 3:04 / km

Insdpired by watching the last couple of hours of the Tour of Flanders and Philip Gilbert's 50km solo effort to take the win, headed out to Parc de St Cloud for a short session on the hills. Not much strength on the hills, but did four repetitions up a decent climb before heading off for a quick lap around some nice track. Short sleeves and knicks for the first time since last summer!

Saturday Apr 1, 2017 #

10 AM

Running 36:35 [3] 7.1 km (5:09 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 22

Easy morning run. Felt pretty uncoordinated, but calf felt okay. Groin another issue and feeling quite tight in both adductors. But struggled around on a very lovely morning. Heaps of runners out in the Bois putting in final preparations for next week's marathon.
5 PM

Cycling 2:00:39 [3] 51.1 km (2:22 / km)

Took advantage of daylight saving to head out for an evening ride. Had only meant to go for 35-40km but was enjoying it so stayed out a little longer. Despite it being the start of school holidays, the traffic was quite heavy around Versailles. But had a nice ride. Good to come home to dinner on the table (I am so spoilt sometimes!).

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