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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 1 days ending Apr 12, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling1 1:20:57 25.29(3:12) 40.7(1:59)
  Total1 1:20:57 25.29(3:12) 40.7(1:59)

» now

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017 #

12 PM

Cycling 1:20:57 [3] 40.7 km (1:59 / km)

Just achieved a major milestone on a huge project so pressure was off for the day, so took advantage and headed down to Longchamp for a hard ride in the sun. Slightly windy and cool-ish so still needed long sleeves, but was able to get some sun on my very white legs! Was cruising around waiting for a peleton to catch up to me, and was passed by a young woman tapping out a nice rhythm. So latched on and went with her for a couple of laps. Perfect pace for me - fast enough to be working hard but not so hard that I was struggling. Then a large peleton caught us both and the pace was on! I slotted in to the middle of the group and it was very fast (averaging over 40km/hr). It was quite disciplined in terms of peeling off the front after short turns. I did my bit and then pulled off to slide gently down to the tail of the group, but I mis-judged and slackened off too much, so that the group just took off and there was no way for me to chase and get back on to the back. Didn't even last a lap with this group! So watched them disappear very quickly Had a bit of a breather and then dropped in behind a triathlete who was down on the tri-bars but doing a more reasonable pace. Glad to call it a day though after a few more laps. Good solid ride though.

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