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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running10 8:47:23 68.66(7:41) 110.5(4:46)
  Cycling3 2:45:00 49.71(3:19) 80.0(2:04)
  Orienteering3 2:36:37 12.43(12:36) 20.0(7:50) 42035 /46c76%
  Total16 14:09:00 130.8(6:29) 210.5(4:02) 42035 /46c76%

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Sunday May 31, 2009 #

Running long 1:15:00 [3] 16.0 km (4:41 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Zingaro Reserve, Sicily. Another fantastic run out and back on the coastal track. Went further than the other day and headed up a steep track for a while before turning back due to running out of time. Shame as it would have been an awesome trip to the top of the escarpment. Ran hard on the way back and really pushed the hills. Glorious run.

Saturday May 30, 2009 #

(rest day)

Travelled down to check out the Greek ruins at Selinunte. Very interesting.

Friday May 29, 2009 #

Running long 59:00 [3] 13.0 km (4:32 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Zingaro Reserve near Scopello. Out and back along the coastal track. Superb run and really pushed hard on the hills. Finished off with a swim in the Med - just the ticket after a hot run.

Wednesday May 27, 2009 #

Running hills 55:00 [3] 11.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Run from Scopello up into the hills. Boring run on the road, straight up and then back down. Tried to push on the hill on the way up and then again on the flat bit back to the beach. Good overall run - hot.

Friday May 22, 2009 #

Running long 1:15:00 [3] 16.0 km (4:41 / km)

Good run along the Cliff Walk in Newport. Beautiful morning and felt good most of the way, though a bit tight and tired in the legs at the end.

Thursday May 21, 2009 #

(rest day)

Still in Newport. First day of OECD Conference and so no morning run. Lots of beer at night watching the NBA final between Lakers and Nuggets.

Wednesday May 20, 2009 #

Running long 55:00 [3] 11.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Went for a longer run around the big houses in Newport. Interesting to see how the other half lived back in the late 1800s/early 1900s.

Tuesday May 19, 2009 #

(rest day)

In Newport RI.

Monday May 18, 2009 #

Running 30:00 [3] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

In Newport Rhode Island. Easy run in evening around the town. Nice spot, very wealthy, interesting architecture. Cool and wet.

Sunday May 17, 2009 #

Orienteering race 46:24 [5] *** 5.5 km (8:26 / km) +145m 7:27 / km
spiked:10/17c shoes: Jalas

Demi-finale sud-ouest. Made a real mess of the race after a reasonably good start. Missed the 6th control quite badly - caused by exiting the 5th control in the wrong direction and then not relocating fast enough. Recovered a bit on the following few legs, but then felt really tired on way to the 12th control and totally ran out of steam for the rest of the race - not really lack of fitness, but just very tired from long days and nights at work preparing for next week's trip to US. Also had trouble in the circle for a few of the last controls and so really fell well off the pace. Very disappointing as this should have been my kind of terrain.

Friday May 15, 2009 #

Cycling 45:00 [3] 20.0 km (2:15 / km)

easy ride this morning around Longchamp with Simon. Woke up late and only had time for a short ride before getting in to wrok. Last day in the office for 2 weeks! Off next week to the US (Newport RI) for work and then a week's holiday in Sicily.

Thursday May 14, 2009 #

Running tempo 48:00 [3] 10.5 km (4:34 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Excellent run with Jésus around the Bois. Felt really good and strong and really enjoyed the run. Very humid and wet under foot, which just added to the fun..

Wednesday May 13, 2009 #

Cycling (Steady ride) 57:00 [3] 30.0 km (1:54 / km)

Easy morning ride with Simon around Longchamp. Quite humid, but pleasant enough. Interesting to see the trannies still plying their trade in the Bois at 7am - must be catching the shift workers ...

Tuesday May 12, 2009 #

Running intervals 38:00 [4] 8.0 km (4:45 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Good interval session. Felt surprisingly good after a bit of time off the harder runs. Did 15 mins warmup then 1-2-3-2-1-2-1 minute efforts with a minute rest between each. then 5 mins warmdown back to the office.

Monday May 11, 2009 #

(rest day)

took it easy after the weekend.

Sunday May 10, 2009 #

Running long 55:23 [3] 12.0 km (4:37 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Steady run and felt okay for middle portion. Then struggled home a bit. Sore groin on both sides.

Just a week to go till the SO semi-final of the French Champs and looking for a good result again. Only 5.5km with 145m climb, so no excuse to hold back - full speed from the beginning. Map is a czech mapping production, so should be very good.

Saturday May 9, 2009 #

Running (Easy run) 37:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:17 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Kayano 15

Easy morning run around the Bois. felt heavy and slow, but nice to get out.

Friday May 8, 2009 #

(sick) (rest day)

Finally starting to feel a little better - started on the antibiotics a couple of days ago and the effects are showing. Will take one more day off today to be sure.

Thursday May 7, 2009 #

(sick) (rest day)

Wednesday May 6, 2009 #

(sick) (rest day)

Cold getting worse.

Tuesday May 5, 2009 #

Cycling 1:03:00 [3] 30.0 km (2:06 / km)

Easy ride with Andrew around Longchamp. Hoped this would help ease the cold, but alas no - feeling worse in the evening and am now on antibiotics.

Monday May 4, 2009 #

(sick) (rest day)

Cold and starting to head to the chest. Feel like crap.

Sunday May 3, 2009 #

Orienteering race (triple Severn) 1:08:29 [5] **** 8.4 km (8:09 / km) +205m 7:16 / km
spiked:13/16c shoes: Jalas

Tough race and a good reality check. I felt that I did okay for the first half of the race and then really struggled for the last half. Am just not fit enough to run hard for 60+ minutes (or really even 40+ minutes :-)). The depth and strength of the H50 class in the UK is impressive. I was running 6th after 7 controls (about 15 mins into the race) and then slowly worked my way down the rankings to wind up 16th. I made a two small errors at 9 and 11 (1 minute at each) and then a major one (3 mins) at 14. The map was pretty poor (missing fences, ditches, vegetation detail) and that was my excuse for the big miss at 14 as there was a gully junction not marked on the map, but large as life on the ground! But, overall, I was just not fast enough over the ground. The time lost to teh leaders on the long legs, for example, was significant and is down to pure strength and speed. Anyway, an interesting event and spurs me on to more training. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold after the event (that may explain lack of strength and speed to some extent) and so training is on hold for a while.

Saturday May 2, 2009 #

Orienteering race (Triple Severn Challenge) 41:44 [4] *** 6.1 km (6:50 / km) +70m 6:28 / km
spiked:12/13c shoes: Jalas

Good run on a technically easy, but physically difficult, area. Took it easy and didn't push the pace at all, saving energy for tomorrow. A gazillion ditches to cross and the ground was tough to run on in many places, even though the visibility was pretty good throughout. Won comfortably, but was running down a few courses - most of the other M50s ran the Short Brown course, which was 9.3km!

Friday May 1, 2009 #

(rest day)

Travel to the UK. Good flight to Bristol and then drove up to Malvern.

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