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Training Log Archive: rileydejong

In the 31 days ending Dec 31, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running17 9:16:28 72.02(7:44) 115.9(4:48) 300
  Bush Orienteering2 3:57:00 16.01(14:48) 25.76(9:12)
  Strength6 2:40:00
  Mountain Biking2 1:25:00 10.87(7:49) 17.5(4:51)
  Sprint Orienteering2 1:00:00 6.52(9:12) 10.5(5:43)
  Road Cycling1 20:00 3.73(5:22) 6.0(3:20)
  Total26 18:38:28 109.15 175.66 300

» now

Sunday Dec 28, 2014 #

Running 45:00 [3] 9.1 km (4:57 / km)

Went for a bit of an explore this arvo with dad. Mixture of trail, road and park. Very very wet.....running through the creek seemed like good idea at the time, but regretted it soon after having to run another 6km in wet shoes! But running in the rain is always fun. Found a great area to map for street-o too!

Saturday Dec 27, 2014 #

7 AM

Running race 19:30 [3] 5.0 km (3:54 / km)

Okay race, pushed maybe too hard on the first lap, about 40secs faster than the second. Finished about 10secs down on winner.

Thursday Dec 25, 2014 #

Running 28:00 [3] 7.0 km (4:00 / km)

Pretty casual run with dad in the heat. Great swim afterwards then down to Brissie

Wednesday Dec 24, 2014 #

Mountain Biking 40:00 [3] 8.5 km (4:42 / km)

Easy ride with the girls to go get lunch

Sprint Orienteering intervals 30:00 [5] *** 6.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Brooks Defiance 5

Spur intervals at Highfields SS. I am in love with this map.....such a great map for a school campus! Courses dad set for me last week with added out of bounds areas and blocked passageways for added trickiness!

2.5km and 2km sprint courses. Then a 1.5km map memory exercise with short but reasonably complex legs focussing on trying to maintain highest possible running speed - made for some crazy taking of corners!

Running warm up/down 10:00 [3] 2.2 km (4:33 / km)

Easy warm down jog home

Monday Dec 22, 2014 #

Mountain Biking 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km)

Pretty easy ride with Ellie. Pulled up a bit stiff after yesterdays effort, so happy enough to just leave it at a ride and strength set for today.

Sunday Dec 21, 2014 #

6 PM

Running tempo 41:23 [3] 9.0 km (4:36 / km) +200m 4:08 / km

Great run, so much fun!

Can't afford to aggravate the shin, so kept this below the distance at which it hurt last Sunday (~10km). Started with a loop through the falls, big climb to the highway then a hilly loop through Highfields. Pretty undulating, but felt really strong, pace was improving as the run went on! Positive way to end the last proper hard training week before Tas!!!

Saturday Dec 20, 2014 #

Running race (Parkrun) 19:20 [4] 5.0 km (3:52 / km) +100m 3:31 / km
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Just park run in a while.....this course never gets any easier!! Good temp for running though which was nice!

Friday Dec 19, 2014 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

Legs + core. Tough set.

Thursday Dec 18, 2014 #

Running warm up/down 22:00 [3] 4.5 km (4:53 / km)

8 AM

Sprint Orienteering intervals 30:00 [3] 4.5 km (6:40 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Sprintervals using Koojarawon. Ran the senior boys course from schools champs a few years ago and an extra course. First one at race pace, second at about 70%, really exaggerating routine. Plan to do another session like this next week using the courses dad had set me for today (my computer was being its usual annoying self and refusing to print!)

Wednesday Dec 17, 2014 #

Running tempo (Terrain ) 31:04 [3] 7.0 km (4:26 / km)

Same loop as last night in Highfields Falls with an extra loop on the adjacent paddock (really want to map it, nice open fields with vegetation boundaries and some nice erosion, reminiscent of Cottons Paddock) and some on the road to add extra distance. Had to wait till so late till it cooled off today....still about 30 at 6pm!!

Tuesday Dec 16, 2014 #

7 PM

Running tempo (Terrain) 23:57 [3] 5.5 km (4:21 / km)

Stayed mostly to the trails because I was quickly losing light! Ran the last 2km with the head torch in the dark which was fun! Nice temp for running too!

Monday Dec 15, 2014 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

Stayed off the legs on the advice of the physio (aka Papa). Good core set though.

Sunday Dec 14, 2014 #

Running long 1:14:29 [3] 15.0 km (4:58 / km)

First 10km were great, running well, nice temperature and some sick views out over the escarpment. Last 4 were struggle street though, shin giving me a bit of pain, got shooting pains every now and again....will have to watch it this week, don't want this getting any worse.

Saturday Dec 13, 2014 #


Spent the day in Brisbane, left early back late, so didn't get time for a run ;(

Friday Dec 12, 2014 #

Running tempo 36:00 [3] 7.5 km (4:48 / km)
shoes: Asics Gel Enduro7

Il Pleuvait. Beaucoup.

Thursday Dec 11, 2014 #

Running 30:00 [2] 2.5 km (12:00 / km)

Barely worth logging this if it wasn't for the climb. went for a pretty slow jog with the girls up Tabletop this morning before the worst of the heat. Forgot just how steep it is though, the first part has over a 30% gradient!

Strength 30:00 [3]

Wednesday Dec 10, 2014 #

Running tempo (Terrain) 31:09 [3] 6.0 km (5:12 / km)

Great afternoon run, felt great to be out in the terrain. Nice to come home to the pool too!
Ankle still felt a bit weak though....will have to watch it.

Tuesday Dec 9, 2014 #

6 PM

Strength 25:00 [3]

Mostly core

Monday Dec 8, 2014 #

(rest day)

Needing a day off running today after my biggest week in a while. Also pulled up with a bit of a sore right ankle, probably just due to uneven ground the last couple of days.
Pretty cruisy week this week with mostly tempo's and will try to get in a long run at some stage. Then a final big week next week, although probably not quite as big as last week.

Sunday Dec 7, 2014 #

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 31:00 [4] 4.76 km (6:31 / km)

Skins training at Braeside.
Super fun race with Mark G, Simeon and Josh. Great to get some fast racing in against the guys, it was a smashfest with lots of open running legs.

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 25:00 [3] 3.0 km (8:20 / km)

Compass only training around the mountain on Braeside.
Missed #1 by about 100m which caused me to really slow down and focus, nailed the rest.

Saturday Dec 6, 2014 #

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 41:00 [3] 5.0 km (8:12 / km)

Long Legs course on Cascades at 1:7500.
Good course with some challenging route choice legs. Felt really good on this course, making good decisions with a focus on safety and speed. No real mistakes, maybe 2-3mins at number 3 in the right area just finding the flag.

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 30:00 [3] 3.5 km (8:34 / km)

Contours only simplification exercise at Cascades.
Interesting course, legs weren't too long and contours so fine that I found compass was probably more useful than trying to just navigate off contours.

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 20:00 [3] 2.5 km (8:00 / km)

Star relay on the slabs at Cascades on sprint style 1:5000 map. Good fun racing, not too difficult but you could still make mistakes if you lost focus.

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 1:00:00 [3] 5.0 km (12:00 / km)

Control collecting. Had to go to the furthest control, but made a stupid error which added on about 15 extra minutes trying to find it again. Distance/time includes the detour to "the rock" with simeon for some pretty awesome views of the sunset and surrounding area!

Bush Orienteering (Cyclones Training) 30:00 [1] 2.0 km (15:00 / km)

Pretty casual stroll around some parts of Cascdes. Lots of ridiculous debates about the difference between boulder clusters and fields!
......Oh and Sim, Josh and I succeeded in rolling about a 500 kilo boulder off one of the barerock slabs and destroying a few trees which lay in its path at the same time.....good times!

Thursday Dec 4, 2014 #

Road Cycling warm up/down 20:00 [3] 6.0 km (3:20 / km)

Up and back to the oval for ints
8 AM

Running intervals 30:00 [3] 5.0 km (6:00 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Pyramid set
200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 800, 600, 400,200

Pretty good track session this morning. Was keen to see what sort of times I could pull out. As expected nothing outstanding, but good enough at this stage of my training, esp. considering how little speedwork i've done recently. Pretty consistent times, pretty tired afterwards, blustery winds didn't help!

1:12 400's, 2:05 600's, 2:40 800's, 3:20 1km.
9 AM

Strength 15:00 [3]

Short core with Ellie. She wanted a plank challenge to finish - I won.

Wednesday Dec 3, 2014 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

Mostly core, little bit of light leg work. Straight in the pool afterwards...pretty warm out today!

Running 15:00 [2] 3.5 km (4:17 / km)

Very cruisy run with Ellie this morning. Took it easy today, hard set planned tomorrow.

Tuesday Dec 2, 2014 #

6 PM

Running tempo 35:36 [3] 7.9 km (4:30 / km)

Nice tempo with the girls on bikes, and me trying (for the most part) to keep up. Good training, kept me running hard the whole time! Beaut time to run too! Delicious swim recovery when I got home.

Monday Dec 1, 2014 #

8 AM

Running long 1:04:00 [4] 14.2 km (4:30 / km)

Long run out to Carbalah and back. Not too hot which was nice! Was starting to wish I had eaten beforehand about 10km in though. Nice long climb at the 8k mark

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