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Training Log Archive: rileydejong

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Strength7 5:00:00
  Volleyball3 4:30:00
  Running10 3:19:58 30.07(6:39) 48.4(4:08) 80
  Bush Orienteering1 49:10 4.16(11:49) 6.7(7:20)
  Street Orienteering1 34:50 5.28(6:36) 8.5(4:06)
  Road Cycling1 30:00 5.59(5:22) 9.0(3:20)
  Exercise Bike1 30:00
  Sprint Orienteering1 20:00 2.17(9:12) 3.5(5:43)
  Total19 15:33:58 47.29 76.1 80

» now

Friday Oct 31, 2014 #


GPS Track & Field Championships, QSAC
6 PM

Running race (Track (GPS)) 10:06 [3] 3.0 km (3:22 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

A pretty good run by my standards, I mean I got rolled as expected (finished 7th), but a pb for 3km - running on the tartan makes a massive difference! Guy that won ran 9:00, a bit slower than expected because of the breeze!!!!

Thursday Oct 30, 2014 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

Usual thursday strength - hang cleans, deads, box jumps, core work and glute bridges. Feeling pretty good for a change, normally this session is a struggle!

Wednesday Oct 29, 2014 #

Running 18:00 [3] 4.5 km (4:00 / km)

very easy cruise

Tuesday Oct 28, 2014 #

Exercise Bike 30:00 [3]

Wanted to stay off the leg again today, still really tight, so opted for the exercise bike instead. So hot again today!

Monday Oct 27, 2014 #

(rest day)

giant-hole-in-calf induced rest day.

not impressed!

Sunday Oct 26, 2014 #


OQ Club Relay Championships, Wivenhoe Dam

Running warm up/down 10:00 [3] 1.0 km (10:00 / km)

Bush Orienteering race (Club Relays) 49:10 [3] *** 6.7 km (7:20 / km)
shoes: VJ Integrator

I guess you could say it was pretty hot today!

Really fun relay, with a cool format! Went out in the mass start with most of the top runners, no forking made for some hectic orienteering to the first few controls. Not particularly clean, lots of small errors, nothing major though. Running speed was good, Simeon and I were pushing each other when we broke away from the others at #3. Came back in front which was great! Nice area too, I'd like to come back here, only a small map, but quite tricky in spots!

Only downside was the giant hole I put in my leg on a log about 2kms into the race. At the time just felt like a bruise, so ran the whole course with only slight pain, realised when I got back I'd scooped out a chunk out of my leg...pretty deep too. Thankfully no log still in there and didn't need stitches, but took it to the hospital anyway. just steristrips and a dressing. Pretty tight/sore now, so maybe a few days on the exercise bike instead of running! hopefully doesn't develop too bad scar tissue!

Saturday Oct 25, 2014 #

Running (Terrain) 27:35 [3] 6.0 km (4:36 / km)

Pretty cruisy run through the Highfields Falls trails once it cooled down a bit this evening! Made heaps easier by the thought of a swim hot today!!!!!

Friday Oct 24, 2014 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

Usual core + SL squats, box jumps, glute bridges, ladder work, calf raises, leg raises
Pretty smashed after first big week for a while

Thursday Oct 23, 2014 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

Deadlifts, HangCleans, Glute Bridges, Box Jumps and sprints/ladders

Volleyball 1:30:00 [3]

Wednesday Oct 22, 2014 #

Running intervals (Continuous) 26:31 [3] 7.45 km (3:34 / km)
shoes: Brooks Defiance 5

6*3min hard/1:30 min easy

Tough getting started, but felt good as I got running! Pushed pretty hard on the hard, but probably could've taken it easier on the recoveries. nice flat course - but was annoyed by 1) the TWO P-platers who got right up close to me and hooned past and 2) being chased by a magpie for at least 50m!

Tuesday Oct 21, 2014 #

Running tempo (Trail) 22:25 [3] 5.5 km (4:05 / km)
shoes: Brooks Defiance 5

Monday Oct 20, 2014 #


Walked up Tabletop with some friends for a picnic. Lovely day off! Forgot how steep this climb is though!

Sunday Oct 19, 2014 #

Road Cycling warm up/down 30:00 [3] 9.0 km (3:20 / km)

Street Orienteering race (RROC Street Series 1) 34:50 [3] 8.5 km (4:06 / km)

Pretty easy course, nice and flat too! Would've won by ten minutes or something like that, but ran straight past one of the last controls without punching it - turns out it was really hidden in bushes anyway, but I don't think that made a difference, just wasn't thinking!!

Sprint Orienteering 20:00 [3] 3.5 km (5:43 / km)

Two goes of the Sprint Course in the park.
First as a race (8mins) and then just an easy jog around afterwards to pick up flags. feeling pretty tired now, its been a big afternoon of running!

Saturday Oct 18, 2014 #

Running race (Parkrun) 19:26 [3] 5.0 km (3:53 / km) +80m 3:36 / km
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

This was more like it....had heaps more energy than last week (probably because I am forcing myself to get to bed on time this term!), but was still a bit tight in the hamstrings from gym this week.

Pretty quick start, managed to get in front for the first 3km, then some guy overhauled me and shot past, didn't have the legs to go with him, so just maintained my pace to the finish. I think he would only have done about 1910 anyway.

Friday Oct 17, 2014 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

Pretty shitty session, everyone was just tired after the week, not real keen to work too hard. Mostly core, with box jumps, calf raises, single leg squats and some cardio on the bike

Thursday Oct 16, 2014 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

Bit of cardio on the exercise bike, then deadlifts, box jump, hangcleans and leg lifts

Volleyball 1:00:00 [3]

Fun game against Glennie...pretty easy, but a relaxed atmosphere with heaps of spectators (mostly grammar guys out to try their luck with the glennie girls who came to watch!;))

Wednesday Oct 15, 2014 #

Running tempo 25:20 [3] 6.45 km (3:56 / km)
shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence

Was dreading this run, just lethargic and quite tight hamstrings after training, but once I got myself out there it was perfect running weather and I was running well, actually managed a half decent tempo pace. Hoping this run will propell me into some sort of motivation to get back into running again! After all, the ultra competitive RROC Street Series starts this weekend!

Tuesday Oct 14, 2014 #

Running 20:00 [3] 4.5 km (4:27 / km)

Getting back into running again after a glorious rest week!

Pretty easy week this week, mostly just tempos while I try and sort out volleyball training times so I can fit them around the running program I want to do leading upto Tassie. Main focus is going to be on speedwork, I felt this was weakest at AusChamps, hills and endurance were fine, although i am going to have to make sure to also fit in plenty of distance, as orienteering is coming to an end for this year which sucks...not sure how I'm going to keep up my nav with so little bush o available, theres just no good maps around toowoomba to use really!

Strength 45:00 [3]

Mostly legs (RDL, Squats, Box Jumps, farmers walk, sprints, calf raises)

Saturday Oct 11, 2014 #


Finally found some time to do a bit of a wrap-up of last week...can't really be bothered going back and filling in all the training fields though!

Absolutely soaked even before going out, head just wasn't in it today, took it way too casually. Screwed #1 on the flat ridge, despite coming within 20m of the flag twice couldn't see it in undergrowth, cost me at least 10-12mins. Good until #5, ended up hitting a track and relocating, by that time was a bit over the wet/cold and just kept going to #8 and finished from there. So an MP, but not too worried, knew how to readjust for the middle.

Much better headspace out of the start today, was having an absolute ball out on the course! Took #1 a little more carefully than yesterday, paid off, nailed it! Smashed the middle part of the course, looking at the splits had a comfortable lead until #10. Navigated well upto the track, then turned off too soon into a parallel gully, wasted at least 5-6mins before realising my mistake. Clean course from there, but cost me a win I probably should've got easily! Pretty pissed off, still kicking myself! At least all the QLDers made a simillar mistake. Just made me more keen for a good run in the Sprint! Such a great area though, shame the courses weren't more technical though!

By far and away the most enjoyable course for me, and the one where my orienteering process/running/planning was the best. Desperately wanted the win today, knew I had prepared well for this race. Carefull for the first few controls, getting into a rhythm. Picked the optimum route to #4 which most people missed for some reason. ONly wobble was #7, distracted in the open area with lots of people, stopped one building short at another flag, realised quickly though (lost ~15secs). Clean from there, basically took the win in the last few controls, picking easy routes which maximised running rather than tricky map reading through buildings. Shame about Popovici getting me by 5secs, but I'll take 1st Aussie! Happy!:)

Hot, Steep, Technical!! Felt really flat in the individual, running speed just wasn't there at all! But perhaps this was a good thing, as it meant I made no errors to speak of, whereas a lot of the other guys lost it with big errors. Knew I wouldn't place too highly with my running, but suprised to get 9th, 6th Aus. Heaps better than expecting, beating guys I really shouldn't have on paper! Relay was never going to go my way. Should never have started in the mass start! Blew the first control, lost about 2:30, so was running on my own the whole way. lots of small errors, mostly pulling up short. Latter part of course was better. Brought us back in 6th which was shit, but time wasn't THAT far down on most of the other guys. Congrats to Sim, smashed it today, well deserving of his spot on the Honour Team!!

Feeling fit and keen to run on a new map after a rest day at the beach! Just looking at the assembly area knew it would be awesome fun out there! Very much like Cascades in some areas, also similar to Badja State Forest. Really good run, no major errors, although it was a pretty easy course with limited route choice options. Should've probably run 17-20E! Probably only lost time on #4, took a wide variant to run in clearings the whole way, didn't like the look of the green. However apparently the green was pretty tame, so I probably was better off going straight - time gains by running speed probably offset by extra distance. Lost about 50secs on this leg! Was honestly expecting a top 3 finish when I got back, initially annoyed to see I finished 4th, luckily 3rd was only a kiwi, so really thrilled with 3rd Aus, close behind Sim and Pat - back where we should be on the podium in M16!! Named as reserve for schools team in first year of seniors was awesome, definitely not something I had considered possible coming into this week!!

Really looking forward to this race after yesterday. Unfortunately Tom completely blew it, bringing us back in 6th Aussie Team about 20mins down on the leaders. Jack had a cruisy run, losing us a bit more time. Was absolutely torrential rain when I finally went out, made running tough, especially with loose rock underfoot. Must've picked up time in first loop, because suddenly overtook Scott (NSW) and caught upto Steve (ACT) at #10. No real errors up to this point, and I must've been running faster than I thought. Lost about 2mins at #10, misread the number, despite knowing I was in the right spot. Then the race was on, had steve on my tail through the spectator loop and into 3rd last control, where I had the shorter split and managed to get in front by abbout 45secs. Held on to bring us back 3rd Australian, but still quite down on TAS and VIC. Happy with my run, was solid and as good as it needed to be! Good way to end the carnival!!

7 AM

Running race (Parkrun) 20:35 [3] 5.0 km (4:07 / km)

First return to running post-Aus Champs

Still feeling pretty sore after combined last week and two volleyball training sessions this week. So just cruised this one, kinda wanted to chase after the two runners smashing it at the front, but held myself back!

Friday Oct 10, 2014 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

This was tough legwork, still haven't recovered fully after last week

Wednesday Oct 8, 2014 #

Volleyball 2:00:00 [3]

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