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Training Log Archive: rileydejong

In the 1 days ending Oct 14, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Strength1 45:00
  Running1 20:00 2.8(7:09) 4.5(4:27)
  Total1 1:05:00 2.8 4.5

» now

Tuesday Oct 14, 2014 #

Running 20:00 [3] 4.5 km (4:27 / km)

Getting back into running again after a glorious rest week!

Pretty easy week this week, mostly just tempos while I try and sort out volleyball training times so I can fit them around the running program I want to do leading upto Tassie. Main focus is going to be on speedwork, I felt this was weakest at AusChamps, hills and endurance were fine, although i am going to have to make sure to also fit in plenty of distance, as orienteering is coming to an end for this year which sucks...not sure how I'm going to keep up my nav with so little bush o available, theres just no good maps around toowoomba to use really!

Strength 45:00 [3]

Mostly legs (RDL, Squats, Box Jumps, farmers walk, sprints, calf raises)

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