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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling12 17:21:41 271.91 437.6 3116
  Running11 5:54:39 40.02(8:52) 64.4(5:30) 178
  Total23 23:16:20 311.93 502.0 3294

» now

Sunday Jan 31, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:45:00 [3] 45.0 km (2:20 / km)

Forgot to charge the Garmin so not sure how far I really went. It had been raining overnight so the roads were damp. It had stopped raining when I started on the road out to Versailles, but then the drizzle started when I reached Versailles and then it got heavier after that. Had been planning to do a longer ride, but decided to pull the plug as the rain didn't look like easing up any time soon. Fairly unpleasant and wet ride back home. Definitely in the Rule #9 category I hope!

Saturday Jan 30, 2016 #

6 PM

Running 30:54 [3] 5.8 km (5:20 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Got out in the evening for a run, after the heavy rain that had been the feature of the day had stopped. Needed the headlamp, but that added to the slightly adventurous feel of the run. Saw at least half a dozen others with headlamps running around the Bois, so a popular Saturday evening spot for something other than picking up transvestite hookers!

Friday Jan 29, 2016 #

8 AM

Running (Xiamen, China) 46:19 [3] 8.4 km (5:31 / km) +81m 5:16 / km
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Xiamen, China. Light rain and a slight breeze kept the pollution levels down and so it was great weather for a run. Not much choice about where to run here so just headed along the main coast road. Attracted plenty of stares from the local population, and there were a couple of other runners (both Chinese women) out and about this morning. Felt pretty good after a couple fo km and decided to open it up a bit on the way back. Nicely tired at the end of the run and this fitted perfectly with the plan to wear myself out before the long flight back to Paris later that day.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2016 #

6 PM

Running (Xiamen, China) 35:58 [3] 6.7 km (5:22 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

In Xiamen, China. Out for a late afternoon run after the flight from Beijing. Was raining lightly at the start but that cleared at half way. Then came the smog, which smelt strongly of coal. Not ideal conditions for running but I hope that it doesn't adversely affect my lungs too much! Not the most pleasant run I have had ...

Monday Jan 25, 2016 #

6 PM

Cycling (Beijing, China) 35:00 [3]

On the stationary bike in the hotel gym in Beijing. Felt pretty tired and heavy after a day of sitting around a meeting table and eating a Chinese banquet for lunch, but still managed to put in a good effort with 10 x 1 min hard / 1 min easy. Got bored after 35 mins and called it quits. Then headed out to a reception to re-fuel :-).

Saturday Jan 23, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:16:51 [3] 34.7 km (2:13 / km) +220m 2:09 / km

Got out a bit later than planned for a morning spin before heading to the airport to get onto a plane for Beijing for a series of G20 meetings. It had rained overnight and the roads were a bit damp, so had to be a bit cautious about going around corners. Other than that, felt very fit and strong - a day off yesterday seems to have made a difference. Was hoping to doa couple of hours for the ride, but had to cut it short unfortunately.

Thursday Jan 21, 2016 #

1 PM

Cycling 41:58 [3] 20.2 km (2:05 / km) +76m 2:02 / km

Gloriously sunny day and snuck out at lunchtime for a short spin around Longchamp. Legs felt inexplicably tired but tried to put in some efforts around the racecourse. Didn't go for very long, but worth getting out.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016 #

6 AM

Running 33:15 [3] 5.7 km (5:50 / km) +33m 5:40 / km
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Struggled to get out on this cold and dark morning, but made the effort after lying in bed and thinking about it for half an hour. Everything a bit stiff and sore at that hour of day and it took quite a while to get into it - knees in particular quite tender, esp on the rock hard icy ground. Anyway, ticked it off.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:02:14 [3] 24.6 km (2:32 / km) +343m 2:22 / km

Inadvertently slept in and didn't get out till after 6, which meant I had to cut short the training ride to make sure I got back in time to deliver the baguette for Freya's lunch before she took the school bus at 7.30. Made it with just a few minutes to spare. Very cold morning (-3 according to the France meteo website) but dry so no ice problems on the road. Was well rugged up and very comfortable. Decided to be efficient and did a hill repeat session up the Suresnes hill. It isn't very far at 0.8km, but it is quite steep at 8% grade. Managed three of them at a slowing pace (caused partly by the increased traffic at that later hour of the morning). Finished up with a quick cruise back home via a longer route and stopped into the boulangerie for a couple of baguettes, which were fresh and hot and delicious!

Monday Jan 18, 2016 #

1 PM

Running 31:44 [3] 6.1 km (5:12 / km) +30m 5:05 / km
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

late lunchtime run. Very cold out there so beanie, gloves, tights and two tops were required. Good run despite the cold. Right knee still feels a bit weak, and feels like I am limping at times, but this run felt a lot better than previous runs. Touch wood, it seems to be heading in the right direction.

Sunday Jan 17, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:55:58 [3] 50.8 km (2:17 / km) +394m 2:12 / km

Very cold and cloudy. Headed out to Versailles and it started to snow once I got past the town. Got heavier around Versailles and started to accumulate on my jacket, but didn't seem to be making the roads to treacherous. Was a lot of fun and very atmospheric. Fingers and toes started to get quite cold towards the end - need to break out the heavy duty gloves and booties. Good ride.

Friday Jan 15, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:23:45 [3] 34.5 km (2:26 / km) +301m 2:20 / km

Very cold (-2 when started) and teh roads were icy in parts. So very cautious on this ride and took it easy for teh most part. Didn't manage to celan the bike so quite hard to push the pedals, and to keep up with Jared. Fortunately, he is training for the Paris half marathon in March and so is quite content to use the riding as recovery from the stepped up running training. Glad to get home to a nice warm shower and a hot cup of tea!

Thursday Jan 14, 2016 #

1 PM

Running 31:28 [3] 5.8 km (5:26 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Got out late for a lunch time run. Took it pretty easy, legs felt very tired and the rest of my body was protesting. But got out there for a somewhat boring loop around part of the Bois.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:23:55 [3] 35.3 km (2:23 / km) +305m 2:17 / km

Windy morning and also struggled with tired legs. Plus my bike really needs a good clean, esp the chain, which has picked up a huge amount of oil, gunk and crap over the last few months and is getting harder and harder to pedal. Not a great job for teh winter months but necessary. Otherwise a reasonable ride.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016 #

1 PM

Running 32:56 [3] 6.2 km (5:19 / km) +34m 5:10 / km

managed to sneak out for a late lunchtime run. Started out with three guys I used to run with. Thought I could at least start out with them and then slow up to my (now) regular pace. But after 1.3km I was huffing and puffing and suffering big time. Excused myself as needing to stop and stretch and let them run on. Clearly very badly out of shape for decent running and so just cruised around for the rest of the run, but felt a bit better and picked up the pace around the middle.

Sunday Jan 10, 2016 #

7 AM

Cycling 2:04:51 [3] 55.2 km (2:16 / km) +379m 2:11 / km

Heavy rain overnight gave way to a clear sky in the morning, but meant that the roads were quite wet. Legs were a bit tired this morning and back was giving some grief. So just took it easy on this ride out to Versailles and the countryside beyond. Nice starting out in the dark and riding through the dawn and into the day. Quite cold - around 5-6 deg - and hands got pretty chilly after a while. Good ride in the end.

Saturday Jan 9, 2016 #

6 PM

Running 31:09 [3] 5.5 km (5:40 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Easy evening jog that turned into a bit of an effort when the competitive juices kicked in and I tried to stay with someone who overtook me half way through the run. Did the 4th and 5th ams reasonably briskly (for me).

Listened to the best hits of Stevie Wright, Australian rock icon. Superb and a world away from French hip-hop ...

Friday Jan 8, 2016 #

6 AM

Running 23:27 [3] 4.0 km (5:52 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Easy early morning jog. Felt like I was moving a bit better and things weren't quite so sore. Looking promising but keeping fingers crossed. Am also doing a lot of stretching and core strength work after each bout of exercise.

Thursday Jan 7, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:24:23 [3] 36.0 km (2:21 / km) +253m 2:16 / km

rain overnight and roads were quite wet, and a bit of misty drizzle, but decided to HFU and go out anyway. It turned out to be quite windy as well so it was a bit of a slow ride, esp as teh roads were quite slippery and had to be very cautious around corners and roundabouts. But good to get out nonetheless. Rain started a bit more in earnest in last few kms and by then I was ready to finish up and jump in a hot shower. The ride was made a little more entertaining by having to take my 9 year old daughter's iPod (mine was out of juice) and so was educated on French hip-hop and pop songs along with various artists taht appeal to young girls such as Miley Cyrus, Meghan Trainer, Ellie Goulding (taking said daughter to see her in concert at the end of Fenruary!), Taylor Swift. Will definitely make sure my own iPod is fully charged next time out!

Wednesday Jan 6, 2016 #

1 PM

Running 28:51 [3] 5.1 km (5:39 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Easy run on my own through the Bois. Felt okay, just slow and heavy. It will take some time before the running legs get back into shape.

Tuesday Jan 5, 2016 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:16:54 [3] 35.1 km (2:11 / km) +241m 2:07 / km

Good steady ride on a windy but dry morning. Battled into the wind on the long climb up through Sevres to Versailles, but then had a lovely tail wind for most of the flat and downhill back home.

Monday Jan 4, 2016 #

1 PM

Running 28:38 [3] 5.1 km (5:37 / km)
shoes: Asics Kayano 21

Easy jog around the two lakes with Jon. Well, "easy" would be not quite accurate. It was slow and lots of things hurt, esp the right hip and back of knee. But prob to be expected. Nice day to be out though, and the company was excellent.

Sunday Jan 3, 2016 #

8 AM

Cycling 2:30:52 [3] 66.2 km (2:17 / km) +604m 2:11 / km

Good morning ride in the dark and drizzle out to Versailles via Suresnes and Marly-le-Roi. Day slowly dawned and the drizzle persisted but never amounted to anything more than a slight bother. There was a bit of wind but it wasn't too cold. Had to be very watchful of the slippery roads, esp around the towns - had a couple of scares with the back wheel slipping out a little.

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