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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Bike5 13:29:00 24.85 40.0
  Rock climbing2 3:45:00
  Orienteering5 3:39:14 12.92 20.8 515
  Run6 2:40:21 18.14 29.2 130
  core3 46:00
  Hockey1 10:00
  Total18 24:29:35 55.92 90.0 645

» now

Tuesday Oct 31, 2006 #

Bike long (hoppers - brooklyn return) 1:39:00 [3] 40.0 km (2:29 / km)

Federation Trail

Riding along here and inhaling the fragrant air may have a negative effect on your health.

was trying hard out to keep up to about 3min/km against the wind on the way back.

Monday Oct 30, 2006 #

Orienteering (you yangs) 35:00 [3] ***** 3.8 km (9:13 / km) +100m 8:08 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

Set a short course through the granite. didn't push myself too hard, was very hot, and bone seed is dieing off (but getting woody and scratchy).

Thought it'd take longer than this.

core 16:00 [3]

Sunday Oct 29, 2006 #

Orienteering hills (Blue Nose) 56:00 [3] ***
shoes: Mizuno flats

Went for a field check on the last few areas of the map.
Good thing I did, a single track has turned into a 4m wide fireline in the last few weeks.

Also saw a stag, a possum in the middle of the day, and way too many dirt bikerZ.

Felt really confident running. must be due to a week of planned and organised training!!!

very nice day.

Saturday Oct 28, 2006 #

(rest day)

so where am I today?

instructing at extortionate rates.

you know it's three times the price if you do it at night...

Friday Oct 27, 2006 #

Run warm up/down 6:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno flats

Run intervals 18:00 [4] 4.8 km (3:45 / km)
shoes: Mizuno flats

400m intervals

Thursday Oct 26, 2006 #

Run (hoppers) 22:00 [3] 6.0 km (3:40 / km)
shoes: Mizuno flats

sun very bright (blinding), but not very hot.
how does that work Dr. Trewin?

Run warm up/down 11:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno flats


so what is the database they use for the profile locations- it seems to be missing a few population centres.
It's lacking Bendigo and Albury-
but it has Sunbury, Ballarat and Mildura. hmmmm?

core 14:00 [3]

Wednesday Oct 25, 2006 #

core (aerobic) 16:00 [3]
(rest day)

"they took our jobssss" I wish they would show good episodes again

Tuesday Oct 24, 2006 #

Run (glenorden) 16:21 [3] 4.8 km (3:24 / km)
shoes: Mizuno flats

was going to go for a long recovery ride, but couldn't find the pump, everyone else around was at work, so couldn't even borrow one.
So went for a 5km run instead. Very hot, very dry, was pretty surprised by the speed.
may go for a ride later if a pump appears.
calves are pretty sore, right one is tight as a matron (carry on humour).

Run warm up/down 7:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno flats

Monday Oct 23, 2006 #

Run warm up/down (You Yangs) 25:00 [2] *** 2.5 km (10:00 / km) +30m 9:26 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

did long warm up in order to get over the weekend, stopped and stretched multiple times.

Orienteering intervals (you yangs) 6:40 [4] ** 2.2 km (3:02 / km) +25m 2:52 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

Was intending to do a long intervals session using a short loop starting from Kurrajong.

was feeling pretty good about my first loop.
I think I needed to convince myself I wasn't a complete dud after the weekend.

Orienteering warm up/down (you yangs) 8:00 [3] 1.8 km (4:27 / km) +20m 4:13 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

started rest loop (2nd interval), and didn't recover at all felt like throwing up, really queasy, decided it probably wasn't a good idea to keep going with the session.
disappointing. Drove all the way out there too.

need to toughen up.

Sunday Oct 22, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Mt.Beckworth) 1:21:00 [4] **** 8.5 km (9:32 / km) +355m 7:53 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

I was disappointed with this run. I finished third, but I was a good 15 minutes down.
Apart from the lack of fitness, I made poor route choice decisions on all the major route choice legs, and I lost alot of time on two short easy checkpoints.
Ironically, I felt like I was running quite well whilst i Was out there.
Unfortunately I've lost my splits, so will have to wait till they are poublished for further analysis.

The checkpoints were all fairly easy to find, it was just getting to them that was the issue.

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the first major leg, not so much route choice, but this is where the field split.
I headed up the hill early, because I wanted to get the hill over with, but mainly because I wanted to avoid running through the two gullies toward the start of the leg.

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after experiencing running along the edge of the pine forest (dark green), and the monster bracken, I made the hasty decision of following the ridge in order to avoid all this, plus the slow rocky hillsides and fallen timber.
This was a bad idea as it lead to a few problems: attackpoint? extra climb, and extra distance.

it would have been much faster just to have follwed the pine forest round to the bottom of the bracken and headed in.
Most people who took my route ended up running along the ridge all the way to the clearer gully to the north of the checkpoint and following the line of rocks in.
I had decided to travel across the bare rock and then down through the rocky ground and contoured to the boulder (good visibility), but it became apparent that this wasn't possible halfway along the grey. so I decided to climb down, except I ended up sliding about 5m down a face; a few grazes and a badly jarred finger later I was off and onto the control.

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I thought great! head north and follow around the base of the huge cliffs, then pick my way through the larger features to the checkpoint.
I misjudged the depth of the bracken (stripey green) 30m in I was choking on spores and in over my head, luckily I swam over to a boulder and boulder hopped my way through the thicket. wasted alot of time here, once out of the bracken I hid the checkpoint right on due to a certain pensioner who lead me in.

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I have no idea what went on here. I lost over 5 mins on this leg, I somehow found my self at the base of the sharp cliffs in the gully north east of the checkpoint. frustrating.

I then lost another 4mins or so in the control circle of checkpoint 18 just searching. bingo control, a small boulder amongst dubious rocky ground.
Bryan had caught his 14minutes on me by this stage, ran around the easy remainder of the course with him.

need more map reading practice on the run.

Saturday Oct 21, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Sailor's Falls) 32:34 [4] **** 4.5 km (7:14 / km) +15m 7:07 / km

Vic middle distance!!
ran M21.
I wasn't concentrating throughtout most of the race, it was lucky that the first checkpoint was so easy. The bingo control at no.2 knocked me back into place.
The run down:
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1 - 2 4:37 (+2:20)
I quickly glanced at the map and thought "downhill!", unfortunately as I wasn't concentrating at all at this point, I ran the wrong direction, corrected myself badly by running over a hill. after crossing that track a second time, I pretty much spiked it into the control circle, I knew exactly where I was because of the other features but couldn't find the checkpoint. Eventually Dave Colls caught up to me and after a bit of bashing around in the bracken he found it at the bottom of a hidden pit.

2-3 2:28 (+50sec)
slow running, crossed wide so as to avoid a double crossing. didn't prove worthwhile as Dave went the straight line and beat me by about 50m

3-4 3:43 (+1:00)
slow running, no navigational problems, hesitated a bit coming into the control, don't think I should have lost 1 min here though.

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red indicates where I was running with others

4-5 2:10 (+20sec)
spiked this one, was back on track.

5-6 2:12 (+1:00)
overconfident form the last leg, wasn't reading my map. took me a while to figure out where I was before heading up onto the spur.
Ev and Dave caught me here.

6-7 1:38
Ev was trying to pick up lost time, and blasted out of control 6, an easy leg through open forest, meant I just had to follow him. Was 1 second down on the official fastest split.

7-8 1:56 (+20sec)
we hit the erosion gully way to high, Ev was about 50m out in front of me and dave, we saw him mispunch but neither of us was courageous enough to shout out. seem to have lost a lot of time here correcting ourselves, but the pace must have made up for it.

8-9 1:09
Lost Ev here. spiked.

9-10 37sec
Dave tryed to drop me here, lead me into the checkpoint.

10-11 1:01
Dropped Dave here. spiked.

11-12 2:48

12:13 2:54 (1:00)
Hit too low, Dave caught up again.

We ran through the rest of the course uneventfully.

-need to start training program.
-Run when I should.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2006 #

Bike long 4:00:00 [3]

same as yesterday, slower, with students.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2006 #

Bike long 3:20:00 [3]

millgrove to Acheron Way via O'shannasy aqueduct, up acheron way to no.18 management track, down single track to Wood's Point road, then back along centenary trail.
new bike holding up well

will take this route again tomorrow with students.

Monday Oct 16, 2006 #

Bike (Millgrove) 30:00 [3] *

got a new bike.
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it is a mix of a few old rigs from work.

Went out to field work a little bit, discovered some nice little tracks running along the river.
rode up MacKenzie King Dr. (site of 2005 gangland murder)
then went to check out a vacant block, it seemed pretty big so I decided I should check out how deep it was, found a little single track leading out the back of it. WOW! 500m of winding downhill single track, many forks and splits.
disappointed that I only found it this late in the year, especially as it is less than a km from work...

so much single track, so little time.

got applause at work for riding into that part of town and making it back. I must say there was a suspiciously high amount of cheap make-up, and 12 year olds sinking tinnies.

Thursday Oct 12, 2006 #


no training this morning.

when you wake up at 5:45 and the thermometer already says 28 degrees.
and you finished work at 11pm the night before; and the wind is blowing branches down onto the roof of your hut; there is very little incentive to push yourself out the door.

Hockey 10:00 [3]

that dog plays a mean game of soccer.
it knows how to dribble!

Wednesday Oct 11, 2006 #

Run warm up/down (Blue Nose) 35:00 [2] 6.1 km (5:44 / km) +100m 5:18 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

Went for a morning run before work.
did some impromptu fieldwork. discovered 4 new tracks.

took it very easy. most of the uphill was done in one hit.
felt good after it. not tired.

Rock climbing (East Warburton) 1:45:00 [2]

nice and slow.
shallower than yesterday.
rapids not so ferocious.
no water in the river after winter. will there be a river after summer?

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Tuesday Oct 10, 2006 #

Rock climbing (east warburton) 2:00:00 [2]

what would have been an easy trip in the sun turned into a pelvic-thrust-a-thon.
very shallow river.

Sunday Oct 8, 2006 #


excerpts from new mtbO map:
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Wednesday Oct 4, 2006 #


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went to cathedral's again.

I've decided this isn't training.

Tuesday Oct 3, 2006 #

Bike (Edwardstown) 4:00:00 [3]
(sick) shoes: Mizuno flats

bike ride around edwardston, Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting. was a very nice day.

Sunday Oct 1, 2006 #

Run (recovery) 20:00 [3] 5.0 km (4:00 / km)
(sick) shoes: Mizuno flats

just an easy jog to get back into it.
around woodville park.
knee feeling alright.

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