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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running16 8:34:00 46.34 74.57 1500
  Road Bike5 3:51:35 62.98 101.35 1000
  Orienteering4 3:25:08 17.81(11:31) 28.67(7:09) 5507 /8c87%
  mtb3 2:59:00 26.59(6:44) 42.8(4:11) 850
  Touch4 2:40:00
  Gym1 1:01:00
  Total25 22:30:43 153.72 247.39 39007 /8c87%
averages - sleep:6.8

» now

Thursday Jan 31, 2008 #

Touch race 40:00 [4]

Lost 4-3 to Vascoes who are at the top of the ladder.... third time this season we've lost to them by 1 try. Really annoying this time cause we played really well with only 6 people (one of which was an injured emma) and was up 3-1 with a couple of mins to go. Didn't help us that the only bad decision the ref made all night went against us (didn't pay a touch on one of their guys diving for a try). Pretty impressive how well we played with a shortage of players again tho! Think we might just put us 6 down on the registration for next season :)

Road Bike 26:00 [3] 13.1 km (1:59 / km) +200m 1:51 / km
ahr:189 max:240 shoes: Ridley Orion

Didn't cool down after touch so went for a short ride when I got home before dark... heart rate graph said my heart rate was really high for the whole ride nearly... which is weird cause I didn't feel it at all. Thinking this one might be a fault of the watch... tho I did have 2 coffees today. Strange.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2008 #

Running 24:00 [2] 4.15 km (5:47 / km) +350m 4:04 / km
ahr:144 max:165 slept:6.5 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Run up to Knocklofty from work for orienteering...

Orienteering race 22:46 [4] 4.7 km (4:51 / km) +100m 4:23 / km
ahr:167 max:178 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Summer series race at Knocklofty. Starting to feel a bit better running, but still dont have the speed or energy. Lower heart rate than usual so really should try pushing harder now... Also was a bit lazy today and took a couple of stupid routes. Getting better tho, so happy enough.

Monday Jan 28, 2008 #

Orienteering 50:00 [1] 6.0 km (8:20 / km)
ahr:120 max:167 slept:7.5 shoes: VJ Falcons

Setting out controls at Pittwater for the juniors. Had to carry nearly a billion controls.

Orienteering 40:00 [1] 5.1 km (7:51 / km)
ahr:120 max:162 shoes: VJ Falcons

Shadowing the beginners group... was quite a lot of fun actually... it was pack orienteering. Sprint for 100m then stand in a bunch and look around. Got the hang of it eventually tho.

Sunday Jan 27, 2008 #

Orienteering 30:00 [1] 3.2 km (9:22 / km) +200m 7:09 / km
ahr:134 max:161 slept:7.5 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Putting out controls for the junior camp at Stringy Park Gully.One patch of detail at the very top corner of the map confused the hell out of me... I thought the mapper must have thought it was so far away from anything else nobody would use it... will have to go back again one day and have a look.

Orienteering 39:00 [2] 4.5 km (8:40 / km) +100m 7:48 / km
ahr:132 max:168 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Running about shadowing juniors on the first exercise... involved a bit of waiting around to for the next junior to catch up.

Road Bike 30:35 [3] 15.25 km (2:00 / km)
ahr:146 max:198 shoes: Ridley Orion

Short ride before dinner... just down to lauderdale and seven mile mainly. Was pretty windy, but nice and cool at least.

Saturday Jan 26, 2008 #

Road Bike 2:03:00 [3] 52.2 km (2:21 / km) +800m 2:11 / km
ahr:152 max:181 slept:7.0 shoes: Ridley Orion

Ride into Sandy Bay to Johnny's Aus Day BBQ... had a sanga or two then headed back over to Emma's to listen to the radio for a bit... then back home through Rokeby. Pretty nice ride... arse only just got sore at the end, so the seat looks like it'll be pretty good. Good fun.

Friday Jan 25, 2008 #

Road Bike 42:00 [3] 20.8 km (2:01 / km)
ahr:155 slept:5.5 shoes: Ridley Orion

Up to Emma's after getting home from work.

Thursday Jan 24, 2008 #

Touch 40:00 [4]

Lost 3-1. Just wasnt really our night, couldn't attack for shit. Probably could have been a bit luckier with the tries they got tho, few questionable decisions there...

Running warm up/down 20:00 [1] 3.5 km (5:43 / km)
shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Cool down with Emma after touch... was having a race with the setting sun, trying to get home before it set so I can have short spin on the new ridley.

Road Bike 10:00 [1]
shoes: Ridley Orion

Just got home in time to be able to ride around Tara Drive a few times before it got dark. Felt awesome..

Wednesday Jan 23, 2008 #

Orienteering 23:22 [1] *** 5.17 km (4:31 / km) +150m 3:57 / km
ahr:174 max:185 spiked:7/8c shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Summer Series at Mt Nelson. Not the most exciting course, but had enough decent route choices to keep it interesting enough. Had to run a fair bit through the bush tho, so my legs werent liking the running shorts... weren't used to the crappy bush after not orienteering all summer.
Didn't push too hard at the start cause I didn't wanna die half way around, but got around fairly easily in the end. So hopefully can build up the speed a bit more over the next few weeks.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [1] 3.1 km (6:27 / km)
ahr:135 max:161 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Warm up and cool down...

Tuesday Jan 22, 2008 #

Running 26:00 [3]
ahr:163 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Run from work over to Rosny to meet Emma. Was a bit late so pushed it fairly hard... couldn't wait for my GPS to get reception tho. I hate running with a bag.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]
ahr:120 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Monday Jan 21, 2008 #

Running hills 35:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Forgot a watch so just did some random hills at rosny while waiting to get picked up. Probably roughly 5 x 1 minute and 6 x 30 sec. Was too disorganised to bother doing anything constructive unfortunately.

Sunday Jan 20, 2008 #

Running 37:00 [3] 8.8 km (4:12 / km)
ahr:160 max:176 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Felt pretty good again today.. would have liked to gone longer but didnt have time.. blowing a gale today so was pretty tough running.

Thursday Jan 17, 2008 #

Touch 40:00 [4]

Touch game against top team Condors... had to get a few fill ins this week, so was expecting a thrashing... and did. Did a good effort tho, particularly in the first half. But then in the second half we were shown a demonstration on how to play touch... exactly what we've been trying to do, but nobody really understanding how to do it... mind you they did have aus reps playing for them. Not too disappointed.

Running 20:00 [1] 3.2 km (6:15 / km)
shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Cool down jog with Emma after the game...

Wednesday Jan 16, 2008 #

Running 52:00 [3] 11.62 km (4:29 / km) +450m 3:45 / km
ahr:160 max:172 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Ran towards home from town after work until Dad passed me on his way home and picked me up. Got half way down the other side of Mt Rumney, which was roughly where I thought I would get to... but would have been nice to have another 10 mins to make it past Cambridge.
First run for a while that a felt good on... was able to keep a pretty good pace without pushing too hard or struggling. Fair bit of road running though, so hopefully I don't pull up too sore tomorrow since I haven't been doing much for a while.

Tuesday Jan 15, 2008 #

Gym 13:00 [2]

Got to the gym early... so spun on the bike for a while..

Gym 48:00 [3]
ahr:154 max:178

Spin class at the gym... nice for something a bit different. Was able to push pretty hard and have the heart rate up high for most of it.

Monday Jan 14, 2008 #

Running 20:00 [2] 3.5 km (5:43 / km)

Warm up and short cool down for hills.

Running 10:00 [4] 2.3 km (4:21 / km) +150m 3:17 / km
ahr:164 max:181 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

5 x 2 min hills with 3 min recovery... usual place at Kangaroo Bay, made a kinda zig zagging route up through the trees to get enough distance for 2 minutes. Didn't go max, just tried to keep a solid hard pace for the first hard session for a while. Few sore muscles and tired a bit.. but was pretty happy with how I finished it off.

Running 15:00 [1] 2.2 km (6:49 / km)


Sunday Jan 13, 2008 #

mtb 1:08:00 [3] 14.0 km (4:51 / km) +400m 4:15 / km
shoes: Giant Alias

Ride out at the bike part with Kenif n Tommy.. first time out there, and some of the cross country tracks are pretty nice. Did two loops of the cross country tracks then some more muckin around.. the old giant is starting to make a few weird noises on the rough downhills..

Saturday Jan 12, 2008 #

Running 40:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Crap run... felt shittier than usual for some reason... been a pretty bad week tho so theres probably a few reasons why.. all psyched for next week tho, starting tomorrow.. it's gonna be good.
GPS finally cracked it and ran out battery...

Thursday Jan 10, 2008 #

Touch 40:00 [4]

Was a good game... we played average, but not too bad for first game back. Was bloody hot so we all struggled. Lost 6-5 but it could easily have been the other way around.

Wednesday Jan 9, 2008 #

Running 36:00 [3] 7.8 km (4:37 / km) +250m 3:59 / km
ahr:163 max:182 slept:6.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Struggled today for some reason... Ran from Emmas around the hill and down to the beaches and back up again... I think my prediction yesterday was correct.

Tuesday Jan 8, 2008 #

Running 30:00 [3]
shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Squeezed in a quick run between finishing work and going out to dinner... only had half an hour but had to do something since I missed yesterday. Didn't wear my Garmin cause I haven't had a chance to recharge it yet... so not really sure of the time or nufin... looking forward to smashing a good session tomorrow... although the 6 o'clock start for work tomorrow morning might change that..

Sunday Jan 6, 2008 #

mtb 1:10:00 [3] 16.8 km (4:10 / km) +200m 3:56 / km
ahr:142 max:176 slept:8.0 shoes: Giant Alias

Nice ride with kenif around hobart college and the signal station. Been a while since I've been on those tracks so was good fun. Legs were still weak on the climbs tho... Got to 'oooo' at kenif's new frame as well.
Garmin dropped out a fair bit, so think its time to finally recharge it. Pretty impressed that it's lasted over a week.

Saturday Jan 5, 2008 #

Running 24:00 [2] 5.0 km (4:48 / km)
ahr:152 max:178 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Bit of a run along Howrah Beach at night... fairly quick out along the beach, but starting to feel dinner again on the way back and got distracted by Emma, so the last few minutes were more of a walk...

Friday Jan 4, 2008 #

mtb 41:00 [3] 12.0 km (3:25 / km) +250m 3:06 / km
ahr:150 max:177 slept:6.0 shoes: Giant Alias

Another crammed in ride after work... didn't last long cause I was absolutely starving. Was still bloody hot at 6 so that along with lack of sleep and lack of food made it a pretty cruisy ride. Still a bit weaker than usual on the hills... but otherwise good.
Looking forward to a mountian ride on sunday... gonna be hard to keep up with kenif now tho... I hope ur ready for a very erratic ride kenif!

Running 20:00 [2] 4.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Easy run with Emma after dinner...

Thursday Jan 3, 2008 #

Running 37:00 [3] 6.9 km (5:22 / km) +300m 4:24 / km
ahr:153 max:176 slept:7.0 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Run after work from Ems house. Was nice running on the tracks around waverly park for a change. There is tonnes of single track all over the hill now... looks like some bogans have been working hard. Had a few tough climbs to do which tested me but felt pretty good. Last real steep one was a killer, but I don't see how its possible to run faster than a walk going up that one. Pulled up with a few sore spots.

Wednesday Jan 2, 2008 #

Running 38:00 [3] 8.5 km (4:28 / km)
ahr:160 max:182 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Felt pretty good...

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