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Training Log Archive: slowrunner

In the 7 days ending Mar 7, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  trail running3 12:16:00 57.4(12:49) 92.38(7:58)
  bike3 3:34:00
  strength training3 2:10:00
  Total6 18:00:00 57.4 92.38

» now

Saturday Mar 7, 2009 #

trail running 6:48:00 [3] 30.0 mi (13:36 / mi)

from duffy's to coolis' with homey, vents, robbie and bunions. 3 of us went back a second time. i started laps of palgrave, but it was raining really hard, and the ice was getting pretty slippery. called it after 2. i was really cold! would have liked more distance, but just didn't have it in me today. now we get to taper! woo hoo!

Thursday Mar 5, 2009 #

bike (trainer) 1:20:00 [3]

aerobase 2 plus 4x4:00 standing at 53:12

strength training 40:00 [2]

last day with CDS - lots of legs and abs. i'll really miss this! the kids were awesome and they showed incredible improvement over the past 4 months!

Wednesday Mar 4, 2009 #

strength training 1:00:00 [3]

kim's back! lots of legs today!

trail running 1:28:00 [3] 7.6 mi (11:35 / mi)

hstn over to palgrave for 1 1/2 loops and back. wow! 2min per mile faster than last week. conditions much better. beautiful sunny day!

Tuesday Mar 3, 2009 #

bike (trainer) 44:00 [3]

started doing some sprints, but blew my chain. grrrrrrrrrr! went and ate a bunch of smarties instead! stoopid bike!

Monday Mar 2, 2009 #

bike (trainer) 1:30:00 intensity: (1:00:00 @2) + (30:00 @3)

aerobase 3 with coach troy. wanted to try and heal up my blisters.

strength training 30:00 [3]

last monday with my CDS kids. did a bunch of squats, plyos and abs.

Sunday Mar 1, 2009 #

trail running 4:00:00 [3] 19.8 mi (12:07 / mi)

over to kilbirdie to run the iroquois trail route with homey, bunions, captain, cyrus and the beaver. overall, pretty good conditions. a few icy sections, a lot of hard packed snow, and some real dirt! oh ya!!!

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