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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Jan 27, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 3:57:18 28.21(8:25) 45.4(5:14)
  Total4 3:57:18 28.21(8:25) 45.4(5:14)
averages - sleep:5.9 weight:87.1kg

» now

Saturday Jan 26, 2013 #

7 AM

Running long 1:43:16 [3] 18.8 km (5:30 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Long run in Bois and Parc de St Cloud. Not much snow left in the Bois, but plenty up in St Cloud. Pretty icy and slippery so had trouble keeping footing at times. First half felt great and then started to struggle a bit with a very tight chest and breathlessness. But struggled home okay. Very tired at end after a tough week at the office and little sleep. Plus this is teh third day in a row running, which is something I don't do very often bt felt the need to given it is impossible to cycle these days and next week will be a write-off for running due to an exceedingly busy work and meeting schedule.

Friday Jan 25, 2013 #

12 PM

Running 30:00 [2] 5.8 km (5:10 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Easy run in the Bois on a very cold (for Paris) day - didn't get above -2 degrees all day. Just took it easy . Was amazed to see the trannies still in business in this cold weather, clad in very little except big fur coats.

Thursday Jan 24, 2013 #

1 PM

Running 48:00 [3] 10.1 km (4:45 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Very pacy run with Edward in the Bois. Snow just about all gone, but still some vestiges left on the forest tracks, making it a bit slippery if venturing off the bitumen. Running with the young gun (Edward has 30 years on me!) certainly made for a much quicker run than I would normally do on my own. Would be good to do this once a week if possible.

Training for my work trip over to Tucson in early July where I have taken a day's leave at the end of the trip to check out the area. Planning to do a long mountain run in Saguaro National Park, heading up Tanque Verde Ridge to the peak for a bit of a look around. Around 25km round trip with 1200m climb so should be quite an epic but manageable given current fitness. Looking forward to checking out the big cactus country!

Tuesday Jan 22, 2013 #

1 PM

Running 56:02 [3] 10.7 km (5:14 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Snow is slowly but surely turning to slush, with patches of harder icy white snow. Makes for a very wet and slippery run. But still good fun in the cold. Felt pretty good when I was able to run on snow/slush-free roads and moved along quite nicely there. Rest of the run was pretty slow however. Finished up with a couple of faster km on the snow-free roads.

Monday Jan 21, 2013 #


Monday weigh-in. 87.1km. Not a great result, primarily the result of an indulgent weekend with Freya's birthday party and lots of junk food. Traveling for work is also a disaster for any kind of sensible eating and exercise routine. Three days in Abu Dhabi last week was hopeless on the food front, but still managed to get in a couple of runs on the treadmill in the hotel gym.

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