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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running14 12:23:12 87.8(8:28) 141.3(5:16)
  MTB4 4:04:50 46.48(5:16) 74.8(3:16)
  Orienteering2 1:46:55 8.1(13:12) 13.03(8:12)
  Total20 18:14:57 142.37(7:41) 229.13(4:47)
averages - sleep:6.6

» now

Thursday May 31, 2012 #


Buggar. Have caught a cold. Throat really sore, heavy headed (more than usual), nose starting to drip. Great timing!
6 AM

Running 30:40 [3] 5.5 km (5:35 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Easy run. Really struggled to get going - still asleep, and full of food from last night's dinner. Not a great run, but ticked it off the list ...

Wednesday May 30, 2012 #

6 AM

MTB 46:00 [3] 15.0 km (3:04 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Still not getting enough sleep. Need to get to bed earlier. Anyway, struggled up this morning and had an easy ride around the Bois. Glorious spring morning - sunny, slightly cool, with the promise of a warm day. Felt fine without exerting myself too much on the ride. This morning ride in the Bois is quite hard to turn into a tough ride as it is so flat and the paths so good. Perhaps will go over to the Parc de St Cloud if the gates open early enough.

Tuesday May 29, 2012 #

6 AM

Running intervals 35:00 [3] 6.5 km (5:23 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Felt like crap this morning - very heavy and tired after the long weekend in Rome and a diet of pasta and gelato. But struggled out the door and had a go at an easy interval set of 10 x 1min H / 1 min E. Pace of between 4.05 - 4.20 was not startling, but the effort was there. Left knee sore.

Sunday May 27, 2012 #

9 AM

Running 53:00 [4] 10.1 km (5:15 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Rome. Good run, although it took a few km to get going as I was so full of pasta and gelato from the last few days. But settled down into a hard run. Went from the hotel out to Villa Borghese and the surrounding park (there is an O-map but couldn't print it out from Route Gadget. Ran hard up charged the hills and steps. Felt good. L knee sore afterwards.

Thursday May 24, 2012 #

6 AM

MTB 46:50 [3] 15.0 km (3:07 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Restless night's sleep and woke up early, so decided to go for a ride. Nice morning for it, bit cloudy but warm enough. Just did a lap of the Bois. Felt fine.
7 PM

Orienteering 46:00 [3] ** 5.0 km (9:12 / km)
shoes: Inov 8 O shoes

Double training today! Decided to take advantage of the sudden arrival of summer - up to 26 deg today - and headed out to the forest at Vill d'Avray for a bit of terrain training. Traffic a nightmare so a 15 min trip took 40 mins. But a good run in the end. But traffic still bad coming back home and so took nearly 2 hours round trip to do a 46 min run! Won't do this very often - may be better off doing it early in the morning and try and miss the morning traffic.

Wednesday May 23, 2012 #

12 PM

Running 49:55 [3] 10.1 km (4:57 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

At long last, some sunshine! Lovely warm day and slightly humid. Good solid run with Jon and Mike down to the Seine and back through the Bois. Good pace

Monday May 21, 2012 #

1 PM

Running hills 51:23 [4] 9.7 km (5:18 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Pissing rain but a good run nonetheless. Tried a hill near the Grand Cascade in the Bois that I had been thinking might be a useful hill for interval work. Just under 200m long with a steady but not steep incline. Did 8 of these (@ 47-48 secs) with a jog back down (@1.25-1.30). Felt pretty easy, which suggests the hill wasn't that hard or that I am fitter than I thought. I suspect the former explanation is more accurate :-). Very enjoyable run in the wet.

Sunday May 20, 2012 #

9 AM

MTB 1:07:00 [3] 19.8 km (3:23 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

So much for being a fair weather cyclist! Started to drizzle about 5km into the ride so just decided to go with it. Not too heavy, but the bike definitely required a hose down at the end! Good fun up in Parc de St Cloud, with quite a few hills and tried out a new track that will be useful for future rides. Did the bit of single track coming from the non-traditional direction (i.e. I went downhill on it) and it was a huge amount of fun, although requiring some greater bike skills than I really possess at this stage. Will try and do that more often on these rides.

Saturday May 19, 2012 #

10 AM

Running intervals 1:06:38 [4] 13.0 km (5:08 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Good interval run in the Bois. Easy warm up for 6km then did 9 x 2min H / 1min E (@ 4.14min/km, 3.58, 3.59, 4.00, 4.06, 4.10, 4.03, 4.10, 3.58) - intervals 6,7,8 were slightly uphill - that's my excuse anyway :-). FInished off well. Quads a bit tight after the MTB ride on Thursday.

Thursday May 17, 2012 #

1 PM

MTB 1:25:00 [3] 25.0 km (3:24 / km)
slept:8.5 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

First ride in a long time. Pleasant trip out to Parc de St Cloud and took in a few hills. Legs and back felt it towards the end. But good to get back in the saddle.

Wednesday May 16, 2012 #

1 PM

Running 54:00 [3] 10.3 km (5:15 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Back in Paris. Easy run with a group from work - first time that has happened in 11 years here (usually get one or two at most, today was six!) . Felt pretty godd, knee was okay although a bit doped up on anti-inflamm drugs. Will head out for ride tomorrow, weather permitting.

Saturday May 12, 2012 #

8 AM

Running long 1:39:37 [3] 20.1 km (4:57 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Last day in Philadelphia. Good long run along the Schukyll River. An amazing number of people out running on this glorious morning. Feeling great on the run. Knee okay on the run but very sore afterwards. Ice helps. Big intercollegiate rowing regatta going on the river. Very impressive athletic crews. Watched some of the races and enjoyed seeing these very competitive races. I have a suspicion that I would have enjoyed rowing when I was younger.

Thursday May 10, 2012 #

7 AM

Running hills (Philadelphia) 43:40 [4] 7.5 km (5:49 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Still in Philadelphia. Woke up with a sore left knee - on the inside of the knee. But decided to test it out anyway. Jogged down and along the river to teh small hill (really a ramp up to a lookout) and did 4 x long hill (55 secs) and short hill (25 secs). Knee felt a weak and a bit painful. Hate to say it feels a bit structural. Quite sore afterwards and put ice on it. Took anti-inflammatories (never travel without them!).

Wednesday May 9, 2012 #

7 AM

Running (Philadelphia) 34:40 [3] 6.2 km (5:35 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Easy run in the drizzle. Found a nice little hill for hill intervals tomorrow.

Tuesday May 8, 2012 #

6 AM

Running intervals (Philadelphia) 43:00 [4] 8.2 km (5:15 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Had a good interval run this morning. Warmed up with a run through downtown then did 8 x 2min H / 1 min E, with each interval at around 4 min/km. Felt pretty good on the run, nice and strong.

Philadelphia a nice town. Interesting sights: a pet accessory store called "Doggy Style" - a bit cheeky; lovely old leafy squares; great skyscraper whose main claim to fame is that there are no right angles on the outside, and all glass exterior.

Sunday May 6, 2012 #

7 PM

Running (Philadelphia) 36:00 [3] 6.3 km (5:43 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

In Philadelphia for a week of work. Had an easy run to stretch the legs after the flight and check out the neighbourhood. Staying on the west side of the river in the Penn University district. Lively student area as one would expect. Pretty ordinary run, feeling full of airline food. But good to get out and about.

Saturday May 5, 2012 #

8 AM

Running 1:33:00 [3] 17.5 km (5:19 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Easy long run out to Parc de St Cloud and back. Feeling pretty good until 15km then struggled for a km or so before coming good. Put it down to hunger and dehydration - being in meetings the last three days is a recipe for not drinking enough, worsened by the airconditioning. Weather still not great but lovely to get out. Amazing how quickly the trees get their full leaf coverage here. Just a few weeks ago it was all bare branches. Now it is a riot of green throughout the forest and it looks fantastic.

Starting to think about NY and how to build up for the marathon this time round - three marathons in one year! Will compare my training for NY last year and Paris this year to see how it panned out. Should be an interesting spreadsheet exercise.

Thursday May 3, 2012 #

8 PM

Running intervals 52:39 [4] 10.3 km (5:07 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Needed a decent run after a looong day of work (started at 6am and got back home around 7.30pm - the life of a modern international civil servant!). Decided to do some intervals this evening to keep with the change of programme to a steady diet of intervals and hills. After 15 mins warm up did 4min (@4.22/km), 2 min rest/ 2x2min (4.10, 4.12) with 1 min rest / 4x1min (3.58, 4.13, 4.05, 4.05) with 1 min rest / 2x2min (4.03, 4.07) with 2 min rest / 4 min (4.10). Jogged back home. Good session, pushed hard and tried to keep the running form good. Nice to run fast though getting tired towards the end. Beautiful evening for it - 20 deg, still, sunny.

Tuesday May 1, 2012 #

10 AM

Orienteering 1:00:55 [3] 8.03 km (7:35 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Inov 8 O shoes

Took advantage of the May Day holiday and drove out to the nearest O map at Ville d'Avray. Quite a nice area with lots of hills and quite a lot of regrowth that makes running quite hard. Very good terrain training area although the map is pretty ordinary. Warmed up with 5-6 mins on the tracks and then hit the terrain. Focus was on just running through the terrain and getting used to having to lift my legs - quite a novelty after several months of marathon training. Over the last 12 mins, took in three hill efforts, each of about 2 mins in length, trying to go strongly up the hills. Very good training session. Outside of left foot quite sore afterwards. Not sure what is going on there.

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