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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  orienteering3 5:55:40
  run9 5:09:33 22.85 36.78
  pilates3 3:00:00
  cross country1 1:05:23 6.09(10:44) 9.8(6:40)
  Total15 15:10:36 28.94 46.58

» now

Sunday May 30, 2010 #

run 54:36 [3] 9.3 km (5:52 / km)

just went to warners bay for a run because I am getting a bit bored of just going around home. was reallyreally windy on the way out but then just as i was turning around the wind seemed to stop completly. started at cherry road and went to the shelter where we have the park o.

Friday May 28, 2010 #

run 30:31 [3] 4.4 km (6:56 / km)

felt ok not very long because i'm going to cross country tomorrow and then about a long run on sunday. it was a bit wet in some places but not too bad in others.

Thursday May 27, 2010 #

run 33:42 [3] 4.9 km (6:53 / km)

felt ok knee felt funny at the start so i stoped to strech my quads and then it was all good. started to get a bit dark towards the end

Tuesday May 25, 2010 #

pilates 1:00:00 [3]

felt pretty good did a heap of upper body stuff so now i am really sore

Thursday May 20, 2010 #

run 32:54 [3] 4.8 km (6:51 / km)

felt pretty good. nothing fun happened

Sunday May 16, 2010 #

orienteering 1:58:47 [3]

didn't feel that great. first few controls were good but then number 6 was a major fail on my part crossin the creek thingy and climbing up the cliffs for no reason twice. then when i eventually found it i screwed up number 7 and had no idea where i was so decided that considering i had been out for 1 hr and 45 mins after only going 4km i had no hope of finishing before i got to the 3hr mark when i would have DNFed anyway.

garmin distance was 7.89km

Saturday May 15, 2010 #

orienteering (sprit) 32:43 [3]

felt pretty good for most of it. navigated pretty good but made a few small mistakes here and there. my main screw up was on the wierd bridge thingy because i didn't realise that i could just go down a little bit get through instead of going down and then going up the stairs.

garmin distance was 4.79km

orienteering 2:02:23 [3]

thourght i would just start off slow (slow = 0.98C). this resulted in me being really slow for the rest of the course also. pretty tough.

garmin distance was 7.81km

Thursday May 13, 2010 #

run 27:45 [3]

felt pretty good. forgot to charg my garmin so i just timed it on my ipod

Wednesday May 12, 2010 #

run 36:33 [3] 4.3 km (8:30 / km)

felt pretty good. started to get a bit dark by the end

Tuesday May 11, 2010 #

pilates 1:00:00 [3]

felt pretty good not too much leg work mainly upper body and abs

Sunday May 9, 2010 #

run 30:45 [3] 4.6 km (6:41 / km)

felt ok. legs a bit sore from standing up all day yesterday though

Thursday May 6, 2010 #

run 30:45 [3] 4.48 km (6:52 / km)

wasn't the best i think i went a bit too soon after afternoon tea

Tuesday May 4, 2010 #

pilates 1:00:00 [3]

didn't feel all that great. lots of ab work

run 32:02 [3]

not the greatest run in the world quads and calfs still a bit sore

Sunday May 2, 2010 #

orienteering 1:21:47 [3]

pretty pathetic. started off running really well but then started to slow down when my quads started hurting. screwed up a little bit here and there but the main one was in the same place that i always screw up on sugarloaf (near number 13 on the medium red) garmin distance was 6.1km

Saturday May 1, 2010 #

cross country 1:05:23 [3] 9.8 km (6:40 / km)

felt pretty good. lots of hills. quads got a bit sore towards the end.

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