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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 31 days ending Aug 31, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering8 10:16:07 22.56 36.3 895
  Bike2 4:32:00 8.08 13.0
  Rock climbing5 4:30:00 280
  Hockey3 3:20:00
  Run5 3:08:00 6.09 9.8 530
  Total20 25:46:07 36.72 59.1 1705

» now

Thursday Aug 31, 2006 #

Hockey 20:00 [2]


you can download the movies from there.

ENTER Toph: "you have too much time on your hands..."

Tuesday Aug 29, 2006 #


I won the two shortest splits on Sunday.
what does this mean?

Monday Aug 28, 2006 #


sneak preview style

Sunday Aug 27, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Crystal Mine) 1:14:04 [4] ***** 7.0 km (10:35 / km) +200m 9:16 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

Was having a terrible run.

Poorly to the first 2; then I couldn't find the checkpoints after that.
Was easy enough getting into the control circle, but spent minutes looking for each checkpoints. Didn't help that the course setter didn't use the rock features.

not a fan.

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what do you think?

I took 12:14
Bryan ran around the bottom and took 12:04
I'm pretty slow at the moment...

Saturday Aug 26, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Melville Caves) 1:43:00 [3] ***** 10.3 km (10:00 / km) +300m 8:44 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

Decided slow and steady was the best option-
was satisfied until I stuffed the 4th and 5th last controls by a lot.
had a route choice battle with Jim through a few.

Friday Aug 25, 2006 #


still no training.

feeling a bit dead.
as though there is a lack of sleep, but I've been sleeping enough.

might stay at Kooyoora on sunday night and do some training on monday if anyone is interested in joining in.

Wednesday Aug 23, 2006 #

Rock climbing hills (cathedrals) 1:00:00 [2]
shoes: boots


feel really tired- not sore.
just as if I haven't had enough sleep.
maybe amber's delayed fatigue theory is correct.

Tuesday Aug 22, 2006 #

Orienteering (wesburn Park) 15:00 [4]
shoes: Mizuno flats

Hammered round the course;
felt GREAT. Must have been all that training over the weekend, was a bit upset that I had to stop and coach.

working 7am till 10pm tonight so won't get another chance at training booooo

Orienteering (coaching) 1:00:00 [1]
shoes: Mizuno flats

same as usual.

boys were really fast this time.

Monday Aug 21, 2006 #

(rest day)

didn't get to go for a run today- felt really good after yesterday though, no aches, feel really loose instead. awesome.

have coaching tomorrow though so will have to sneak in a run.

Sunday Aug 20, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Graveyard Creek) 1:16:01 [5] *** 12.0 km (6:20 / km) +255m 5:44 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

didn't have a very good night's sleep. woke up lots. must have been the bed size.

Packed up and headed off to the race.

Torgeir still drinking.

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was a nice spectator set up, very exciting, multiple times people came through together and stopped for drinks etc.
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My plan for today was to minimise mistakes. It is the kind of country where if you make a mistake it is hard to catch back up again as everyone is running fairly fast.
The weather was about 28? stinking hot, and the course was a fairly long one.

I headed out at the same time as Andy Hogg, and we had similarly placed checkpoint through the first three, so we ran together till the third, where I ran into Oliver Mitchell, ran through the 4th with him, then mislead him a bit on the 5th leg, crossing a creek needlessly and having to cross it again- atleast I spotted the mistake early (lucky!).
Still picked up another competitor on this leg;
took it steady round the rest of the course till Bryan ran into the 8th when I was having a drink. He started about 8minutes before me and he had been in good form, so I was a bit surprised but then he showed me his horrific wounds after being attacked by a fence. Mislead him into the 11th, and we lost about 3.5 min, Matt Parton and Kieran flew past us at this stage, but then they took an odd route choice to the 12th and I gained about 20m on them wooooo.

The rest of the race was much the same. Not too many mistakes. was really slow around the final loop, took 12min; almost lost it on the final checkpoint. just couldn't concentrate.

was pretty satisfied with the race. I think I did minimise the mistakes. The only one I made was when I was a bit distracted by Bryan.
I'm pretty happy with my run, 5th place is good.
Haven't done any long runs in months; will be good to get a lot of training over summer wih the street-O.

Work finishes in a few weeks too...

was pretty stuffed after the race.
had to finish Torgeir's beers for him as they wouldn't let him leave some at the special drinks control.

Long flight home with Jas.

Saturday Aug 19, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Wild Boar Creek) 48:02 [4] *** 7.0 km (6:52 / km) +140m 6:14 / km
shoes: VJ twisters

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the day started with a small breakfast on the deck of Liggo's Boss's Noosa Beach Unit about 25 degrees at 8am.

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Packed the cars at about 9.15am before heading off for sunny maryborough.

The night before; Bryan found this sign:
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The event terrain was flat spur gully with some ssemingly random placed brown x's.

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My plan for the race was to ignore all the other competitors, and run at a comfortable speed and run my own race.

I went out feeling good; the terrain was very open and didnt take much out of me. I spiked the first two checkpoints, but then lost it on the third, I don't know what happened, I must have imagined I'd already passed the gully. Assuming I had over ran the control I headed backward and wasted more time- I soon realised. that was +3min

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the rest of the race was fairly smooth
until this horror alley:
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8 to 9 I don't know what went wrong; I crossed the creek thinking I'd hit the broken ground once I'd climbed up the creek wall; I didn't find any, so I headed westward, using the other creek as my catching feature, still no sign of depressions or broken ground. After bashing around for a while I decided to relocate off that creek, still nothing. I decided to relocate off the creek I had crossed, as I headed down into the creek bed, there was the control, about 10m from the watercourse. hmmm.

I headed toward checkpoint 10 slightly dejected, as a few people who I had previously passed had caught me at this stage (I had stopped ignoring them by now). I was in control until I entered the creek before the checkpoint; I came out of it thinking I had headed too far to the north of the gully as I was crossing it, and in my slightly frustrated frame of mind I headed to the south hitting the larger gully, and running up it until I could see people heading to the start.
very frustrated at this stage. +5min

I legged it with the pack of slow qlders toward checkpoint 11. For some reason they all started to head up the gully on the other side of the creek. so me and Daniel Stott peeled off and went the right way.
lost about 15secs here.

was pretty disappointed with this run; I was running about jim speed, so I was happy with that seeing as my training has been pretty non-existant this year.

after the event we went and found the caravan park- me and bryan fell asleep on the way back, must have been the heat- he had a good time despite some mistakes.

Turns out almost everyone is staying at the same caravan park.

we all head off to dinner together; all you can eat for $7
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went to the pokies. didn't lose any money though.

headed off to the trivia night, unfortunately for him, Blair was poached by the bushrangers table.
It was a 3 way race, Bushrangers, Pinestars, and Victoria/ACT.
We had a good chance with our specialist masterminds, Jim- master of celebrity gossip, Torgeir- master of Logic, Shep- master of accountancy, and Bryan- master of not speaking up.

Unfortunately Blair outwitted us all, even the New Zealanders who were cheating on two counts; 1. Having a copy of the answers, and 2. Marking their own sheet.
fortunately they decided to throw a few answers each round in order to avoid suspiscion.

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headed home. New zealanders attempted sabotage by inviting us to drink with them. Ha Ha! what they did not expect was the calibre of a man like Torgeir; who drank all their Booze then went and bought them more; He then managed to pull Bruce around the course the next morning.

Thursday Aug 17, 2006 #

Rock climbing (cathedrals) 1:00:00 [3]
shoes: boots

same thing.

was going to go for a long slow ride last night; but then I had to ring the champ; and she said I should apply for a really good job, so was up until all hours writing up my log; falsely thinking I'd be able to ride tonight- but alas it is bucketing down; this is where the meer men are sperated from the hardmen

Tuesday Aug 15, 2006 #

Rock climbing (cathedrals) 1:00:00 [3]

the usual 'mountaineering' scheme

Monday Aug 14, 2006 #



Terrain run


Canadian forest

for RunO

"save target as"

Sunday Aug 13, 2006 #

Run (You Yangs) 1:10:00 [3]
shoes: VJ twisters

forgot my map;

so ran around the forest for awhile then went up to the turntable and ran down the branding yard track and back. made it all the way back up the hill. Felt good but wasn't pushing too hard.

Hockey race (vs. RMIT) 1:30:00 [4]
shoes: tiny hockey shoes

got a good run; I had two marking me, which meant I didn't have to find someone to man up on when it came to that.

7 - 0 , I think that's the most yet this season.

Saturday Aug 12, 2006 #

Orienteering race (New Saint Mungo) 40:00 [4] ***
shoes: VJ twisters

Bendigo Ironman

Didn't feel too good out there; I think it was due to not eating enough beforehand (a bowl of weet-bix and a pear); felt like I didn't have any energy.
maybe it's all this hill training.

needless to say, I don't think the 'Iron man' title is compatible with the 'hard man' title.

In fact I feel due to the large amount of spectacular falls into spiky bushes / over fences that I endured today, that perhaps I have contracted some kind of 'bendigo ironman curse'.

Friday Aug 11, 2006 #

Run hills (Mt. Little Joe) 40:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno flats

went after work.
took a different route this time, wasn't that much different; this is the first time I've reached the top during daylight; am disappointed that there is no spectacular view. too many trees up there.
this is the best I could get 3/4 of the way up
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Didn't push very hard. my knees wouldn't let me. the single track at the top was nicer though; wasn't like running on polished glass.

Thursday Aug 10, 2006 #

Run 40:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno flats

ran around Wesburn Park, stopping to take photos.

will post some when the camera recharges.

Orienteering (coaching) 1:00:00 [2]
shoes: Mizuno flats


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spot the checkpoint!

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some fascinating fungi

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"I can't believe you thought we'd be able to ride up this!"

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a nice run

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I am not a very good coach.

Wednesday Aug 9, 2006 #

Run hills 22:00 [3] 5.4 km (4:04 / km) +240m 3:20 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

Went for a twilight run before dinner;
started with some laps of the overgrown Dee River tramline track, then ran to the top of Dee road and back, finished off with some more laps of the track.

Headlight did nothing in the half-light; scared the cows though, they mooed all the way up the hill
Felt really good, pushed it up the hill in the steep sections.

Tuesday Aug 8, 2006 #

Rock climbing hills (Cathedrals) 1:00:00 [1] +280m
shoes: boots

I was looking forward to a hard sweat walking up to the Farmyard; unfortunately the boys I was leading didn't feel the same way; BOO.

due to the slow progress (4 hours for the razorback), I decided I could only log the first uphill section as exertion.

Monday Aug 7, 2006 #

Run hills 16:00 [4] 4.4 km (3:38 / km) +290m 2:44 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

Up and down Dee Road a few times.
Frosty, hard to get out of bed for.

Sunday Aug 6, 2006 #

Bike warm up/down 1:02:00 [2] 13.0 km (4:46 / km)
shoes: Mizuno flats

Couldn't convince myself to go to the You Yangs for a long run; aching and ankle still bit bruised and beaten feeling from yesterday.
So decided to go for a slow warm down ride.
down the highway to Werribee River Trail to Federation Trail to Fresh Suburbia to Highway to drain and back.


spent afternoon looking for housing in Hobart starting January next year.

Stuart trying to convince me to move to South Tyrol or Lucerne instead.

Saturday Aug 5, 2006 #

Hockey race (vs. Old Carey) 1:30:00 [3]
shoes: tiny hockey shoes

disappointing, drove all the way out to knox, and we scored two goals in the first minute; not much running required.

Thursday Aug 3, 2006 #

Orienteering (Wesburn Park) 20:00 [4] **
shoes: Mizuno flats

ran round sprint course 1.5 times.

nothing new.
not bad, not good.

Rock climbing 30:00 [4]

abdo-minables, upper legs, lower back

Orienteering (coaching) 2:00:00 [1]
shoes: Mizuno flats

Wesburn Park beginner coaching on sprint map.

Tuesday Aug 1, 2006 #

Bike hills (Mount Bride) 3:30:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno flats

steep and slow.
not sore though, felt good.
lovely weather, snowing at the top.

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