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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 1 days ending Aug 20, 2006:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 1:16:01 7.46(10:12) 12.0(6:20) 255
  Total1 1:16:01 7.46(10:12) 12.0(6:20) 255

» now

Sunday Aug 20, 2006 #

Orienteering race (Graveyard Creek) 1:16:01 [5] *** 12.0 km (6:20 / km) +255m 5:44 / km
shoes: Mizuno flats

didn't have a very good night's sleep. woke up lots. must have been the bed size.

Packed up and headed off to the race.

Torgeir still drinking.

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was a nice spectator set up, very exciting, multiple times people came through together and stopped for drinks etc.
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My plan for today was to minimise mistakes. It is the kind of country where if you make a mistake it is hard to catch back up again as everyone is running fairly fast.
The weather was about 28? stinking hot, and the course was a fairly long one.

I headed out at the same time as Andy Hogg, and we had similarly placed checkpoint through the first three, so we ran together till the third, where I ran into Oliver Mitchell, ran through the 4th with him, then mislead him a bit on the 5th leg, crossing a creek needlessly and having to cross it again- atleast I spotted the mistake early (lucky!).
Still picked up another competitor on this leg;
took it steady round the rest of the course till Bryan ran into the 8th when I was having a drink. He started about 8minutes before me and he had been in good form, so I was a bit surprised but then he showed me his horrific wounds after being attacked by a fence. Mislead him into the 11th, and we lost about 3.5 min, Matt Parton and Kieran flew past us at this stage, but then they took an odd route choice to the 12th and I gained about 20m on them wooooo.

The rest of the race was much the same. Not too many mistakes. was really slow around the final loop, took 12min; almost lost it on the final checkpoint. just couldn't concentrate.

was pretty satisfied with the race. I think I did minimise the mistakes. The only one I made was when I was a bit distracted by Bryan.
I'm pretty happy with my run, 5th place is good.
Haven't done any long runs in months; will be good to get a lot of training over summer wih the street-O.

Work finishes in a few weeks too...

was pretty stuffed after the race.
had to finish Torgeir's beers for him as they wouldn't let him leave some at the special drinks control.

Long flight home with Jas.

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