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Training Log Archive: capt'n smythie

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running10 6:53:42 51.34(8:04) 82.62(5:00) 1540
  Road Bike5 5:48:00 96.13(3:37) 154.7(2:15) 2150
  Touch4 3:20:00
  Orienteering4 3:07:12 21.23 34.17 73014 /15c93%
  Total18 19:08:54 168.7 271.49 442014 /15c93%

» now

Friday Oct 31, 2008 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Mens. Won 8-4 or something like that. Played link this week... so got in the play a bit more but rotated a fair bit. Gradually getting the hang of it...
Outside of my right foot pulled up pretty sore after the game. Think it started to hurt sometime during the second half... not sure what it is, but might be a combination between yesterdays run down zig zag in racing flats and playing on the shit field tonight. Think I'll give the long run a miss tomorrow anyway and go for a ride instead.

Thursday Oct 30, 2008 #

Running 1:12:42 intensity: (12:00 @2) + (22:00 @3) + (38:42 @4) 12.9 km (5:38 / km) +590m 4:35 / km
ahr:147 max:170 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Springs to Pinnacle: 38:42, 7.4km, 590m, 166/170bpm

Tempo run from the Springs up the road to the summit in preparation for Point to Pinnacle. Tried to keep a steady pace, realistic to one that I could maintain after running the first 14km. Got through it alright, certainly wasn't easy, but should be able to get through it. Think a goal time around 105 is reasonable but challenging.
Then back down the zig zag track to get back to the car quicker. Although probably wasn't the best track to take, especially since I had running flats on. Rock hopped for 10 mins then was able to run the last few km down. 10 min warm up before on the track out to Junction Cabin.

Wednesday Oct 29, 2008 #

Road Bike 1:03:00 [3] 30.5 km (2:04 / km) +500m 1:55 / km
shoes: Ridley Orion

Kingston - Blackmans Bay loop with Timmy in the morning after dropping Emma off at work. Awesome morning for it... I'm loving these warm sunny 'summer' days we've been having recently.
First ride on the Orion since the service last week. They tightened the cranks in hope that it might fix the noise coming from bike... seemed to do the job as it felt pretty nice today.

Orienteering 47:25 intensity: (23:00 @2) + (24:25 @4) 9.9 km (4:47 / km) +250m 4:15 / km
ahr:162 max:182 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Twilight at Montagu Bay. 24:25, 5.3km
Interesting enough course again... found it hard to keep motivated to push it 100% all the way around, but still got a pretty decent workout. Warm up and cool down between Bellerive and Rose Bay school.

Tuesday Oct 28, 2008 #

(rest day)

Exam and a few beers afterwards for 'end of uni'... although it aint really the end yet. So no training today.

Monday Oct 27, 2008 #

Running 36:00 [3] 7.99 km (4:30 / km) +200m 4:00 / km
ahr:156 max:172 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Easy run from home. Added a few extra hills into the usual loop. Felt alright. Not too much since I really should be trying to study for tomorrows exam.. but that aint goin too well.

Sunday Oct 26, 2008 #

Orienteering race (Tas Middle Champs) 32:17 [5] 6.78 km (4:46 / km) +180m 4:12 / km
ahr:179 max:191 spiked:14/15c shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Tasmanian Middle Distance Champs at Fonthill. Really wasn't the best area for a middle distance race, especially since the most detailed corner of the map wasn't easy to get to. Enjoyable enough course tho, but mainly came down to running speed and staying as straight as possible.
Didn't feel as good today as yesterday... legs weren't as strong and couldn't push hard over the last few kms of the course through the open areas. Pretty happy with the run apart from a few wobbles.

Orienteering warm up/down 10:00 [1]

Didn't have any time for a warm up again unfortunately... short cool down afterwards.

Touch 1:00:00 [2]

Mens touch training again. Shagged after this... did a fair bit of work in the centres which absolutely killed me. Starting to begin to get a slight grasp of the game.... still a loooong way to go tho. At least I got all the plays right this week.

Saturday Oct 25, 2008 #

Orienteering race (Tas Relay Champs) 27:30 [5] 5.84 km (4:43 / km) +100m 4:20 / km
shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Tas Relay Champs at Fonthill. Rocked up 5 minutes before the start thinking I was second leg, to find out they had done the old switcheroo on me and had changed me to first leg. So quickly chucked my gear on, and luckily the start was a few minutes late so made it pretty easy.
The run was really good for most, but switched off completely for two controls in the middle. Overshot one that was on the wrong feature, although that wouldn't have made a difference... then overshot the next one as well, didn't read a half dead thicket as being mapped so ran to the next one. Lost 3 mins on those two, but other than that was pretty good.
First time since I've been runnin that WROC has won the opens, although EVOC was the only competition. AL were a bunch of lazy slackers and didnt have a team.

Orienteering 30:00 intensity: (22:00 @1) + (8:00 @2) 3.2 km (9:22 / km)
shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Cool down and picking up a few controls afterwards.

Friday Oct 24, 2008 #

Touch 40:00 [3]

Start of the summer season. Playing mens premier league for the Phantoms, which is a big step up. Played out on the wing for most of it, just coming in when some of the others needed a rest. Went alright for the first game I guess... but we lost 5-1 or something.

Thursday Oct 23, 2008 #

Running 36:00 [3] 8.1 km (4:27 / km)
ahr:159 max:177 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Easy run from home, the usual loop. Was unmotivated and hungry, but managed to drag myself out eventually. Still feeling really crappy running. Higher heart rate than normal... legs feel like crap... and just generally quite irritated.
Also desperately need new shoes I think...

Wednesday Oct 22, 2008 #

Orienteering race 40:00 intensity: (18:00 @2) + (22:00 @4) 8.45 km (4:44 / km) +200m 4:14 / km
ahr:160 max:188 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Twilight race at Montagu Bay - 21:55, 4.91km, 7c

Fairly short 'long' course... but was fairly well set for Montagu Bay with a few unusual control features, a few bush legs and decent route choice decisions. Enjoyed it, but I wasn't exactly fast. Got annoyed by a kid with the slowest ever control card punching ability. Looking at Garry i was stationary for 20 seconds waiting for him...

Tuesday Oct 21, 2008 #

Running 20:00 [2] 4.5 km (4:27 / km)
ahr:150 max:168 shoes: Adidas Neptunes

Planned hills session, but weather was bad and it was late so just ran to get a coffee with Emma. Legs were still pretty sore today, but felt a bit better after the run I reckon. Think I need to wipe some data from garry, as he wasn't tracking the distance properly today.

Monday Oct 20, 2008 #

Running 32:00 [2] 5.7 km (5:37 / km)
ahr:135 max:160 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Was so sore today. Nearly every muscle in my body was screaming when I tried to move. Always happens the day after the first touch game or training after not playing for a while. Will be interesting running the tas relay and middle this weekend after the first game on Friday night.
Emma came down for an short easy run... just as well, cause it's probably all I could have handled. Nice weather for it. Sunny, but not too warm. I like how she logged this as her 'afternoon session', whereas it counts as my 'morning session' today.

Road Bike 1:06:00 [3] 33.2 km (1:59 / km) +500m 1:51 / km
shoes: Ridley Orion

Evening rode ride with Timmy and Louis... they just got their new gear today so were pretty keen for a ride. Rode over Bonnet Hill and did the Kingston loop before coming back. Good time for a ride, actually one of the more enjoyable rides I've done recently, even tho it was fairly short.
Timmy wanted to do a 'team time trial' up Bonnet Hill, and then proceded to blow himself up before the climb even started. Louis struggled a bit since he hasn't been on his bike for a few months. Passed a Bike Ride dude half way up who obviously took it as a very large dent to his ego.... he then picked his pace up and sat my on wheel till about 100m before the crest. He then pulled out, came past me and said 'you climbed well... thanks for waking me up from my slumber'... and then took off down the hill as I waited for the other guys. Hmm.

Bonnet Hill TT time - 14:14
Felt surprisingly good considering how shagged my legs are today.

Sunday Oct 19, 2008 #

Road Bike 44:00 [2] 16.2 km (2:43 / km)
shoes: Ridley Orion

Morning ride with Emma. Usual Tranmere loop from her house. Had the pleasure of being whacked in the back of the head by a magpie five times... took a couple of times for me to figure out what the hell was happening. Sneaky bugga... it's its stupid fault for trying to make a home on the corner of a main junction.

Touch 1:00:00 [1]

First touch training... went for 2 hours but really doesn't warrent that much training time. Was good...

Saturday Oct 18, 2008 #

Running 28:00 [3] 6.0 km (4:40 / km)
ahr:167 max:186 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

First run back after sitting infront of a computer screen for 15 hours a day for the past week. Wish I was more proactive with my uni work. This was a 28 minute long slow agonising death. Fair enough I have had a week off with a few late nights, but that wouldn't explain feeling this bad... high heart rate shows how much I struggled.
However I think I just found the explanation for feeling so shit at QLD... ran mid-afternoon when it was around the high 20s. So I've confirmed that I can't cope with heat at all... damn.

Thursday Oct 9, 2008 #

(rest day)

Uni... still 5 assignments to go

Wednesday Oct 8, 2008 #

(rest day)

Too busy at uni

Tuesday Oct 7, 2008 #

Running hills 37:00 intensity: (12:00 @1) + (19:00 @3) + (6:00 @5) 7.0 km (5:17 / km) +200m 4:38 / km
ahr:141 max:179 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Hills session, 6 x 1 min (2 min) at Kangaroo bay. Felt tired and lathargic all day, and was bloody windy, so wasn't that pumped for it... especially as it was the first hills session for a while which always sucks.
Didn't feel too bad once I got going tho, but that was probably cause I only did 6 and didn't exactly kill myself. Had to go back to doing the old hills since a magpie kept swooping me at the top of the hill after the first few reps, so it's a bit hard to judge how it went compared to the last few times.

260 (152/170)
277 (160/175)
255 (153/172)
270 (156/174)
270 (160/176)
271 (158/178)

Warm up (15') from Emma's house and cool down (5') around the oval.

Monday Oct 6, 2008 #

Running 34:00 [3] 8.0 km (4:15 / km) +150m 3:53 / km
ahr:150 max:174 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Fairly cruisy run around a variation of the usual loop. Was late and I was getting pretty hungry so made it short. Daylight savings is awesome.
Not sure how much training will get done in the next two weeks. I have 6 projects/assignments to do within that time, and 4 of those I haven't even looked at yet. Not to mention the 2 presentations next week.

Sunday Oct 5, 2008 #

Road Bike 49:00 [2] 18.0 km (2:43 / km) +150m 2:37 / km
shoes: Ridley Orion

Early morning ride with Emma from my place down along Seven Mile Beach. Pretty nice ride once we got going, but my arse was pretty sore from yesterday after not being in the saddle for a while.

Running 39:00 intensity: (8:00 @1) + (18:00 @3) + (13:00 @5) 8.1 km (4:49 / km)
ahr:148 max:184 shoes: Brooks T4 Racer

Afternoon pyramid interval session (1-2-3-2-1-1-2-1) along Howrah bike path, with 1 min walking recoveries.
Had a fairly decent headwind in one direction which made things a bit tougher... had the headwind for the 3 min effort which made that so much more fun. Felt pretty good and was happy with my pace, but certainly a lot to improve on. Struggled a bit on the 3 min and the second 2 min effort.

Pace HR
1 3:01 (148/167)
2 3:03 (163/175)
3 3:19 (173/182)
2 3:10 (171/182)
1 3:05 (163/178)
1 3:09 (163/179)
2 3:15 (173/184)
1 3:06 (163/177)

Saturday Oct 4, 2008 #

Road Bike 2:06:00 [3] 56.8 km (2:13 / km) +1000m 2:02 / km
shoes: Ridley Orion

Louis killa loop with Timmy. Took it easy at the start and resisted the temptation to tt up Bonnet Hill and smash Timmy's last pb, but decided not to for the sake of the rest of the ride.
Awesome ride and conditions, with the exception of a brief downpour near Margate. Wasnt even as cold as usual coming down the mountain. Looking forward to more of these in summer.

Friday Oct 3, 2008 #

(rest day)

Left shoes at home

Thursday Oct 2, 2008 #

(rest day)

No time

Wednesday Oct 1, 2008 #

Running long 1:19:00 [2] 14.33 km (5:31 / km) +400m 4:50 / km
ahr:148 max:167 shoes: Brooks Cascadia

Snake Plains run in the morning. Nice temperature and felt good running, but didn't judge the conditions of the snake plains track too well... very muddy, overgrown and wet. So had a km or two of pretty bush bashing, but the rest of the run was good fun tho.

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