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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Apr 1, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 2:36:37 19.39(8:05) 31.2(5:01)
  Orienteering1 56:10 5.03(11:10) 8.1(6:56)
  Total4 3:32:47 24.42(8:43) 39.3(5:25)
averages - sleep:5.4

» now

Sunday Apr 1, 2012 #

9 AM

Orienteering race 46:10 [4] 7.0 km (6:36 / km)

IDF Club Relay Champs. Pretty grotty area out near Meaux. Led off the first club team on the "5km" leg. Had a good start to the first control and with the pack. Then detoured to check out a control on the way to my second control and of course lost the pack, which was a shame as they were shifting along very nicely. Struggled a bit physically today and never really got going. Made a few more smallish errors - 60-90 secs - mostly silly ones searching for a specific rootstock amongst 5 mapped ones and 15 unmapped ones. Anyway, pretty poor run. Kind of looking forward to getting the marathon out of the way so I can get back to some proper O racing.

Orienteering warm up/down 10:00 [3] 1.1 km (9:05 / km)

Short warm-up.

Saturday Mar 31, 2012 #

10 AM

Running long 1:29:17 [3] 17.4 km (5:08 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Slow and painful run. Knees sore, left hip started to hurt after a while, and just generally didn't have much interest. the km seemed to drag by - one of the real downsides of training on one's own. Still, had planned to do 18-20km and this was close enough. After a couple fo weeks of glorious weather, finally a crappy day in Paris - low cloud, heavy pollution, touch cool. Glad to get this one out of the road.

Friday Mar 30, 2012 #

1 PM

Running 34:00 [3] 6.9 km (4:56 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Easy run around the Bois with Justin. Chatting about the forthcoming marathon, tapering, strategies, times, etc, etc. Good fun!

Tuesday Mar 27, 2012 #

1 PM

Running 33:20 [4] 6.9 km (4:50 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics Kayano - Mar 2012

Another bad night's sleep. Glorious day and went for a run with Philippe and Zack, and they headed out at a pretty quick (for me) pace. Struggling to get a decent lung fullof air and wondering if the hay fever and pollution are doing their thing on my lungs, like last year. May have to go back to the doc to get some more ventolin (seem to have misplaced last year's supply). Good quick run though and finished up with a 200m sprint which felt surprisingly good. Keep the training light this week due to work and missions, then 18km and a race on the weekend, another easy week and then 16km and O training the following weekend, and then real rest till teh marathon.

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