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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Sep 4, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 4:20:25 32.19(8:05) 51.8(5:02)
  VTT2 2:34:00 29.2(5:16) 47.0(3:17)
  Total6 6:54:25 61.39(6:45) 98.8(4:12)
averages - sleep:6.4 weight:5.5kg

» now

Sunday Sep 4, 2011 #

3 PM

VTT long 1:49:00 [3] 32.0 km (3:24 / km)
slept:8.0 shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Nice long VTT ride in the Bois and Parc de St Cloud. Wet ride and so got to try out my mud skills - pretty scary corners at times as the rear wheel gets all slippy and slidy. Very very dirty and muddy by the time I got home and spent 40 mins cleaning up the bike. A little while ago I bought a nice mechanics stand that helps hugely with fixing and cleaning the bike. Looks very professional too! Legs felt surprisingly good after yesterday's long run, although didn't push too hard on the hills and was just content to pedal smoothly and maintain momentum.

Saturday Sep 3, 2011 #

7 AM

Running long 2:19:00 [3] 27.0 km (5:09 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Long run in Bois and Parc de St Cloud. Felt okay for most of this. Started out at steady pace around Longchamp, then into the hills of St Cloud. Explored a few new tracks and discovered what looks like some good VTT single track sections, which I will come back to tomorrow I hope. Back around the Longchamp and threw in a few km at a faster pace (4.40-4.30) and then started to struggle for last 3km. Seem to have survived okay. Pretty warm out there, even for early in the morning (23 deg at 9am), and lost quite a bit of weight on the run - weight was 83.3kg at end (down from last weigh-in of 86.2kg!) so definitely need to drink a looot of water.

Friday Sep 2, 2011 #

1 PM

Running 32:00 [3] 6.3 km (5:05 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Easy run with Jon - first one for a while with him. Warm muggy day - looks like we are getting a late burst of summer now we are all back in the office!

Thursday Sep 1, 2011 #

6 AM

VTT 45:00 [3] 15.0 km (3:00 / km)
weight:5.5kg shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy ride around teh Bois. Getting dark in teh morning - summer is definitely on the way out ...

Wednesday Aug 31, 2011 #

1 PM

Running tempo 51:00 [3] 10.8 km (4:43 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Good run in the Bois, inc a lap of teh Jardin Acclim and Bagatelle. Tried to hold a good pace of 4.30-4.40 for most of teh run. Even threw in a 4.20 km at one stage!

Tuesday Aug 30, 2011 #

(rest day)

Too much work and feeling quite tired and sore. So taking the day off from cycling. Looking forward to a good run tomorrow lunchtime.

Monday Aug 29, 2011 #

Running tempo 38:25 [3] 7.7 km (4:59 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Gel Kayano Dec2010

Tempo run in the Bois. Decided to push myself a bit and did 5km at a reasonable pace (4.30-4.40) after a 2km warmup. Not very fast, but tough and hung in there. Calf okay.

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