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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Mar 1, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling2 5:28:00 93.83(3:30) 151.0(2:10)
  Orienteering2 2:05:56 10.0(12:35) 16.1(7:49)15 /23c65%
  Running1 58:00 8.08(7:11) 13.0(4:28)
  Total5 8:31:56 111.91(4:34) 180.1(2:51)15 /23c65%
averages - sleep:7 rhr:42 weight:85.9kg

» now

Sunday Mar 1, 2009 #

Orienteering race 1:14:56 [4] **** 9.1 km (8:14 / km)

Departmentale at Rocher des Demoiselles. Ran the A course to get some training time in the terrain. Didn't have a great run technically, but spiked some controls and ran relatively strongly throughout the whole race. messed up one of the easiest controls on the course, losing 3 minutes after running around searching behind bushes - must have missed it by metres a couple fo times. very annoying. Positive outcome from the run is my steady improvement in fitness through the terrain. Need to continue the improvement slowly but surely. Will start to put in some interval work soon to try and get the speed/strength up. Downside is I am a couple of minutes off the pace of my H50 peers. Still, it is early days :-) . Also, hurt the outside of my lower right leg - it is a strain from turning my ankle in the Active Ankle supports. I had this last year and it does go away eventually. May have to tape my ankle for a few weeks instead.

map and course can be found at

Saturday Feb 28, 2009 #

Cycling long ((road)) 3:58:00 [3] 106.0 km (2:15 / km)

Dampierre circuit with a couple of additional loops, with Brian and Phil. Plus a few laps around Longchamp at the end to get over 100km. Crazy big groups whizzing around Longchamp on the weekend. Around 50 in the peleton we joined, doing around 45kph - hard work at the end of the ride.

Friday Feb 27, 2009 #

(rest day)

Thursday Feb 26, 2009 #

Orienteering tempo 51:00 [3] *** 7.0 km (7:17 / km)

Map run in Foret des Fausse Reposes near Ville d'Avray. Forest relatively dry for a change and some signs of spring on the trees.

Wednesday Feb 25, 2009 #

Running 58:00 [3] 13.0 km (4:28 / km)

Tuesday Feb 24, 2009 #

Cycling tempo 1:30:00 [3] 45.0 km (2:00 / km)

Around Longchamp with Andrew. Broke spoke in front wheel on a line sprint near the end of the ride.

Monday Feb 23, 2009 #

rhr:42 slept:7.0 weight:85.9kg (rest day)

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