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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling12 17:51:44 299.0(3:35) 481.2(2:14) 3183
  MTB10 13:20:40 124.09(6:27) 199.7(4:01) 3663
  Total22 31:12:24 423.09(4:26) 680.9(2:45) 6846
averages - weight:87.1kg

» now

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:19:35 [3] 32.7 km (2:26 / km) +289m 2:20 / km

Easy spin around St Cloud. Got out a bit later than normal and, as a result, the traffic was horrendous for the last 30-40 mins. Nearly got cleaned up twice - very close calls - and had to spend a lot of time getting through long lines of static traffic. Pollution quite bad as well - Paris is at the start of a heatwave and the pollution is already building. Going to be 33 deg today, 38 tomorrow and then up in mid-high 30s for rest of the week. Will get out earlier tomorrow, for sure.

Monday Jun 29, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:19:15 [3] 36.2 km (2:11 / km) +311m 2:06 / km

Morning spin around St Cloud and Rueil with Jared. He was cruising, I was racing. Great morning for it. Heatwave conditions expected in Paris this week - over 30 for most days and hitting 36 deg on Wed, with 37 and 39 forecast for weekend. Paris is not a pleasant place to be with these temperatures.

Sunday Jun 28, 2015 #

8 AM

Cycling 2:44:35 [3] 73.5 km (2:14 / km) +734m 2:08 / km

Long ride down in the Chevreuse. Hilly course. Glorious sunny day - average temp for the ride of 23 deg. Got slightly lost coing back through St Cyr l' Ecole and nearly wound up on the autoroute A12. Turned around and found a much better way to get back to Versailles. Pushed hard the second half of the ride and felt pretty tired by the end.

Saturday Jun 27, 2015 #

7 AM

Cycling 1:37:01 [3] 39.5 km (2:27 / km) +349m 2:21 / km

East morning spin to get the effects of travel out of my system. Legs feeling pretty trashed after the last two weeks of mtb.

Thursday Jun 25, 2015 #


Arrived back in Paris. Straight to work despite taxi strike.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2015 #


Travelling back to Paris.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2015 #

10 AM

MTB (Majura Pines MTB) 1:18:02 [3] 17.6 km (4:26 / km) +383m 4:00 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Single track fun with Hamish in Majura Pines MTB park. Feeling a bit tired and uncoordinated after a good ten days of training and racing on single tracks. This was a mixed ride - started out feeling quite out of sorts on teh bumpy tracks, then settled down and enjoyed some lovely flowing downhill and solid uphills. Went down one of the black diamond trails - slowly - and it wasn't too bad if one took the B lines. Handlebars clipped a tree towards the end and sent me sprawling - bruised hand and a grazed knee, but nothong too bad.

Sorry that this is the last ride in MTB heaven in Canberra/Wandi/Albury the last with Hamish for a while. It was great to ride with him and to share the trails. Shame about the early crash, which put a bit of a constraint on me for the rest of the time - will see a surgeon in Paris and see what needs to be done to fix up teh fingers.

Monday Jun 22, 2015 #

11 AM

MTB (Aranda) 1:11:14 [3] 21.4 km (3:20 / km) +285m 3:07 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Recovery ride with Hamish from Aranda down to Dickson and back via single tracks in Bruce Ridge. Took it easy and enjoyed teh smooth and manicured trails in Bruce Ridge after the rocky hell of Albury ...

Sunday Jun 21, 2015 #

12 PM

MTB race (Albury) 2:10:33 [5] 30.2 km (4:19 / km) +647m 3:54 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Evocities 3 hour Enduro, Nail Can Hill Range. My first go at this type of race with 3 hours on tough single track and fire trail. Started out with a 2km uphill ride along a fire trail to sort out the field before hitting the single track. Took it easy and settled into mid-field (around 150 people in the race I think - there was a 6 hour race on as well and we started in the middle of that one. Didn't feel under too much pressure as we hit the single track and had lots of space to potter along at my own pace. The tracks were rough and rocky and, apparently, good old fashioned Aussie bush mtb tracks. My hardtail bike was bouncing all over the place and it was quite tiring. But enjoyable nonetheless as the downhills were thrilling and the uphills (which were mostly on fire trails) were challenging. I dutifully got off the tracks when fast people were racing past p- tried to stick with one of teh elite 6 hour guys along a flattish section of single track and managed to do so for about 400m before we hit a small twisty bit of uphill and he was gone in a flash.

The last part of the third lap started to become a perilous for me as I got very tired on the rocky stuff and my fingers and ribs were getting very sore. Decided not to go for the full 3 hour time as another lap may have seen me in hospital again! Overall, great fun but really showed that I have a lot of work to do if I have any aspirations of doing a decent race on single track.

Saturday Jun 20, 2015 #

1 PM

MTB (Albury) 1:50:29 [3] 29.2 km (3:47 / km) +298m 3:36 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Wandiligong, VIC. Easy ride into Bright along some great single tracks with Hamish and prosseri. had lunch and then cruised back. Lovely part of the world and great day for it.

Friday Jun 19, 2015 #

1 PM

MTB (Albury) 1:06:36 [3] 13.7 km (4:52 / km) +305m 4:22 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Nail Can Hill Range Reserve, Albury. Cruised around part of the course for Sunday with Hamish and prosseri. Tough course - very rocky and twisty with some difficult rock step-ups and drops. But should be fun.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2015 #

3 PM

MTB (Canberra) 44:18 [3] 12.6 km (3:31 / km) +347m 3:05 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Easy spin around the fire trails in Black Mountain and Aranda Hill once the rain stopped. Pretty damp on the trails but not too bad as the terrain is quite rocky and drains well. Various body parts a bit tired and sore after the crash on Monday.

Monday Jun 15, 2015 #

3 PM

MTB (Canberra) 1:18:22 [3] 18.6 km (4:13 / km) +485m 3:44 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Mt Stromlo MTB tracks. Another excellent ride, this time with Hamish. Did several loops of the mountain, up and down challenging and flowing tracks. All going well until I tried my hand at the skills track and went over the handlebars. Ouch!

Sunday Jun 14, 2015 #

10 AM

MTB (Canberra) 1:25:45 [3] 18.6 km (4:37 / km) +378m 4:11 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Majura Pines single track with prosseri. Much more technically challenging than yesterday's ride in Bruce Ridge but a lot of fun. THis was also quite crowded with lots of punters out to test the newly re-opened and upgraded track system. Still having trouble on the uphill rocky single track bits, esp on the switchbacks.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015 #

2 PM

MTB (Canberra) 1:00:06 [3] 15.2 km (3:57 / km) +303m 3:36 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Spin around Bruce Ridge single track with Hamish. Excellent ride on lovely tracks, although quite sandy in parts.

Friday Jun 12, 2015 #

8 PM

Cycling (Stationary bike in gym) 30:00 [3] 15.2 km (1:58 / km)

At the Airport Hotel at Sydney International Hotel. Decided to do a pre-dinner spin on the bike in the gym to get the long flight out of my legs and to work up an appetite before dinner. Good little session.

Thursday Jun 11, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:17:42 [3] 35.7 km (2:11 / km) +356m 2:04 / km

Decided to head out with Jared for one last ride before getting on the plane to Oz at lunchtime. Another grey morning but much warmer - 21 deg at 5.30! A new hilly route though Rueil Malmaison and had to let Jared scoot away up the hills as i just don't have the strength up the hills to match his pace. Back quite stiff and sore after 40 mins - really need to keep stretching and strengthening my lower back as cycling is quite tough on it.

Looking forward to the trip back to Canberra. Younger son has promised a big training programme to get us ready for the Shimano 7 hour MTB Enduro relay north of Sydney on 20 June. Looking forward to getting onto the single tracks in Stromlo, Sparrow Hill, Bruce Ridge and Majura. Reasonably fit on the bike but have very little experience on single track so a steep learning curve ahead.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:22:08 [3] 34.2 km (2:24 / km) +312m 2:18 / km

Cool, grey morning and decided to head out for an explore of the area around Rueil-Malmaison. Nice ride through a new area, including a rather nasty steep climb up from the Seine (this river just loops all around Ile-de-France!) with the Garmin telling me a few pinches were 15-16% climb. Then merged into more familiar territory for the last 10km home. Feeling a bit stiff after yesterday's ride, but not too bad.

Tuesday Jun 9, 2015 #

1 PM

Cycling 1:02:19 [3] 32.3 km (1:56 / km) +131m 1:53 / km

Quick lunchtime spin around Longchamp with Jon and Jared. Pretty quick for the laps and cruising there and back. Very windy so glad to stick behind Jared into the wind, but then we had a lovely tailwind up the slope so that was where I took the lead :-).

Monday Jun 8, 2015 #


Sunday Jun 7, 2015 #

7 PM

MTB 1:15:15 [3] 22.6 km (3:20 / km) +232m 3:10 / km
shoes: Shimano VTT shoes

Inspired by Wawrinka;s win over Djokovic, headed out for a pleasant evening ride on the freshly refurbished mtb. Lovely evening but timed it well to avoid the crowds as they had mostly gone home to dinner. Legs pretty tired so didn't push it.

Saturday Jun 6, 2015 #


Saw the surgeon on Wednesday and he advises going the non-surgery route to start with. So got a cortisone shot to the side of the knee and will get a shot of Synvisc next week. Have also been fitted for a new pair of orthotics. The hope is that this will be sufficient to manage the knee. Otherwise, it will be necessary to do an arthroscopy to repair the meniscus.
6 AM

Cycling 3:04:04 [3] 81.2 km (2:16 / km)

Out early for a long ride. Had mapped out a nice route through Versailles and the Vallee de Chevreuse, then promptly forgot the map when I left home. Got about half way round, took a wrong turn and spent a good half hour lost (or rather misplaced) in the area behind Chevreuse. Asked a few locals how to get back to Versailles and it was a long way back. Then I remembered I had my Blackberry with me so looked up the map function and navigated my way back home okay. Added about 10km and half an hour to what I had planned so no real drama. Just a bit of a scramble to get showered and changed to take Freya to her ballet lesson when I returned. Feeling tired now ...

Friday Jun 5, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:16:08 [3] 32.8 km (2:19 / km) +296m 2:13 / km

Legs a bit tired after last night's exertions around Longchamp, but still decided to head out for a spin with the focus on keeping the legs turning over. Glorious morning for it - average temp of 19 deg during the ride according to Strava. Standard loop through Suresnes with a bit more tacked on at the start through the 16th Arr to get my legs going before hitting the Mt Valerien hill. Also found a short steep variant towards the end of the ride, which has a grade of 16% for part of it - really had to work at that! Nice way to start the day. Temperature headed to 32 deg today, so summer really here.

Thursday Jun 4, 2015 #

7 PM

Cycling 1:01:23 [3] 33.8 km (1:49 / km) +119m 1:47 / km

Summer arrived with a vengeance and it was 26 deg after work and nice and sunny. So took the road bike out for a spin around Longchamp with teh intention of jumping in with some fast folks and doing a bit of an interval session. Got that in spades as it was quite crowded down there adn there were several peletons whizzing around at various paces. Fell in with one group averaging around 45kph for the lap and managed to hang on for a couple of laps before being dropped up the hill. Cruised for a lap or two before jumping in with a peleton going at a more reasonable pace of around 35-38kph and stuck with hem for the rest of the ride. These peletons are around 20-30 strong and so one needs to keep one's wits about one. Crashes are quite common down there. Lots of carbon and testerone flying around down there ....

Tuesday Jun 2, 2015 #

6 AM

Cycling 1:17:34 [3] 34.1 km (2:16 / km) +286m 2:11 / km

Cool, grey windy morning for a solo ride around St Cloud, Sevres, Vaucresson. Got misplaced a few times and had to double back, but a good ride overall. Need to keep stretching back and hamstrings as lower back got quite sore after about 40 mins.

Monday Jun 1, 2015 #


Back to the weekly weigh-in. Some way to go, even after a big weekend of cycling.

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