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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 29 days ending Feb 29, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running15 17:03:03 117.5(8:42) 189.1(5:25)
  Total15 17:03:03 117.5(8:42) 189.1(5:25)
averages - sleep:6.2

» now

Tuesday Feb 28, 2012 #

7 AM

Running 32:00 [3] 5.6 km (5:43 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

London. Easy morning run on the original City of London O race map. Staying tight in the middle of the map and took the opportunity to re-run a few legs. Really enjoyable, although a lot more hazardous with cars, trucks and pedestrians on a Tuseday peak hour morning than it is on Saturday afternoon during the race! Looking forward to this year's race very much. Hav edecided I will run my age group this year, rather than going for value for money like I did last year. The long course is too tiring :-).

Sunday Feb 26, 2012 #

10 AM

Running long 1:49:09 [3] 21.1 km (5:10 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Long steady run, but kept it to 20km this week as have had a very disrupted training week, with only one run during the week due to heavy work commitments. Bumped into an Aussie (Carl) and a South African (Darren) after a few km and ran with them for the duration. they were going a bit slower than I had been planning to do, but was comfortable with that as it was great to have the company. Both are planning to do the Paris Marathon, so hope to run with them again at some stage in the next few weeks. Sped up when I left them with a few km to go and finished up at a decent pace of around 4.30/km. Good run, with a solid stretch afterwards.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2012 #

6 AM

Running 37:30 [2] 6.4 km (5:52 / km)
slept:4.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Very easy jog this morning after a very late night due to excessive work. Legs felt pretty stiff and tired for first 10 mins then loosened up. But never really felt the love on this one and just headed back home after doing a short lap of the Bois.

Sunday Feb 19, 2012 #

9 AM

Running long 2:47:00 [3] 30.5 km (5:29 / km)
shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Nice and cool morning for a long run. Didn't really feel like it but headed out anyway. Started off around the lac, then went jardin d'acclimitation, bois du boulogne, parc de st cloud (quite hilly), back around the hippodrome longchamp, and struggled home from there. Aim was to relax and just cruise along at around 5.15. Managed that for the most part, but then tired very badly the last 5km and jogged painfully home. Last 5 km were 5.32, 5.51, 6.05, 5.55, 5.44. Not sure what was going on, but really died in teh a*#se the last bit.

Saturday Feb 18, 2012 #

10 AM

Running intervals 1:00:30 [4] 11.3 km (5:21 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Went to bed late and had a bad night's sleep - too much worrying about teh work i have to do the next few weeks. ANyway, decided to go for a run to try and clear the mind. Kind of worked. Did 5 x 1km with 250m jog between each. Felt pretty good for the most part. Times were a bit uneven and reflected the terrain: 4.22 (conservative first km and slightly uphill), 4.09 (feeling good an dslightly downhill), 4.07 (best one and all flat), 4.14 (good effort and slightly uphill), 4.26 (short steep uphill and turns for first 250m and then did well to accelerate and hang in there till the end). Slow jog home. Ready for long run tomorrow - hope to cover three hours.

Friday Feb 17, 2012 #

6 AM

Running 53:06 [3] 9.4 km (5:39 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy run in the morning as R hamstring still a little tender. Been very busy at work and just haven't had the time to get out and about this week, so training volume has been down. THis was an unremarkable run, just jogged along. Getting warmer now - gloves but no hat. Still need three layers on top though. Hope for a better weekend of training.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2012 #

6 AM

Running 32:00 [3] 5.7 km (5:37 / km)
slept:5.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy run. Didn't really feel like it but went anyway. Not so cold this morning and dispensed wit hthe hat and gloves after a short time. Right hamstring sore - not badly strained, but a sore spot deep in the muscle taht will need careful managemnet the next week or so.

Sunday Feb 12, 2012 #

1 PM

Running 32:06 [3] 6.3 km (5:06 / km)
slept:7.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Easy run to try and shake off the bad vibes from yesterday's run. Felt pretty good, no heart trouble. After a slow warm up, sped up to 4.30-4.40/km and felt pretty comfortable. Jogged back easily after collecting some nice warm baguette from the boulangerie - one of the advantages of being in Paris.

Saturday Feb 11, 2012 #

8 AM

Running long 2:43:07 [3] 28.4 km (5:45 / km)
ahr:157 slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Shocking run. Very cold (-5) and a slight wind. Didn't really feel like getting out there but forced myself. First 14km went okay, then started having heart troubles. HR skyrocketed and had to slow down quite significantly, with the odd walk every couple of km. Not sure what triggered it. Got very cold towards the end and the last 6-7km was a real struggle. Couldn't feel my fingers and my chin and nose were frozen! Oh well, at least it is done.

Friday Feb 10, 2012 #

6 AM

Running 48:00 [3] 8.5 km (5:39 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Very easy run in the cold dark morning. Full moon made it very easy to see in the forest where there is enough snow to make it quite atmospheric at that time of day. Around -6 degrees so very cold. Never really got going, but felt quite comfortable and like I could have run for quite a while longer.

Wednesday Feb 8, 2012 #

1 PM

Running intervals 1:01:17 [4] 11.8 km (5:12 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Another cold and snowy run with -3 degrees at lunchtime and a good dusting of snow everywhere. Had an easy 6km warmup jog with Kevin, then headed off to do 4 x 1km intervals with 2 min rest between each. Kept upa reasonable pace, depsit eit being quite slippy with the snow (4.21, 25, 19, 19).

Sunday Feb 5, 2012 #

10 AM

Running long 1:31:00 [3] 17.3 km (5:16 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Snow everywhere this morning and had a great time going through the Bois and into parc de St Cloud. A lot hillier than I normally do and so the pace was a bit off. Also, running on the snow was fine for first half and then got a bit tough. Really enjoyable nonetheless. This counts as the "off" week long run.

Saturday Feb 4, 2012 #

9 AM

Running tempo 31:18 [3] 6.6 km (4:45 / km)
slept:7.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Another glorious cold crisp morning, around -6 deg. Actually ran in the light for a change! Felt surprisingly good and decided to make this short run more of a tempo run than a recovery run. Moved along nicely considering the very cold weather. Excellent run.

Friday Feb 3, 2012 #

6 AM

Running intervals 56:30 [4] 10.4 km (5:26 / km)
slept:6.5 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

Cold run this morning! Around -10 deg and a slight wind. Also very dark because no clouds meant a lack of reflected light from the city. So stuck to main thoroughfares for the most part. Warmed up for 30 mins then did 6 x 3minH/1minE, trying to go faster on each one. ALmost succeeded as i only slowed up on 4th and last ones (4th due to traffic, the last was uphill along Mozart so not really surprising). Pace for intervals was 4.30, 25, 20, 26, 11, 37. Good run.

Wednesday Feb 1, 2012 #

1 PM

Running 48:30 [3] 9.8 km (4:57 / km)
slept:6.0 shoes: Asics 17 - Oct 2011

First lunchtime run for ages. Went out with Justin and did a steady run in the freezing cold. Full regalia today with hat and gloves - nice and sunny, but very cold. Felt like I kept up a pretty good pace, but times weren't great.

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