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Training Log Archive: fell

In the 31 days ending Mar 31, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Run4 2:51:08 13.3 21.4 409
  Hockey2 2:20:00
  Bike1 1:00:00
  Orienteering1 40:00
  core1 20:00
  Total7 7:11:08 13.3 21.4 409

» now

Saturday Mar 31, 2007 #

Run race (Inward Bound) 2:14:00 [3] ** 17.0 km (7:53 / km) +300m 7:15 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

from 'web' :

"...Tom had found a sign saying ‘Kambah Pool’ so we quickly stuffed all our gear into our packs and headed off down the road toward the pool. Unfortunately we did not have a 1:25 000 map of the Tuggeranong area so any cross country running was going to be risky; the 1:100 000 maps just didn’t have enough detail.
We cut across the paddocks toward the river underneath some powerlines. Burgmann college had followed us out of the drop point but they were a fair distance behind. John’s College had decided to take an easier but much longer route in the hope that they could out run us.
After jumping a few more fences we hit a track that ran parallel to the river and we followed it in the hope that we could find a suitable crossing point.
about 1km down the track we found a sign directing us either to Pine Island 7km (a possible crossing point), or Red Rocks Gorge 100m. Crossing at the gorge would probably save us about 2km, but I didn’t know if this was possible. As it was only 100m out of the way, Boags decided we could try that option first.
It was a good choice as we came across empty beer bottles early on proving that the scramble down the gorge wall was possible by people in a less physically alert state than we were.
We made it safely down the bottom of the cliff and rock-hopped across the river. We charged through the blackberries and thorns on the opposite river wall, until we reached the top of the old river ridge; where looking back down we could see the headlights of Burgmann college just hitting the Gorge wall (about 15 mins behind us already!).
On descending the ridge we found the track that would lead us through undulating farm country to Tidbinbilla road, from there it would be a road run to the end point at Gibraltar Creek.
At this point we split up with the Div. 7 indy team, who we hoped would follow the same path that we intended to, and would finish not far behind us.
Early on, the track proved not to be the one that was marked, but was heading in vaguely the right direction, so we followed it for about 4km until deciding it was deviating too much, where we took a line across the paddocks. These paddocks were occupied by various types of stock, mainly sheep, which as Suds mentioned appeared a lot like rocks in the dark, but which moved away when you got too close to them.
The sun had started to rise and we could now make out the landscape around us.
Large features could be made out in the distance, such as the southern suburbs of Canberra and Castle Hill further to the south. I decided as our visibility had improved we could cross the range, and a bit past 6am, we ran over a shallow saddle dividing the Murrumbidgee, and Paddy’s River Valley.
The Gibraltar Creek Valley could be made out across the valley, and we headed down the hill with enthusiasm. We struck a track running along the hillside and followed it as we scanned the distant Tidbinbilla road for the headlights of an opposing hall’s team.
We appeared to be alone in the valley, and this combined with the beautiful scenery painted by the sunrise overwhelmed a few of the team members who began spouting things such as “check out that scenery!”, “this is why you do IB”, “this is what I’m all about” etc.
We had to cut across a logged pine plantation then cross Paddy’s River to hit Tidbinbilla Road. This was slow going but well worth it once we reached the road and had the honking of horns and cheering of spectators on their way to the endpoint to motivate us.
It was a short 2kms along Tidbinbilla Road before we cut across farmland and crossed Gibraltar Creek to hit the Gibraltar Creek Road which would lead us to end point.
It was tough going through the valley but we finally reached the short Crest before the Woods Reserve turnoff, where we could see the cars and tents of all the Halls’ Support teams. We ran down the hill with enthusiasm and were the first team to finish of any division. Our div 7. indy team finished a mere 25minutes behind us; which showed the excellent level of navigation skill in their navigator Alex.
Soon after this, our division 5 team came in, meaning the first 3 teams of any division to finish were all from Burton and Garran. Giving us a huge lead for the rest of the day which none of the colleges managed to catch up to.
A full hour and 40 minutes after we had finished, the John’s Division 7 team came in, visibly distraught on discovering they had been beaten by any margin let alone the huge one that had been set (they had also ran atleast an extra 15km on us).
Our main rivals for the race, Burgmann College, had apparently made it to the gorge and then decided they wouldn’t risk the cross country route, and turned back toward Tuggeranong, eventually being beaten in by their Div. 7 indy team and finishing 7th.
We had finished the race and had many stories to tell from it, having crossed two rivers, climbed through a gorge, crossed a mountain range, and lived to tell the tale..."

Sunday Mar 25, 2007 #

Run 13:00 [3] 3.2 km (4:04 / km) +85m 3:35 / km
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Recovery. through csiro and uni with headlight.

Saturday Mar 24, 2007 #

Run (recovery) 4:08 [3] 1.2 km (3:27 / km) +24m 3:08 / km
ahr:175 max:189 shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

finally running again!
start of short recovery running program.

core (core) 20:00 [3]

have been getting lazy with updating attackpoint as these are the only exercises I've been able to do for the last few weeks,

Tuesday Mar 13, 2007 #


I have torn my hamstring and done some damage to my 'biceps Femoral" ?
won't be back to training for another 5 weeks?

Saturday Mar 10, 2007 #


so basically the physio has said to take 2 weeks off exercise.
they were not very convincing and will probably be looking to go somewhere else.
does anyone have any reccomendations in the canberra area? pref. near anu?

Monday Mar 5, 2007 #

Bike (black mountain) 1:00:00 [3] ***
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

rode round the other side of the mountain and started putting out tapes for some later IB training.

Hamstring a bit weird. not tight. just painful when pulled in certain positions. will have to get it checked out me thinks. no signs of improvement as of yet.

Saturday Mar 3, 2007 #

Orienteering (Mt. Ainslie) 40:00 [3] **
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

IB navigation training. was pretty easy as long as you know what to expect from survey maps.

Hamstring too sore, so I pulled out after a few km. but couldn't resist adding Mt. Ainslie to the list.

Friday Mar 2, 2007 #

Run warm up/down 20:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Hockey 1:00:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

Burton and Garran 1 - Bruce 0

really tight right hamstrong. cramped in 2nd half

Thursday Mar 1, 2007 #

Hockey 1:20:00 [3]
shoes: Mizuno Wave Rider 7

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