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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending May 3, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 4:50:00 20.94(13:51) 33.7(8:36)
  Squash1 1:00:00
  Total4 5:50:00 20.94 33.7

» now

Saturday May 3, 2014 #

Running 2:40:00 [5] 20.2 km (7:55 / km)

Well I did it! Still wondering why I am doing it but it sure feels good now, two days ago not so much. Ran with Don which was really nice. He is good at telling me stories to keep my mind distracted from what I am putting my body through. I think I did pretty good until about the 17k mark when my legs started to act up. Could feel cramps in both my calves which I have not experienced before on a run. Don thinks I could be low in sodium so will try the salt tabs for my next LSD.

Marc as always you killed it :)

Thursday May 1, 2014 #

Squash 1:00:00 [3]

Fawn and myself had one awesome rally!!! It was fantastic, no way was I going to miss the ball and so I didn't. Great game :)

Monday Apr 28, 2014 #

Running 50:00 [4] 6.0 km (8:20 / km)

Tempo run from Finch and Valley Farm up to Seaton Trail parking lot and back. Did pretty good made it back in 35 minutes. Got the crap scared out me with some massive sounding dog barking behind a fence. The warm up and cool down was from Rec Centre to Finch.

Sunday Apr 27, 2014 #

Running 1:20:00 [3] 7.5 km (10:40 / km)

Ran with Jamie today while Grace pulled Jack in the wagon with her bike and Julia biked it also.

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