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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Jun 1, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 3:00:00 7.46 12.0
  swimming2 2:00:00 1.24(1:36:34) 2.0(1:00:00)
  5lb weights for arms1 30:00
  Total6 5:30:00 8.7 14.0

» now

Saturday Jun 1, 2013 #

8 AM

Running 1:00:00 [1]

First time playing frisbee golf and it was a lot of fun. Had to keep running to keep ahead of our other team and the damn bugs but worth it because we won! Great start to our day!

Thursday May 30, 2013 #

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

1k swim in the pool. Was trying to catch up to the lengths Paul and Grace had already finished close to a half k due to the fact that I locked my keys in the car again :( Who knew watching Jamie and Rick try to "break into" the car would garner so much attention from strangers and they were strange indeed! Now if I only knew a good locksmith, lol! Ice cream reward was also cancelled because it took too long to get into the car :( I will be making many spare keys today if anyone wants one, lol

Wednesday May 29, 2013 #

7 PM

Running 1:00:00 [3] 5.0 km (12:00 / km)

Was at the hot and humid track but there was a slight breeze and overcast which helped a little. Did some core work on the grass which made us all itchy afterwards. I think I did pretty good with my running technique but time will tell when I see the video. Not looking forward to that at all. There was no staggered start hallelujah, praise the Lord!

Tuesday May 28, 2013 #

8 PM

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

Did just over 1k in the pool. Paul was giving me tips on how to improve my stroke in the water. I quite enjoy the flutter board and suggested a staggered start, yes I know I usually hate staggered start but thought it would be fun with the flutter board. We were about to do it when Paul started to socialize with someone and said, to paraphrase him " when you socialize you get out of staggered start" I am pretty sure he said that because we did not do the staggered start. Marc, we will have to remember this next time at the track and hill. I am more than happy to chat with any stranger that comes by to get out of it also, lol!

Monday May 27, 2013 #

6 PM

Running 1:00:00 [3] 7.0 km (8:34 / km)

Visited my old frenemy Magill last night. You haven't changed a bit since I last saw you. Still horrible and even worse in the heat. I did mange to do 5 hill repeats, no thanks to Julia for offering up that number, pretty good and then it all fell apart when Paul said "oh lets do a staggered start now", if I wasn't such a lady I would have chosen a few choice words for where he could put his staggered start, lol! I thought I read somewhere that staggered starts on hills is bad for your health or was it staggered starts are not good period.

Sunday May 26, 2013 #

5lb weights for arms 30:00 [2]

First a trial swim in our wetsuits and then a bike ride with a couple hill repeats to practice shifting gears. Overall it was a great day for both. Reward was a bbq in the park. Summer is looking pretty good this year!

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