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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending May 25, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 2:05:00 6.84(18:17) 11.0(11:22)
  5lb weights for arms1 1:00:00 9.94(6:02) 16.0(3:45)
  swimming1 40:00 0.62(1:04:22) 1.0(40:00)
  gym machines1 20:00
  Total4 4:05:00 17.4 28.0

» now

Saturday May 25, 2013 #

Running 1:05:00 [1] 6.0 km (10:50 / km)

Nice trail/hike in Seaton. Saw some animal poop, which Paul is fascinated with and then heard some puking from Andrea which was not related to the poop,lol. Starting to connect all the different trails in Seaton together. I am pretty confident I could run some of these areas myself without getting lost.

Friday May 24, 2013 #

swimming 40:00 [3] 1.0 km (40:00 / km)

Swimming lengths with the girls. We all swam 1k at our own pace and of course Grace kept passing me but I am proud of her :)

Thursday May 23, 2013 #

gym machines 20:00 [2]

As long as we get our heart rate up we can log it. Well my heart rate was up for the pre wetsuit try on for a good 10 minutes, it may have been more like a panic attack. Then stayed nice and high while putting it on and it was quite the work out let me tell ya, lol! I can't believe how hard these things are to put on it was horrible. Got it all the way on and then just wanted to rip the stupid thing off it was so damn constrictive. Heart rate is still nice and high as I struggle not to panic and pull it off which was just as hard as putting it on, okay perhaps a bit easier. I don't think there will be many triathlons in my future :( Did not help that Grace and Julia were laughing at me the whole time.

Monday May 20, 2013 #

Running 1:00:00 [3] 5.0 km (12:00 / km)

Little trail run and then back to the track :( It was so freakin hot and we had to do 8x400 m repeats so I was not impressed at all. Doesn't help at all when Dale goes on about how much he loves the heat, bla bla bla. I hate the heat unless I am by the pool with a nice cold cooler, just sayin. Staggered start was horrible and the only reason why I think I did so well was that everyone else was also too hot from the burning sun.

5lb weights for arms 1:00:00 [4] 16.0 km (3:45 / km)

What happened to my nice leisurely ride along the waterfront? Now I have try and go fast just to keep up with The Runs. If only I had a road bike.....Also wore shorts for the first time in years (Grace said they weren't) so another "out of my comfort zone" for me. After this try a tri is over I guess I can cut back on my super fast bike rides, lol!

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