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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending May 4, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 4:20:00 16.16(16:06) 26.0(10:00)
  5lb weights for arms1 55:00 7.46(7:23) 12.0(4:35)
  swimming1 45:00 0.47(1:36:34) 0.75(1:00:00)
  Total6 6:00:00 24.08(14:57) 38.75(9:17)

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Saturday May 4, 2013 #

Running 50:00 [3] 7.0 km (7:09 / km)

Group run with The Runs. Ran 25 minutes east along waterfront and then 25 minutes back. Made my negative split so am pleased with that. I think it was all the extra protein the massive amount of gnats provided me with while running, yuck!

Friday May 3, 2013 #

5lb weights for arms 55:00 [2] 12.0 km (4:35 / km)

Nice evening 12k bike ride along the waterfront. Paul and Judy, I made sure I didn't walk my bike up any hills this time so I hope to get more positive feedback from the both of you, lol!

Thursday May 2, 2013 #

swimming 45:00 [1] 0.75 km (1:00:00 / km)

Did some lengths in the pool with Jenny and my girls. I may have chatted a bit more than I should have and it was Grace who told me to get swimming. I guess she was filling in for Paul last night, lol.

Wednesday May 1, 2013 #

Running 1:00:00 [5] 7.0 km (8:34 / km)

Was at the track and did not enjoy it at all. First time I have ranked intensity as a 5. Had to do six sets of 2 and a half laps aiming at six minutes per kilometer. Marc and I did it together but it was super hard and could only do 3 sets at this pace. Then increased our time to seven minutes. I realized I am not a six minute girl, I am more comfortable at the 7 or even 7 minutes and 30 seconds kind of girl. Would not have been able to do as well as I did if it weren't for you Marc, so thank you! Almost forgot to mention, I hate running in the heat!!!

Monday Apr 29, 2013 #

6 PM

Running 1:00:00 [4] 7.0 km (8:34 / km)

Dear Altona, I took you on eight times and won each and every hill repeat! It was really hard for me though, you are one tough son of a gun. Really proud of myself that I didn't stop once to take a break, only at the top and bottom. So much for easing slowly back into our routine after a week of rest and recovery.

Sunday Apr 28, 2013 #

8 AM

Running 1:30:00 [3] 5.0 km (18:00 / km)

Another wonderful trail run today! Fawn did awesome. Would have been a shorter run/walk but two people got lost some how so had to back track up some hills and trails to find them. Thank goodness it was a nice day. I think all summer runs should be in the trails and then end up in the river with some cold beverages.

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