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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending May 11, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  swimming3 2:30:00 1.24 2.0
  Running3 2:20:00 10.56(13:15) 17.0(8:14)
  5lb weights for arms1 50:00 7.46(6:42) 12.0(4:10)
  Total6 5:40:00 19.26 31.0

» now

Friday May 10, 2013 #

Running 40:00 [3] 5.0 km (8:00 / km)

Who knew running in the rain with the runs could be so much fun! The runs don't care if it is raining, snowing, blowing we just keep running. Last run of this clinic and of course we ended with a nice 5k along the waterfront in the rain. Best part is we went to The Works afterwards, soaking wet mind you, but good food and company always warms my heart :)

Thursday May 9, 2013 #

swimming 50:00 [2] 1.0 km (50:00 / km)

Swimming lengths at the pool.

Wednesday May 8, 2013 #

5lb weights for arms 50:00 [3] 12.0 km (4:10 / km)

Nice 12k bike ride along the waterfront this morning. Bugs weren't too bad either. Hills are getting easier but I so love coasting down them, much more fun! I should probably look into getting a helmet one day.

Running 1:00:00 [4] 7.0 km (8:34 / km)

Ran for 60 minutes straight and only stopped for red lights. Completed a negative split also which I am happy about. More confident that I will be able to do the 10k race on Sunday with only water breaks. Well I aim to anyway.

Tuesday May 7, 2013 #

swimming 40:00 [1]

Did only a few laps this evening. The ice cream afterwards was much better than swimming.

Monday May 6, 2013 #

Running 40:00 [2] 5.0 km (8:00 / km)

Nice easy run with The Runs. I noticed I can do something now that I couldn't do way back in the LTR which is talking. That's right I can actually talk now and run at the same time! Sounds odd but there was no way I could do both at the same time. Now I just have to figure out how to drink my Tim's and walk at the same time without spilling it. Lol!

Sunday May 5, 2013 #

7 PM

swimming 1:00:00 [2] 1.0 km (1:00:00 / km)

Lengths at the pool. Was pretty empty so we got our own swim lane. Julia and I were racing each other for some of our lengths and she beat me every time :(

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