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Training Log Archive: ?

In the 30 days ending Sep 30, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Strength5 3:05:00
  Running4 1:51:17 13.48 21.7
  Cycling1 1:10:00
  Swimming1 50:00
  Total9 6:56:17 13.48 21.7

» now

Tuesday Sep 21, 2010 #

Running tempo (Pinehaven) 28:17 [3] 5.5 km (5:09 / km)
shoes: Adidas Supernova

first run in 2 weeks. i felt like death the whole way, hills were a missh. :( heres hoping everyones Nav is ratch as and mine is on fire in Aus.. or im f''d.

Sunday Sep 12, 2010 #

Swimming 50:00 [3]

just did 100 lengths, went with mum to the pool. felt weird swimming, havent done it in forever.

Saturday Sep 11, 2010 #

Strength 50:00 [4]

Thursday Sep 9, 2010 #

Strength 40:00 [3]

Wednesday Sep 8, 2010 #

Strength 45:00 [3]

Tuesday Sep 7, 2010 #

Strength 20:00 [3]

yes, this is as intense as traiing is getting at the mo. Shin is so so sore it throbs sitting down and walking, all i can do is swim.. completely screwed for Australia but will try to swim lots instead, .. frustrating, quitting running asap

Sunday Sep 5, 2010 #

Cycling 1:10:00 [3]

Running (easy) 10:00 [3]

was going to see if shin could handle it, yes i lasted 5 minutes then wanted to cry.. felt like i really pulled something in it todya :'( not gonna run for a whole week now.

Strength 30:00 [3]

Friday Sep 3, 2010 #

Running intervals 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

shin was seemingly fine this time so went out for a waddle, started pissing down so turned it into intervals 4*2min hard 1 min recovery.

Wednesday Sep 1, 2010 #

Running (Easy) 28:00 [3] 6.2 km (4:31 / km)

just took it cruisy as havent run in a while.. took ipod, thought i was really unfit as i could hear myself panting but turns out i was sprinting most of it.

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