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Training Log Archive: AC

In the 7 days ending Oct 21, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 3:27:34 25.17(8:15) 40.5(5:08)
  Total4 3:27:34 25.17(8:15) 40.5(5:08)
averages - sleep:9

» now

Sunday Oct 21, 2012 #

1 PM

Running long (Parc de St Cloud) 1:25:34 [3] 17.2 km (4:58 / km)
slept:9.0 shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Surprisingly humid long run in Parc de St Cloud. Hilly and very sweaty. Moved along pretty well for the most part, at various points tagging along behind several younger runners who were going at a slightly faster pace. I suspect this long run was a bit too ambitious after not running so far for ages - right hamstring got very sore after 12 km and struggled back home. Felt pretty tired afterwards and had a snooze on the couch while F watched the original Charlie and teh Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder - the special effects form the 70s are amazingly bad.

Thursday Oct 18, 2012 #

6 AM

Running (Hyderabad) 32:00 [3] 5.8 km (5:31 / km)
shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Struggled out for an outdoors run in Hyderabad. Very interesting and uneventful run. Ran on road and dirt verge, avoided cars at that time of day, and didn't get chased by rabid dogs. Pollution bad, but no worse than Seoul. Attracted a few stares as this is obviously not a usual activity in India, at least in this city. Glad to hae ot out of the hotel for a run.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2012 #

7 PM

Running intervals 55:00 [4] 10.5 km (5:14 / km)
shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Great treadmill run in Hyderabad hotel. Cranked it up and did 6 x 1km with 300 m recovery. Pace was good, although much easier on a treadmill than in real life. Followed up with swim in hotel pool on a barmy evening.

Monday Oct 15, 2012 #

6 AM

Running 35:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:00 / km)
shoes: Kayano Sep 2012

Hyderabad, India. Easy treadmill run in the hotel gym. Kind of good fun to use the treadmill - set it on a random hill course and just jogged along.

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