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Training Log Archive: bl

In the 7 days ending May 6, 2019:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Walk-jog3 2:41:56 5.17 8.32 149
  Orienteering1 1:35:45 3.8(25:12) 6.12(15:39) 48
  Weightexercise workout1 45:00
  Total5 5:02:41 8.97 14.44 197

» now

Monday May 6, 2019 #

Walk-jog 30:00 [1]

Toward the end of the best day in May so far - went to BHS looking for the track but it was full of activity. Went to the middle school where there is also an old (hard top) track but it too had May activity. Went to Hammond Preserve which I had to myself. Did mostly walking & stretching & wondering what I can do physically re BG, eg, I have a hard time putting shoes & socks on in the morning kind-of-thing. It improves but not enough to feel positive.

Hammond Field was a gorgeous green. Read a few graves stones, the one at 11 o’clock in the photo belongs to David Hammond, died 1810. The medallion at the base honors him as a Revolutionary War vet. And, of course, his wife Hannah (couldn’t read her dates) lies beside. And the epitaphs are a struggle to read but the message familiar.

Sunday May 5, 2019 #


Tired, back stiff, feeling behind the eight ball. Have a full-blossomed cold which adds to the listlessness - not to mention the grey skies & rain for the past 2 weeks. Wonder about the BG. Months ago, I imagined being in pretty good shape for me but best laid plans got lost somewhere somehow.

Saturday May 4, 2019 #

11 AM

Orienteering race 1:35:45 [2] 3.8 mi (25:12 / mi) +48m 24:15 / mi

UNO local at College Woods by Ernst & Faye. Sun actually shone on us around midday. I did green, had quite a bit of trouble with the second point, actually was leaving for the third but that wasn’t going to work given intricate terrain and not so accurate map & uncertainty re where I was. Went back, finally found it - smallish boulder entwined with a root stock. I failed to get in the right area initially or I would have found it much sooner. On way to #5, fell pretty hard on a mossy bridge, jamming the left hand which was recovering from a similar event last week.

7 to 8, did some ‘put finger on wrong place on map’ kind of stuff which made me wonder if I’d lost my mind. My back chimed in with increased stiffness that’s been bugging me since January but worse since West Point. By then, I decided to walk for the most part - never getting to #8. Still, a nice day in the woods. And it seemed a good turn out, too. Reasonable weather for a change.

Thursday May 2, 2019 #


BG notes, #41, 12.0k, 425 climb, 24 c. My last was 2014. Not sure why I missed ’15 & ’16. ’17 & ’18 were due to valve and endarterectomy surgeries.

On the way to #1, it took me the longest time to figure out where I was. Old guys Ken, Steve. Fred Pilon passed as expected.. There were still runners to follow to the point but when I got there, just Jim Crawford. Yet there must have been a bunch more orienteers behind us.

#2 contoured along the hill to the path, JC behind. Simple enough point but I wasn’t getting the feedback I was expecting. Initially I was unsure of the path (there’d been another). Talked with Jim - no other runners around - finally went from the path toward the point but nothing in the way of feedback or other runners…and too early to be lonesome so puzzling indeed.

Fatal peeve, I bailed out to #3. Later JC told me he found 2 not much after he said he was going back. We weren’t far from it. Curious why we were the only 2 in the area. For the rest of the race, I saw, spoke with/helped briefly 2 AR types, above their head on way to 3 & 5 then gone. Saw Ken leaving 3 which puzzled me. Saw David Onkst just before 10. Then Ken came from somewhere. We talked briefly. In sight of him to 11 & 12. Told I was 64/72 thru 12…!

Saw Ken ahead by 100m or so on the way to 13 in the flat, vague terrain. It seemed to me he’d gone too far when I felt I’d gone far enough but no flag. Seemed a hidden point, a 1m boulder, the flag tucked away, anyway. I did find it without too much trouble considering the openness of the area but wandered a bit as there were several boulders close by.

Then I was all alone the rest of the course, and lonesome it was. I fell 3 times, each fairly hard but on soft ground. 2 face plants, wondered whether I bent/broken my glasses. My right ankle turned several times w/o any pain, telling me I needed the active ankle I’ve put aside since the bad sprain days of early 2000s. Got confused coming in from 24. There was a series of small paths I didn’t have a grip on but kept moving on SW opportunities, finally relieved to see Pete & O apparatus. Not to mention having this clurse behind me. I did contemplate dropping out at 12 or 17 - which offered the last option - but this was probably my last BG (at this rate) so that really wasn’t much of an option.

Too late for the awards ceremony! I brought the original BG ’79 shirt - looks pretty much like it did 40 yrs ago. I don’t think I’ve worn it more than 4 times in 40 yrs.

Beat up - hard course, tough terrain, excellent map. Sharon a good deal ahead of me. I did manage to go to all the points but did not see/punch #2 tho I was within c.100m. So an awful “skip” - I was the only finisher to do that. My penalty was to head toward 3 not knowing where I was,. Went compass line & relocated 3/4ths of the way there. Not to mention the time saving skip. The 310 lost satellite contact numerous times.

19: L fork because I wanted short legs. Heading south from the left fork 19 had probably the best (only?) patch of hard wood forest - bright, open, not rocky for a short period of time. Some gorgeous, intimate parts of the forest, crossed beaver dam on the way to 21(& by it on the way to 5) - that indeed was a memorable cross section in the woods with the big rock features

Visited Matt & Walt Lyons and family - 3 generations. of Lyons from NY.

Came home to a brand new 9 w/o puppy from E. Calais, Vt., , Beth’s Mother’s Day present. And all that entails. First order of business was to assemble the kennel & set up some gates.
4 PM

Walk-jog 1:01:32 [1] 2.71 mi (22:42 / mi) +66m 21:07 / mi

Nottingcook loop, still sunless, dreary & wet. Sub-morons have been churning mud in places. As I was leaving a small car passed with one up-to-no-good appearing driver. At home shortly, I heard gunshots as in not-allowed target shooting.

Back too sore at times. Will try a TENS unit.

Wednesday May 1, 2019 #

4 PM

Walk-jog 1:10:24 [1] 2.46 mi (28:37 / mi) +83m 25:54 / mi

Kimball Pond, gray and quiet. Needed something "uplifting" in this day-after-day period of little sun. Went there after work & after picking up car. No one around. Spent nearly 20' crossing the flooded dam (not in the photo). Only thing that mattered was not falling into the 1.5 to 2.5' on one side or the other.

May 1st

Way sore today, mostly lower back. Stretching etc at the gym evidently wasn't done to best advantage.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019 #

Weightexercise workout 45:00 [1]

Stretch & some weights. back is quite sore.

Last day of April...

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