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Training Log Archive: JanetT

In the 7 days ending Sep 12, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+mload
  Orienteering1 7:48:25 16.43(28:30) 26.45(17:43) 95718c1405.3
  Pilates class2 1:40:00100.0
  Fitness equipment2 1:20:00240.0
  Exerc. Class1 55:0055.0
  Walking1 45:0010c90.0
  Total7 12:28:25 16.43 26.45 95728c1890.3
averages - sleep:6

» now

Monday Sep 12, 2011 #

8 AM


Weight back up. Funny how long events mess with hydration and water retention... Should be off by the end of the week; then I just need to fight the Autumn devils to avoid snacking.
9 AM

Exerc. Class 55:00 [1]

In Chatham; start of the next 6-week session. Triceps still very tender from my fall (faceplant) on Saturday so I used extra-light weights for those exercises. Other muscles sore or tight but not restricting.

Got some of the grass mowed (including some that hasn't been trimmed for a month!). More tomorrow which should be another lovely day.
Yesterday's travels home from Montreal included a stop at Jardin Nelson in the old city which has delightful crepes.

Saturday Sep 10, 2011 #


Rogaine map scale/contours: 1:25000, 10m
10 AM

Orienteering race (Rogaine) 7:48:25 [3] *** 26.45 km (17:43 / km) +957m 15:00 / km
18c slept:6.0 shoes: Trail NB 706 9D # 2

EDIT: Copied first paragraph from Glen --

Laurentian Rogaine north of Montreal with Glen; an eight hour event. We got 385 out of 700 possible points (overall winners got 665) visiting 18 of 35 controls. 24th of 72 teams, first veterans (of 2 teams), 5th masters. Perfect weather - sunny and 60's. Woods thick much of the time but plenty of well-mapped trails to use. Great map and course by Francis F.

Route We went clockwise, starting with #4. Francis passed us on the trail to this control carrying a camera so he could take photos of folks checking in. :-)

Temperature started in the upper 50's and rose to about 70. It got cool by the time awards started. Plenty of food for everyone (lots of soup, lots of delicious grapes; cookies, bread, other fruit, coffee, tea). Prizes were a table-full of donated products, mostly from Merrell. The top teams (elite overall, elite M/F, masters M/X, etc. who got more points than we did) got first dibs on the Camelbaks early on; Glen and I picked up Merrell T-shirts for being 1st veterans team. Then the rest of the products were raffled off to all the participants. Last time we attended we got (won) very nice Merrell gear bags; didn't see any of those this time.

I did an literal face plant--really! coming out of our next to last control. Good thing the ground was soft where I fell. I was feeling rather off balanced near the end as my legs didn't want to support me. Took some naproxen early on (after the first hour) as my right knee and hip were acting up something fierce (knee didn't like slight twists). Sometimes I worry about naproxen or ibuprofen upsetting my stomach if I take it before orienteering, but I guess if I'm not running I can tolerate it better.

One of our routes into a control (#6) was different from how it was set and involved climbing up between two giant boulders (10m? or so) and being faced with a large, almost vertical rock face. We were able to edge along it to where we could climb up it; then went a little ways farther to the control. Exited a different way, and started considering more seriously how Francis probably set the controls. :-)

Friday Sep 9, 2011 #

2 PM

Walking (trails) 45:00 [2] ***
10c shoes: Trail NB 706 9D # 1

Checked some control sites for Glen for our Kinns Road meet in a week--also noted whether posts will be needed because of a lack of convenient trees to hang bags. One trail with damage from the heavy rains of the past couple of weeks: it's fairly short but steep, and now has more-exposed-than-before tree roots, and a noticeable accumulation of sand at the bottom of the slope.

Thursday Sep 8, 2011 #

10 AM

Pilates class 55:00 [1]

Arrived on time. Used just free weights as added tools. Abs only slightly sore from Tuesday (after two weeks of missed classes).
11 AM

Fitness equipment (elliptical) 40:00 [3]
ahr:120 max:133 shoes: Saucony Shadow 6000 8.5 #4-Y

Hill interval program this time, level 2. Alternated between incline of 6 and 12, resistance 20. Relative distance = 1.94 mi.

Tuesday Sep 6, 2011 #

10 AM

Pilates class 45:00 [1]

Arrived at Pilates a bit late, but still during warmup, after having car battery replaced by AAA (best price). Used exercise balls.

Good to get back into this, and surprised I didn't lose any (okay, not much) fitness while not going for almost 3 weeks. Could still do the advanced moves I could handle before vacation.
11 AM

Fitness equipment (elliptical) 40:00 [3]
shoes: Saucony Shadow 6000 8.5 #4-Y

Hill program level 2, which simulates climbing up and down on a rolling course; resistance climbs from 20 to 45.

"distance" was 1.7 mi

Followed by 2x12 @70 lbs on adductor machine, and 8 @68.5 lbs pulldowns (will work my way up to 12 reps before adding more weight)

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