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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending Aug 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  orienteering4 5:56:58 14.42(24:46) 23.2(15:23)
  run6 3:38:45 10.38 16.7
  riding2 1:57:51 1226.71(6) 1974.2(4)
  cross country2 1:07:25 2.86 4.6
  strength and conditioning2 30:00
  Total15 13:10:59 1254.36 2018.7

» now

Sunday Aug 30, 2009 #

orienteering race 1:49:10 [3] 6.8 km (16:03 / km)

felt didnt feel the greatest fittness wise but navigated pretty well exept for one mistake.

Saturday Aug 29, 2009 #

orienteering race 1:00:50 [3] 4.8 km (12:40 / km)

navigated realy well. just struggled with the hills

Tuesday Aug 25, 2009 #

run 46:12 [3] 8.2 km (5:38 / km)

felt SOOOOO GOOD. MEGA happy with this run not sure what it was but it managed to go well. not sure on my exact time because i forgot to start my watch so could be a bit closer to 50 mins

Sunday Aug 23, 2009 #

orienteering 1:58:00 [3] 4.4 km (26:49 / km)

absolutely rediculus, soooooo! bad. screwed up number 6 majorly spent at least 45 mins up their. nice map though

Saturday Aug 22, 2009 #

riding 59:10 [3] 1956.0 km (2 / km)

felt pretty good felt like something sweet so stoped at coles and bought some lollies.


just for the record i have been training just not logging it (and im not ) because i have been doing an engineering assignment
and im MEGA ANNOYED because i cant go to the training weekend because it is the weekend before my yearly's

Saturday Aug 15, 2009 #

cross country (Blackbut) 30:35 [3] 4.6 km (6:39 / km)

MEGA STEEP, felt pretty good though. the emu's smelt kinda bad

Thursday Aug 13, 2009 #

run 19:47 [3]

the same as the one that i did with tamara on tuesday pretty tired.
i think i need to run in the mornings(even though i dont have time and it is too dark) because in the morning i am always like "sweet run this arvo" but then by the time i get home im tired and cant realy be bothered.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2009 #

run 25:31 [3]

felt ok just went along the beach and back pretty uneventfull

run 20:00 [3]

went with tam after my run felt better than the first one not sure why

Sunday Aug 9, 2009 #

riding 58:41 [3] 18.2 km (3:13 / km)

pretty easy had to stop for the bridge felt pretty good

Saturday Aug 8, 2009 #

cross country 36:50 [3]

realy realy realy bad didnt drink enough water before so i kept on cramping up. did the medium

Thursday Aug 6, 2009 #

run 32:08 [3]

felt realy good wore my new shorts that i got yesterday. nothing exiting happened on this run kinda boring actualy. tried to run on the beach for a bit but it was high tide so it was too soft

strength and conditioning 10:00 [3]

did some weights. arms feel lke jelly now

Tuesday Aug 4, 2009 #

run 23:58 [3]

just around mum's work after school felt all right. not sure how far it was. ran past some weird guy that gave me a realy scary death stare and their was also a dog with a neck cone (that made my day). not realy sure where i actualy went pretty much around in circles.

Monday Aug 3, 2009 #

strength and conditioning 20:00 [3]

lots of sit ups and push ups. mainly weights stuff with a bit of streching in the middle and after. did about 3 min's of plank thing

Sunday Aug 2, 2009 #

orienteering (long) 42:50 [3] 4.7 km (9:07 / km)

didn't feel that great navigated good apart from one stupid mistake

orienteering (medium) 26:08 [3] 2.5 km (10:27 / km)

felt heaps better than the first one pretty good in total .

Saturday Aug 1, 2009 #

run 51:09 [3] 8.5 km (6:01 / km)

felt pretty good just ran to the other side of the swansea bridge and back. not much interesting happened

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