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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending Mar 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  orienteering4 4:21:21 6.75 10.86
  riding3 2:44:18 39.74(4:08) 63.96(2:34)
  cricket2 2:00:00
  Park 'O'3 1:38:00 8.02(12:14) 12.9(7:36)
  run3 1:35:55 9.32(10:17) 15.0(6:24)
  walking1 1:00:00 3.23(18:34) 5.2(11:32)
  orienteering (score)1 43:00
  Total15 14:02:34 67.06 107.92

» now

Sunday Mar 29, 2009 #

orienteering race 1:20:00 [3]

dont remember the exact time but oh well it was close enough.
ran realy bad, heaps slow

Saturday Mar 28, 2009 #

orienteering race 52:00 [3] 4.7 mi (11:04 / mi)

not very good lost a few minutes on the first control because i was way too high

Wednesday Mar 25, 2009 #

Park 'O' (Night) 26:00 [3] 4.0 km (6:30 / km)

felt pretty good got a long thin bruise on both my legs from the cable fence thing

Tuesday Mar 24, 2009 #

run 29:18 [3] 4.5 km (6:31 / km)

went for a run with Tam. on noby's breakwall and around past the baths and back. pretty windy. had to stop after 20 mins because nature called

Sunday Mar 22, 2009 #

orienteering 1:36:21 [3]

their is one word that can sum up me whole course
navigated realy bad and got a blister
screwed up number 3, 6, 7, 10, 12 and some how managed to stuff up 16(the last control)

Saturday Mar 21, 2009 #

walking 1:00:00 [3] 5.2 km (11:32 / km)

went for walk with the parents to test out my new hiking boot that we bought for some of the walks that we are doing in tasmania on free days

riding 45:11 [3] 13.77 km (3:17 / km)

pretty easy ride felt like getting popcorn so i went to coles on the way home

Wednesday Mar 18, 2009 #

Park 'O' (final) 33:00 [3] 4.5 km (7:20 / km)

felt pretty good fitness wise. navigated pretty bad but i think i'm gonna just blame that on an extention maths test

Monday Mar 16, 2009 #

riding 1:12:46 [3] 24.1 km (3:01 / km)

felt good started off riding into the wind got yelled at by a fair few people in cars on the highway which was kind of annoying

Sunday Mar 15, 2009 #

run 38:26 [3] 6.5 km (5:55 / km)

ran from the cricket picnic that i was at home. felt pretty good would have felt better if i hadn't had a can of coke just before i started running. had to stop 4 the bridge for like 10 mins (in other words 5 mins) used this time for stretching.

Thursday Mar 12, 2009 #

riding 46:21 [3] 16.21 mi (2:52 / mi)

felt good did a few little loops around differnt blocs because i got bored

Wednesday Mar 11, 2009 #

Park 'O' 39:00 [3] 4.4 km (8:52 / km)

fetl like i was running a bit slow but control flow wasn't too bad awsome fun maze was a bit of a let down expected it to be bigger

Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 #

run 28:11 [3] 4.0 km (7:03 / km)

didn't feel too great. mum droped me off in swansea and i ran home

Sunday Mar 8, 2009 #

orienteering (score) ('o' shea 2 day) 43:00 [3]

felt pretty good got back just a little bit before Tam.

Saturday Mar 7, 2009 #

cricket (semi-finals) 1:00:00 [3]

pretty good game our team was chacing 185. needed 10 or so runs in the last over

orienteering (night 'o' ('o' shea 2 day) 33:00 [3] 3.3 km (10:00 / km)

felt good skrewed up the first control, turned down the wrong way
awsome fun tho. some lady asked me if i Knew wher the nora head caravan park was

Thursday Mar 5, 2009 #

cricket 1:00:00 [3]

just the normal stuff
have been training but just havn't been loging it

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