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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2009:

activity # timemileskm+m
  riding7 8:48:42 100.95(5:14) 162.46(3:15)
  run6 4:13:31 9.32 15.0
  cricket2 2:00:00
  street orienteering1 47:00
  swim1 34:32 0.62(55:35) 1.0(34:32)
  strength and conditioning1 15:00
  Total18 16:38:45 110.89 178.46

» now

Saturday Jan 31, 2009 #

cricket 1:00:00 [3]


played all right got a duck
propper coach still not back so the bad coach reversed the batting order which ment that i opened.

Friday Jan 30, 2009 #

swim 34:32 [3] 1.0 km (34:32 / km)

felt realy weird cause havn't swam in ages so i went realy bad did 100m with flippers cause i was kind of geting tired

Thursday Jan 29, 2009 #

cricket 1:00:00 [3]

long and boring
normal coach wasn't their so had a team mates dad

Wednesday Jan 28, 2009 #

street orienteering 47:00 [3]

felt like crap. hadn't ben to orienteering much recantly because of work. navigation didn't go too well.

Tuesday Jan 27, 2009 #

(rest day)

felt like going for a run while i was at work but by the time i got home i couldn't be bothered.

last day of holidays :-(
new school thats about 10x bigger

Monday Jan 26, 2009 #

riding (mostly off road) 1:43:14 [3] 24.66 mi (4:11 / mi)

went for ride with parents lots of stoping and starting so they could catch up. no one knew where we were going so their were a fair few u turns felt pretty good

Sunday Jan 25, 2009 #

run 38:24 [3]

felt all right went a bit slow. i got bored realy quickly today

Saturday Jan 24, 2009 #

run 52:50 [3]

felt pretty good ran with joshwa and Big D for the first 25 mins and than turned around

Monday Jan 19, 2009 #

run 1:07:02 [3] 9.3 km (7:12 / km)

run with tam when i got home from work felt realy good.

Sunday Jan 18, 2009 #

riding 1:17:16 [3] 21.84 km (3:32 / km)

did a fair bit of off road felt good. managed to come off twice from cliping stuff with pedals and handle bars

Saturday Jan 17, 2009 #

riding (1/3 off road 2/3 road) 1:20:39 [3] 22.47 km (3:35 / km)

felt realy good but allmost came off my bike a few times

rabit count = 11

Thursday Jan 15, 2009 #


i was supposed to go out on my friends boat today but it broke down. so went to beach all day with friends. on the way home tryed to go through the caves but tide was too high so had to climb a steep rock face (aka cliff) pretty fun. then went home and went in pool. before i had to go to work. might be going to beach again tomorow.

Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 #

strength and conditioning 15:00 [3]

40 sit ups
20 of darvos one leged squats each leg
15 normal pushups
10 perfect pushups
2 mins of hovery elbo things

Monday Jan 12, 2009 #

run 37:58 [3] 5.7 km (6:40 / km)

felt like crap and feel even worse now couldn't run and had a bit of a head ache

Saturday Jan 10, 2009 #

riding 1:32:36 [3] 28.3 km (3:16 / km)

felt good bit tired woke up realy early this morning so that i could go for this ride because i didn't wake up early yesterday

Friday Jan 9, 2009 #

riding 1:13:14 [3] 21.31 km (3:26 / km)

felt pretty good riding home was a pain in the arse because the was a realy strong head wind

Thursday Jan 8, 2009 #


Gah i HATE newcastle buses
made me 1/2 hour late for work

Wednesday Jan 7, 2009 #

run 37:17 [3]

felt realy good woke up at 6:30 and went then so it want too hot. not sure how far it was

Monday Jan 5, 2009 #

riding (Leisurely) 45:00 [2] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

road to blacksmiths beach with some friends


Swam from the Swansea bridge to pelican Jetty bushing a blowup boat that had all our shoes in it and stopped every so often on sand banks

Sunday Jan 4, 2009 #

riding 56:43 [3] 18.85 km (3:01 / km)

felt good realy strong head wind for the first half

Friday Jan 2, 2009 #

run 20:00 [3]

run with Tam. felt ok havnt ran in a fair while so it felt pretty weird

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