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Training Log Archive: Typical Orr

In the 31 days ending Dec 31, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  riding5 4:37:07 53.45(5:11) 86.02(3:13)
  orienteering3 4:00:00
  cricket2 2:00:00
  run2 1:14:37
  street orienteering1 43:00
  Total12 12:34:44 53.45 86.02

» now

Wednesday Dec 31, 2008 #

riding 1:13:32 [3] 22.24 km (3:18 / km)

pretty tough headwind coming back down the highway

Monday Dec 29, 2008 #

riding 1:18:37 [3] 20.05 km (3:55 / km)

pretty good did the first part slow with Tam off-road and 2nd part normal pace on road

Monday Dec 22, 2008 #

orienteering 1:00:00 [3]

Sunday Dec 21, 2008 #

orienteering 1:00:00 [3]

Saturday Dec 20, 2008 #

orienteering 2:00:00 [3]

Wednesday Dec 10, 2008 #

street orienteering 43:00 [3]

felt pretty good apart from my hamstring being a bit tight

Tuesday Dec 9, 2008 #

run 30:00 [3]

cant remember the exact time of distance

Saturday Dec 6, 2008 #

cricket 1:00:00 [3]

bowled ok
1st over was good (maiden)
2nd over bad (1 no ball and a 4 hit off me)
3rd over moderate (cant remember)
4th over horrible (3 no balls and two 4's)
didn't get to bat

Friday Dec 5, 2008 #

riding (off-road) 40:59 [3] 9.31 mi (4:24 / mi)

went for short ride with a few friends felt alot longer than it realy was
fairly steep

Thursday Dec 4, 2008 #

riding 36:34 [3] 12.35 km (2:58 / km)

road to cricket training pretty windy near the swansea chanel

cricket 1:00:00 [3]

just the usual training

Wednesday Dec 3, 2008 #


was going to go to orienteering but got half way their and waited ages in traffic from the car crash. so we ended u turning around and coming home.

Tuesday Dec 2, 2008 #

riding 47:25 [3] 16.4 km (2:53 / km)

just did a short ride nothing exiting happened

Monday Dec 1, 2008 #

run 44:37 [3]

did the same as last run i did plus a bit
feet felt realy good in new shoes


i will probly go for a ride tomorow if i can be bothered

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