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Training Log Archive: brycec

In the 31 days ending Jul 31, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Gym9 13:29:04
  Orienteering1 4:46:08 16.54(17:18) 26.62(10:45) 52913 /13c100%
  Stretching13 4:20:00
  Walking2 2:07:28 4.1 6.6
  Road Bike1 1:06:44 15.58(14.0/h) 25.07(22.5/h) 359
  Running2 59:23 6.22(9:33) 10.01(5:56) 57
  Swimming1 33:00 0.93(1.7/h) 1.5(2.7/h)
  Total29 27:21:47 43.37 69.8 94513 /13c100%
averages - sleep:6 weight:83.5kg

» now

Wednesday Jul 31, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Legs) 1:22:33 [4]
ahr:136 max:164 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Smashed out a great session today - again going up on a few elements across the workout - Minimal issues with the right calve but it was pulling a bit and for a change starting to get to the point when nothing feels too light.

Cute the morning oldies are starting to know me and strike conversation during my rest periods. Some of them are pretty impressive put me to shame even! That said I am pretty sure I witnessed a form of Prancaise this morning which was rather disturbing.

Hoping for a dry evening and will do a mount henry lap on the bike.

Also progress - in a belt hole happy days.
6 PM


Slack - didn't do ride in favor of staying in the warmth of my house!
9 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Clave returning to normal - glutes a tad tight after legs this morning. Hammy flexibility way up pretty happy with its progress.

Bit of roller time on glutes quads and back.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Back, Tris, Abs) 1:45:06 [4]
ahr:143 max:176 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Annoyingly an entire netball team came into the gym just as I started - which made life a logistical nightmare as they wanted everything I wanted and its a small gym.

Had to change things up and improvise a bit - still managed to go up on Tris this week even though I was using different equipment whilst doing so - should be interesting if weight holds on old equipment - dont see why not.

Back is shattered after this session - also big improve on the rower intervals this week really felt good on it so going to have to push harder next week there.

Calf almost feeling back to normal now so will attempt the 5km run this afternoon and hopefully it holds its own.
5 PM

Running 29:47 [4] 4.97 km (6:00 / km)
ahr:165 max:176 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

So started nicely and set a good cruising pace at something I felt would resemble a faster pace than last time.

Before halfway a stitch started to form 'who invited you' and pushed through - persistently it decided to stay most of the rest of the run.

still felt pretty good and on pace the uphill next to shenton college pulled on the right calve abit on its first return from jacobs. Definitely something wrong there as it gave me grief from that point on and now sitting down its letting me know about it.

Alas powered (sluggishly) onwards. still felt strong and moving well and felt like more in tank but didn't want anything to blow out (right leg wise) so held the original pace comfortably until the end.

Apparently the exact same route as last time was 70m shorter... I am going to say i must have stopped gps later last time or something so we will go with it being 5km anyway. but more upsetting was the time being 11s slower.

Now could think afternoon sessions, 2nd session of day, on minimal food and carrying some pains vs fresh in the morning and first session on training course but that's not good enough - not a happy camper I had more in tank next week I want to spank it and also that hr is piss poor for running / beats self up / work harder slacker - got at least 4mins 47 to cut off that time before I think its even semi reasonable.
10 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Same as last night - right calve is still the focus everything else reasonable.

Monday Jul 29, 2013 #

9 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Again focus on calves - mainly right one - could definitely feel the achillies pulling through out the stretch - definitely did something back at the urban max to it - hoping nothing serious.

Again missed the cardio session today - also created a revised plan today balanced a little better and combines a few things.

All other stretches where good - nothing interesting to report.

Sunday Jul 28, 2013 #

9 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

So dropped the core gym session today think will merge with Saturday session as it seems to makes sense to do that as otherwise the Sunday session seems almost pointless.

Might mean a rejig of a few things.

Dropped run to curtiousy calves ... Still...

Stretching but for calves was good increased flex on HS. Which is good - knees definitely giving me less grief already.

Saturday Jul 27, 2013 #

11 AM

Gym (Shoulders w chest/back) 1:06:08 [4]
ahr:142 max:166 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Legs still sore but not too bad.

Hard session is hard! First time doing the shoulder session. Which pretty much destroyed me from the start.

Also remember why I don't eat breakfast before training. Luckily not sick but wasn't feeling great.

Core tomorrow - maybe...
10 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Just the calves giving me some grief - everything else felt pretty reasonable!

Friday Jul 26, 2013 #

(rest day)

Mmm rest day is good - helped heal some of the soreness - should be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow - ditching stretching today too.

Thursday Jul 25, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Chest and Bis) 1:35:05 [3]
ahr:138 max:169 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Good session - legs struggle town still day 2 post jacobs - 10 was optimistic first time out.

However legs dont effect chest and Bi's went up on chest and pushed to a few failures. Can definitely go up on 1 or 2 of the bi's next week.

Cardio at end was tough but got through it. have ditched the swim today . don't like ditching sessions going to have to HTFU soon.
8 PM

Stretching 25:00 [1]

zomg my quads and calves - sore sore sore.

Right glute very tight - compensating my left leg more than my right?!

everywhere else good.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Legs) 1:25:35 [4]
ahr:136 max:162 slept:6.0 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

On the back of only about 6hrs sleep - which definitely wasn't enough I struggled my way to the gym late.

15 minutes late on start was going to make it a challenge as I slugglishly started off..

Changed up routine order as people on the equipment I wanted to start - definitely made it harder when I got back to the activity - also they had the machine locked up for near on 30 minutes so they delayed me about 5-10 minutes even after I rotated activities.

Now 25 minutes behind schedule moved as fast as possible through the rest, was struggling with tiredness, sore (from jacobs) realized would have to drop cardio (30 mins) so I could make work on time - not that happy about that but not much option. going to have to be more diligent on Wednesdays not much fat on the training time budget.

Legs feeling completely smashed now - jogging for the bus was a challenge
6 PM


Legs particularly sore - post Jacobs and legs session - opted out of cycling - fail - but can't ignore soreness
8 PM

Stretching 30:00 [1]

Really focused on legs and rollered the hell out of them too. Feeling much better already but something tells me I'm going to remain sore a while longer

Tuesday Jul 23, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Back, Tris, Abs) 1:40:05 [4]
ahr:143 max:175 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Was still a struggle getting out of bed this morning so ended up getting to the gym 30 minutes later than hoped.

Good session - went up on weights all over. Felt much more structured than week 1. Form felt better. Bit heavy on 1 arm rows - hopefully should equalize for next week though.

Still finding im using shoulders and traps too much for the rowing and not enough back. Less slouching required.

Abs at end - brutal - core strength non existent.
12 PM

Walking (Jacobs) 47:28 [5]
ahr:173 max:182 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

10 of the finest

ran number 1 and part of number 2, then settled in to something more maintainable for my level of fitness.
3 in 12 mins
6 in 27 mins
picked up the pace a bit on the last 4 running sections when I felt brave.

Legs jelly factor high - going to make the legs session in the gym tomorrow very interesting!

Time to start pushing the fluids and back to stretching for sure tonight!
10 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Stretched out legs quite well as they were feeling it after jacobs - no particularly tight spots - flexibility already having a noticeable improvement - That said probably need to work on lower back as I rarely do.

Monday Jul 22, 2013 #

6 PM

(rest day)

So a big weekend in Melbourne at PAX - didn't manage to do anything but eat, work and a tiny bit of sleep.

Was supposed to restart today but was tired int he morning slept in and pledged the ride to the evening. Got home from work and went had decided to drop swimming and then contemplated... ended up listening to body and went to bed at 6pm and slept through until 6am. Brief interlude for 20 minute dinner.

Need to either amp up over swimming or ditch it - I find it hard to self motivate for those sessions all the others are fine.

Thursday Jul 18, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Chest and Bis) 1:35:20 [4]
ahr:136 max:184 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Ok so everything is sore - yay tomorrow is rest day and this weekend I am in Melbourne so its the only weekend when I wont be doing anything.

Predictably all over the place this morning - still adjusting and also trying to find my range with the weights. Was particularly hard work hit failure a few times on different activities.

Apart from soreness feeling really good post it. Legs struggling big time from tightness and can feel it in the knee so going to have to up the stretching for the next few days and really sort out the glutes and calves..

Also I am definitely not a morning person however the gym is not packed at this time and can move freely and it doesn't have the stereotypical nubcakes that you get at 630pm. Might have to change to train gym in the mornings all the time and cardio at night. seems back to front but whatever!
6 PM

Swimming 33:00 [3] 1.5 km (2.7 kph)

Serious mental struggle before this session - didnt want to do it and was cold and sore. Took a good 20 minutes to talk myself into it.

Indoor pool was split into 2 x 25m pools and closed to public - 8 lane outdoor closed to public... 10 lane outdoor ti is then sigh hate that walk. Happily got a lane to myself - not many others wanted to deal with the cold I guess. Pool wasnt as warm as I was hoping. Punched out 30 laps in just over a minute a lap - not bad but not great.

Was freezing getting out and also then noticed the steam coming off the water.

Feeling sore all over now - yay for rest day dbl yay in melbourne so sat/sunday likely to be off too.
7 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

OMG so sore - my inner thighs are on edge of cramping glutes and calves also giving grief. Focused on them and got the roller onto them too...

tris bit sore but nothing major. stretching critical next few days!
10 PM


Forgot to mention in earlier posts was light headed today - may have gone out a lil to hard need to manage that or might end up in strife.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013 #

6 AM

Gym (Legs) 1:19:05 [4]
ahr:134 max:203 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Well started interesting as I pushed down on the spin bikes pedal the evacuation alarm went off and we went out into the cold for 15 minutes - awesome start!

Had a decent session from then onwards - went lighter than I probably should have on some areas - legs have more to give i know that!

Funny though I got critiqued by one of the instructors on the 45deg leg press - seriously... that said all feedback is good feedback I know im sloppy atm but this one was just kinda amusing.

Had to drop cardio at end of session because of time Wednesday morning always going to be a push...

speaking of which I better get a shuffle on.
6 PM

Road Bike 1:06:44 [3] 25.07 km (22.5 kph) +359m
ahr:150 max:185

Just back out on the bike - for a short one - feel a bit shorter than I hoped but all good.

Wasn't all that quick either but whatever.

I have to say bike definitely needs a service! and I need some new lights my rear light was out, jersey light barely visible and head lamp was basically useless - good times!

Dressed up for arctic weather - was actually quite pleasant out there so happily cooked underneath.

Whats with old people stopping there engines at lights is this a new fad or something - cause it honestly doesn't save that much petrol if something its probably worse for the car and will cost more!

Other than that nothing interesting really came about - bike fitness = 0.0001

Oh would be lying if I said my legs where 100% after gym this morning LOL
8 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Another decent stretching session - calves and glutes giving me some serious grief. going to have to really focus on them otherwise might have some issues soon!

Upper body predictably sore from yesterday. Should be interesting to see how I go after tomorrow!
9 PM


interestingly (kinda) for no apparent reason some old blisters resurfaced today - I haven't been 100% blister free since the 12 hr - good god why wont they just piss off or harden up! (yes yes could say the same about me very funny).

Tuesday Jul 16, 2013 #

7 AM

Running 29:36 [3] 5.04 km (5:52 / km) +57m 5:34 / km
ahr:173 max:183 weight:83.5kg shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Day one session 1 of a 8 week program – and was almost over before it started when I stepped out the door and almost stacked it on the wet porch. Good start –felt good and the rain was only drizzle – had another runner in front of me and thought about being a smart ass and burning past him but didn’t knowing I would just fade and he would cruise past. Settled into nice rhyme around course – really noticing tightness in calves and hips. Second half of course felt slower maybe just because it started to rain properly – lots of room for improvement but happy enough for first morning out and in the rain
6 PM

Gym (Back, Tris and core) 1:40:07 [4]
ahr:136 max:173 shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Back, Tris and core… Geez may have been smart to ease into this but no no – full tilt is what we know so full tilt is what we go. Wish I had the old weight recorded because I was all over the shop to light to heavy – first week or two is certainly going to be finding my range again – Technique was pretty bad for some activities too blaming fatigue.
Instant soreness – going to be interesting getting up tomorrow and going for more punishment!
9 PM

Stretching 20:00 [1]

Focused a lot on my legs given how tight they were during the run. Really need to sort out glutes and calves they are insane. Broke out the foam roller – dear god that cause give out some serious pain – all good though. Day 1 down – bring on day 2….

Saturday Jul 13, 2013 #

9 AM

Orienteering long (Kathmandu Urban Max) 4:46:08 [4] 26.62 km (10:45 / km) +529m 9:47 / km
ahr:146 max:190 spiked:13/13c shoes: Salomons XR Mission

Good day out for the race - had a lot of fun - Took 30 minutes of planning (probably too long!) - botched the first point by not reading the opening time but that s okay it was still on route so pushed on.

Emma smashed out the SUP but admitted she wished I had done it when she got back as she was terrified of falling in and her leg had the shakes the whole way on the SUP after running down mounts bay road.

after that it was pretty smooth until the bull riding - which just before getting on I did something to my ankle/Achilles (nothing like ShaneL but was a massive issue for me for the rest of the day and still in a fair bit of pain now)

After that was fairly straight forward up until we had to find the roaming point - the person was a tool and a pain but we got the day eventually and moved on.

Interesting we beat the 2nd all male racing team in but we didn't make the mixed top places (that didn't surprise me beating #2 all male did!) So interested in seeing the results whenever they get published.

As always toe nails at giving me grief (yes i know tash rip it off) BUT NO BLISTER PAIN WOO. even with me compensating massively with my right ankle issue.

Emma was knackered by the end but definitely put up a good fight she went harder than I thought she would!

Not much more to say - stupid training program starts next week - time to start getting my head in the game!

Monday Jul 8, 2013 #


So decided to miss yesterday and just kick back - feeling slothish now. Going to plan something suitably punishing to get myself going again but given im in Bunbury this week and Melbourne the following weekend might have to hold the plans to have a really good crack at it.

Also its been a while so I thought I would update the avid fans.

The nail is on the move - the front has separated and the nail is lifting (hears Tash squeal withe excitement "RIP IT OFFFF") Oh and the damaged section has now grown out from the base and there is an interesting ... "gully" at the end of my nail.

Thursday Jul 4, 2013 #

5 PM

Walking (Walk Home) 1:20:00 [2] 6.6 km (12:07 / km)

Decided it was a nice night to walk home from work so went off via KP. Ran into someone from school who I haven't seen since then. Had a good chat up mount street and along to the main KP roundabout when we went our separate ways.

Pretty sure I went past Craig running into the park off Thomas st with his map in hand and light on his head.

Rest of the walk pretty uneventful - just a nice walk home really.

Wednesday Jul 3, 2013 #

6 AM

Stretching (Legs) 10:00 [3]

Nothing special just trying to get some stiffness out

Monday Jul 1, 2013 #

6 PM

Stretching (Legs) 15:00 [1]

Been very sore since yesterday - probably still havent put in enough fluid after only drinking 1/2L or so today.

Had a few mini stretches last night - but pretty much not worth while as it was just for 1 glute or 1 quad etc.

Just had first proper stretch for a while - lots of issues post yesterdays ride - but always nice to stretch when feeling like this!

Also slept like a log last night! brilliant.

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