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Training Log Archive: Zapp

In the 7 days ending Jan 12, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running3 2:15:00 11.29(11:58) 18.16(7:26)
  Total3 2:15:00 11.29(11:58) 18.16(7:26)
  [1-5]2 1:30:00

» now

Saturday Jan 12, 2013 #

Running 45:00 [0] 4.5 mi (10:00 / mi)

From RF south on Bayly and beyond. Getting better by not taking many walk breaks and on way back did some fartlecks. I still find those really hard.

Wednesday Jan 9, 2013 #

Running 45:00 [2] 4.0 km (11:15 / km)

Ran laps around the park to work on running technique. Only have to work on bending forward at the hips. Last lap did a staggered start. Was 4th to go and third to finish. Told myself I am not going to let my girls pass me today and they didn't!

Monday Jan 7, 2013 #

Running 45:00 [4] 4.3 mi (10:28 / mi)

Started at Pine Ridge h.s. south to kingston road. Did a few fartlecks which are hard for me. Was ahead of Julia most of the time on the way back.

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