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Training Log Archive: kgeisen

In the 7 days ending Aug 8, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Biking1 9:05:49 97.0(10.7/h) 156.11(17.2/h)
  Mountain biking1 3:56:15 25.1(6.4/h) 40.4(10.3/h) 2572
  Strength2 1:00:00
  Running2 36:23 3.4(10:42) 5.47(6:39)
  Elliptical2 20:30 1.76(11:39) 2.83(7:14)
  Total6 14:58:57 127.26 204.81 2572

» now

Saturday Aug 8, 2015 #

11 AM

Biking race (24 hrs of Cumming-abriged) 9:05:49 [5] 97.0 mi (10.7 mph)
shoes: Airborne Delta CX

Start was humid but relatively cool as it had just finished raining. I anticipated a cool first lap and underprepared with fluids. 2 bottles of half evil and one of water. I felt good for the first 25 or so miles (coincidentally the distance of my longest ride(s) since DK) but as the sun came out and the day warmed up felt progressively shittier and dropped back to taking the weather personally. By mile 40 I was down to one bottle of half evil, but it seemed like every drink of it made me thirsty. I was DYING for water (and being just that melodramatic in my head). Coming across a water pump was a lifesaver. Two full bottles of water gave me a new lease on life and high spirits, which continued until I ate one of those Clif banana/beet/whatever else gels. Heavy banana taste and I was nauseous from there until the end of the lap. 5:20 ride time.

Really wanted to quit after one lap but after a very leisurely (40 min) transition I dragged myself back out, just finish this one and then you can quit. All the things that felt terrible and made me want to die magically started disappearing around mile 12 or so of lap 2 as the sun began to drop, but shortly after I got my first flat tire. Changed that, moved on. Walked most uphills but felt good otherwise. Got very freaked out when a car passed me and then pulled aside on the road and just sat there as I rode by. Obviously I wasn't cut into tiny pieces, so this was yet another dose of the melodramatic.

Got my second flat somewhere past 9 at mile 95 or so. Doing the math, there was no way with my slow tire changing and with 30ish miles left I was going to make it back by 11, which was my self-imposed cutoff, so I called my brother to come pick me up and every bug in the area and I had a nice little 2 mile hike while he drove there.

Pretty disgusted with myself overall. I used to pride myself on mental toughness and that's seemed more and more absent. Add that to the almost nonexistent training and the DNF is no real surprise.

My suckiness aside, it's a great race. Cue cards were spot on, gravel was fantastic, course was challenging, vibe is awesome. I'll definitely go back.

Personal high points:

Pretty much every downhill. So much fun.
I navigated my entire 95 miles using the cue sheets. Pretty sure that's the first time.

Thursday Aug 6, 2015 #

Running (Gastrointestinal interval) 17:56 [2] 1.7 mi (10:33 / mi)
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline

Killing time waiting for Jacob's XC practice to end.

What's a GI interval? Run...sense impending bathroom emergency...walk...ok, better now...repeat. Good times.
7 AM

Elliptical warm up/down 10:00 [3] 0.76 mi (13:10 / mi)
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline

Lackluster "at least I'm here and not back asleep in bed like I want to be".

Strength (NROLFW1B3) 30:00 [3]

DL 50/6, 70/12 x 2
Dumbbell shoulder press 15s/12, 20s/12
overhead lat pulldown 80/12, 85/12
Lunges 15s/12, 15lb medicine ball/12
balance ball crunches w/15 lb medicine ball 15x2

Took it easy on legs since I'm racing Sat.

Tuesday Aug 4, 2015 #

7 AM

Elliptical warm up/down 10:30 [3] 1.0 mi (10:30 / mi)
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline

Strength (NROLFW1A3) 30:00 [3]

Squat 45/6, 75/12, 80/12
Pushups 12x2
Seated row 75/12, 77/12
Stepups 4 steps + riser 20s/12x2
Prone jackknife 15x2
9 AM

Running (Pavement) 18:27 [3] 1.7 mi (10:51 / mi)
shoes: Brooks Adrenaline

Slight detour on normal route due to dog traffic. Berkeley was dragging more than usual after his normal half mile sprint.

Sunday Aug 2, 2015 #

10 AM

Mountain biking (North Trace) 3:56:15 [3] 25.1 mi (6.4 mph) +2572ft
shoes: Trek MTB

First trip to North Trace. So fun! Worlds better than South Trace. Super fun descending, totally worth the climbing, and the climbing itself wasn't bad. Riding w/ DB vs. MB meant easier pace and more stopping. I felt worlds better. Similar temps to last weekend, so it may be the easier pace, may be the waaaay better trail, may be the fact that my front brake was fixed (and not dragging like maybe it was last week). Probably all of the above.

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