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Training Log Archive: Carbons Offset

In the 1 days ending Jun 28, 2013:

» now

Friday Jun 28, 2013 #


Did the check in with the full medical including my wristband that states my weight, blood pressure etc. Also let them do a 12 lead ECG on me for a big study from the UK. The lead cardiologist figures that the pericarditis I was diagnosed with after RTNX 2011 was always there and is an adaptation that results from endurance training. They know this and account for it in places like Italy, but not in North America.
Also confirmed I have a PAC, which I knew.
More on all of this pre-race action later if I have time, or after the race. In summary, the check in was a big deal and they gave me a cool WS duffle bag which I held open as they threw various good swag in it. This race is definitely a big thing.

Got to chat with Hal Koerner, Rob Krar, Tim Twietmeyer, Andy Jones-Wilkins and more, and got to spot all the other top 10 men and women.
Tim calculates that the hot years make the winners 3.5 hours slower and 10th place 5 hours slower. Yikes, what does that do to me and do I have enough time?


Definitely dropping any hope of a 24 hour possibility, because of the heat. Just try to survive and try to finish under 30 hours, and this feels like it has some pressure.

Plan is to go easy up to mile 60, especially from about 30 to 60 (hot!!). Then at 60 I'll see how I feel but I'll probably not be looking to speed up, just keeping pushing for a finish under 30 hours.

This morning at 9 am it felt hot, up at the ski hill. Ugh.


'twas the night before Western, and all through the condo
Not a creature was stirring, not even a little fondle.
The toes were all wrapped with Leuko and great care,
In hopes that a buckle soon would be there :)

Merry Western to all, and to all:

Good night.

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