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Training Log: tinytoes

In the last 7 days:

activity # timemileskm+m
  gym class8 6:47:00
  Event1 1:33:45
  Park Run1 1:01:45 3.11(19:53) 5.0(12:21)
  stretching2 6:00
  walking1 5:00
  Total10 9:33:30 3.11 5.0

Wednesday Jun 26 #

8 AM

gym class (Active +) 48:00 [3]
shoes: NB 496

Quite a good Tina class - leaning heavily on meshing Step moves with pump tracks... yes sounds weird but she pulled it off.

walking 5:00 [3]
shoes: NB 496

Filling in time waiting for tina to arrive.

Tuesday Jun 25 #

9 AM

gym class (Body Pump) 1:03:00 [4]
shoes: NB 496

stretching 3:00 [1]

5 PM

gym class (Booty and Core) 48:00 [3]
shoes: NB 496

warm up
40 sec on 20 off - 4 rounds 6 exercises - glutes
40 on 10 off 2 rounds 3 exercises - core

Monday Jun 24 #

8 AM

stretching 3:00 [1]

gym class (HIIT) 50:00 [4]
shoes: NB 496

Warm up
90 sec, 60 sec, 40 sec - 3 exercises within each section, 8 reps, 6 reps then 4 reps.
5 rounds
3 mins 4 exercises 10 reps each
3 rounds
4 PM

gym class (Step) 45:00 [4]
shoes: NB 496

Bec did the class today she should have done last week. BUT it was still great.

Sunday Jun 23 #

11 AM

Event (NOY5 Abermain North) 1:33:45 [3]

I realised I haven't actually been back into the bush since Easter and this map has some Bermuda Triangle areas in it (for me). When I say I realsied this is my Bermuda Triangle map, I only realised it wnhen I saw the usual memorial near a track near the boundary... urgh again. I've at least now worked out how I get to this spot - everytime - by missing the ever so subtle track I'm supposed to use about 100m before. I didn't start off well, not understanding which was the way out of the Stat Triangle, but if nothing else I did very well today on relocation.
#1 - too far south and then made everything fit.
#2 missed the subtle (for that read non-existent) minor track
#3 - good
#4 -40m south but OK
#5 - tried to use vegetation, but that was stupid given all the rain we've had this year
#6 - Did well working towards control, using break in dark green, but then stayed inside the white whereas I was supposed to go fully into green
But good decision making and relocation
#7 - spiked
#8 - initially thought I was too far south, but was actually not far enough west - w/c multiple in some places.
#9 - too far North
#10 good
#11 - spiked - well it was on the track!
Overcast, then sunny, then overcast, then rain, then overcast, then sunny.

Saturday Jun 22 #

8 AM

Park Run (#334 lakeview) 1:01:45 [2] 5.0 km (12:21 / km)
shoes: Black Asics

Tail walker volunteering. No rain, a little bit breezy along lakefront but beautiful in the forest itself.

Friday Jun 21 #

8 AM

gym class (Active +) 45:00 [3]
shoes: NB 496

This was both and interesting and not interesting class. Zoe is new to me and the gym. She presents a well structured clearly outlined class and isn't overwhelming. BUT it is quite infantile in the approach as in I'd use her approach for Primary students. It wasn't a good start by saying run around the room - PTSD coming up for me (13 years in athletics). Her bright note was doing Rock, Paper Scissors and whoever "lost" had to do a shuttle run. Lots of laughs etc. TBH that could/should have been the warm up and much more interesting.
However should I need to go early to the gym I wouldn't shirk her class.
4 PM

gym class (Step) 45:00 [4]
shoes: Black Asics

Amazed to say - hardest workout of the week - as enjoyable as Cath's HIIT class but so much more mind/concentration required. Pity I'll miss next week but great to have Step back. Tina was at her best.

Thursday Jun 20 #

9 AM

gym class (Body Pump) 1:03:00 [4]
shoes: NB 496

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