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In the 30 days ending Nov 30, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Cycling7 7:40:22
  Strength9 4:07:39
  Running6 2:59:13 11.56 18.6
  Orienteering1 30:00
  Total14 15:17:14 11.56 18.6

» now

Tuesday Nov 30, 2010 #

Orienteering race (Omax) 30:00 [5]

Omg that was soooo embarrassing. it was like watching a whale in a net on the beach because a) didnt know where i was most of the time and b) i was so so exhausted/unfit. was not prepared for a mountain run thats for sure. After 3 hours of writing 18 pages, a part of me thought i left my brain in the exam room thats for sure. oh well, intensity shall accelerate now in training its all up hill from here now, (just like todays omax). Not entirely sure on the time. but it was least 10 mins behind the speed demons (Lizzie, Laura, Piret)

Strength (Pilates) 30:00 [3]

pulled out a bit of the pilates dvd, how nice of the real estate man to turn up when i was half way through it. probably half way through a seal clap position (that sounds so dodgy), how dandy.

Sunday Nov 28, 2010 #

Cycling intervals (Wallacevill Hill) 1:00:00 [3]

went and did hill reps at wallaceville. bloody hot man. nearly fell off my bike from heatstroke, was a good session. bum bum is sore as atm tho.

Saturday Nov 27, 2010 #

Running hills (Hill Reps) 35:00 [4]

Motivation was an all time low, mum brought home Lance armstrong books, sat down to read one, instantly motivated and went and did hill reps. 6* 1minute. 2min recovery/stop myself from passing out. found an ultimate spot in the forest, shade on nice ground so not hard on my shins. Goood session.

Strength 27:39 [3]

Friday Nov 26, 2010 #

Cycling intervals (Windtrainer) 50:00 [4]

was actually gonna do nothing today after long run so shins wouldnt have a melt down, but seemed ok so did standing intervals instead.

Thursday Nov 25, 2010 #

Running long (Riverbank) 58:57 [3] 11.2 km (5:16 / km)

Long run with mikie, longest run ive ever done in at least 3 months, far it was hard.. we questioned ourselves many times why we ever took up running.. but survived, theyve cut down the forest at trentham, not impressed at all. Helped a woman find her lost dog tho :)

Strength (Core etc) 25:00 [3]

Tuesday Nov 23, 2010 #

Cycling (GM) 1:00:22 [4]
shoes: Specialized

Went hard and did loops around GM straight area. I swear the wind turned every time i headed in or out.. rude. average 30 i think. meh.

Running tempo (Watertanks) 19:44 [4] 4.1 km (4:49 / km)

went out after bike to chase down mum, ran backwards up chatsworth, was a mish had to stop as legs seized up but ended out sprinting the whole way as she went a different way and i never found her :( did 2ks of it in 8.30 mins. was tricky but gooood. 1km of it was straight up a hill.

Monday Nov 22, 2010 #

Cycling intervals (Wintrainer) 50:00 [3]
shoes: Specialized

was pushing it for time so couldnt go out for 50km.. as i had a german exam and was cramming last minute vocab... exam was hard but finished reading lance's book and for writing a topic was write about someone you admire.. BAM wrote pages on him. Fully want to ditch all sports and take up cycling.its great.

Strength 15:00 [3]

Saturday Nov 20, 2010 #

Cycling intervals (Windtrainer) 50:00 [4]
shoes: Specialized

Motivation was an all time low today so didnt manage to go for a run, exhausted from two exams yesterday and studying today. Did intense intervals standing on windy. Shins feeling insanely better :)

Strength (Core etc) 25:00 [3]

Tuesday Nov 9, 2010 #

Running 15:14 [3] 3.3 km (4:37 / km)

just went out for a quick run. in the middle of the day. completely sweltering, i got so so exhausted , only just survived.

Strength 20:00 [3]

Sunday Nov 7, 2010 #

Cycling hills (Akatarawas) 2:00:00 [4]

up akatarawas again, went faster this week as only going for 2 hours

Running (easy flat) 28:54 [3]

easy run after cycling, felt real good ;)

Friday Nov 5, 2010 #

Strength 35:00 [3]

Thursday Nov 4, 2010 #

Strength 35:00 [3]

Wednesday Nov 3, 2010 #

Running 21:24 [3]

i ran today. slightly an unusual feeling fo some reason i wasnt puffed at all and mikie seemed to think we were going fast, yay not too unfit then. just a fatty.

Tuesday Nov 2, 2010 #

Cycling hills 1:10:00 [3]
(injured) shoes: Specialized

So, the weathers been just glorious in wellington slightly odd. if this keeps up i may actually miss the place next year as im drowing from rain in auckland/ dying of frost bite in otago. Good ride up wally and through whitemans valley

Strength 35:00 [3]

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